Chapter 14 - Part 1
My next stop after visiting with Reece was the restaurant to quit my job. When I told David that I was quitting and why, he was very understanding about everything. When Jax caught me on the way out, I wasn't comfortable telling him about my diagnosis, so I told him I had quit to go to college full time. It was a white lie, but at least I wouldn't have to endure anymore sympathy or awkward moments where people didn't know what to say. He gave me a quick embrace and wished me the best.
I was at home with Adonis when Aiden came by. I'd called him earlier to invite him over after he completed his classes for the day. My meet up with Reece had been emotional, and I wasn't looking forward to breaking the news to Aiden.
Aiden smiled at me when I opened the door, and he hugged me. I felt the touch of a hand on my back and pulled away to notice Adonis standing just behind me. His attention was on Aiden, who looked a little surprised to see him.
Adonis nodded to him and wrapped a possessive arm around my waist. It was like he was staking his claim on me. I couldn't believe he needed to do that when he knew how I felt about him. Besides, he knew there was nothing going on between Aiden and I. He was just a good friend, nothing more.
I pulled away from Adonis. "I need to talk to him alone."
He didn't look happy with my request, but after a few moments he gave Aiden a look before he kissed me on the lips.
"I'll be in the kitchen." He left me alone with my friend, who was looking a little confused.
"I'm surprised he didn't pee on you," Aiden remarked dryly as I led the way into the living room. I stifled a giggle because Adonis was trying to send a message to him: I was his.
"How did you guys finally get together?" he asked when I sat down on the sofa and sat down beside him.
First, I would have to tell him about my tumor before I could tell him how that had finally pushed Adonis to reveal how he really felt about me.
"Remember, I went to see your doctor," I tried not to fidget. I hated having to tell anyone about my illness, but he deserved to know. He frowned as he nodded his head, I could already see the gears in his mind turning.
"He referred me to a specialist." I twisted my hands in my lap.
"I thought it was just a checkup." He frowned. "Why did he refer you to a specialist?"
I let out a deep breath. It was time for the truth.
"I lied," I said, feeling bad for deceiving him. "The migraines were getting worse, and I'd experienced other symptoms I needed to get checked out."
"Why didn't you just go to your own doctor?" he asked. I still wasn't making sense.
"I didn't want to worry anyone until I knew if there was anything to worry about."
"Did you see the specialist?" His expression changed from confusion to concern.
"Yes," I said. "He ran some tests, and he found what has been causing my headaches and the other side effects."
I paused for a moment.
"He found a brain tumor," I said. His eyes wide with his mouth open slightly like I'd punched in him in the gut.
"A brain tumor," he repeated, not sure if he'd heard me correctly. I nodded.
He stood up and paced up and down. He raked his fingers through his hair. I watched him process my news.
Then he stopped to face me. "How serious is it?"
"Pretty serious," I said. He sank down beside me. He looked like I'd pulled the rug from underneath his feet.
"Can they take it out?" He reached for my one of my hands and taking it in his.
"Yes, but it has risks." My head was throbbing, which I knew it was going to develop into a migraine.
He asked me more questions, and I answered them as best I could with what little information I'd received from the doctor. After telling him my odds for surviving, he pulled me into a hug and held me close. I was feeling emotional, but I didn't cry, maybe because I'd cried so much already that I had no more tears left.
"It's scary, but it'll all be okay," he said as he released me.
I just nodded. He was saying it not because he believed it. He was saying it so he could convince himself that I was going to survive it.
"So how did you and Gray happen?"
"He found out about my tumor and he told me how he felt about me. Nothing like knocking on death's door to speed things up," I shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't shake the doubt in the back of my mind that if I hadn't been sick, I wouldn't be with him now.
"I'm glad it's allow worked out for you," he said, seeming to be genuinely happy that things had worked out with Adonis.
"Me too," I said. I didn't know how I would have coped without him.
"So how are you handling everything?"
I shrugged. How did I admit I wasn't handling it well at all? "Okay, I guess."
"I wished you'd been able to be honest with me," he said, and I felt a little guilty for not being honest with him.
"I'm sorry." There was no going back.
"When will you be seeing the specialist again?" he asked.
"Tomorrow," I said.
A sound in the doorway pulled my gaze to see Adonis. It surprised me he'd left me alone with Aiden for as long as he had. A smile touched my lips as I stood up and walked over to him. Just the sight of me was enough to warm me inside.
"I couldn't stand it anymore," he whispered, but I didn't mind. Even though there was no reason for him to feel jealous, I liked he felt jealous over me spending time with Aiden.
My fingers touched my forehead gently.
His concerned gaze took in the small action. "You're getting a headache." He brushed my cheek with his thumb. I nodded.
"I need to get going anyway," Aiden said, and I turned to face him.
"Thank you for coming over," I said.
"You're welcome." He ignoring my boyfriend who stood behind me. He hugged me and pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek.
"Just keep me updated and if you need anything, let me know." And then he left.
I closed the door and leaned against it, feeling tired. Adonis came up to me and led me to the kitchen. "Where is your migraine medication?"
I pointed to the cupboard. He got out the bottle.
"How many do you need to take?"
"Two," I answered.
He gave me the tablets with half a glass of water and I swallowed them down.
"Come on," he said as he took me by the hand and led me up to my room. I lay down on my bed while he closed the curtains, darkening my room.
"Do you want me to go?" he asked as he stopped beside my bed.
I shook my head. He kicked his shoes off and lay beside me on the bed.
"I'm might not be the best company," I said. The medication would help me sleep through my migraine.
"I don't mind. As long as I get to be with you, I don't care."
His words made my heart inflate. We lay facing each other, and I leaned forward to kiss him. He kissed me back gently. I smiled at him as took my hands in his.
"You're going to stop getting jealous over my friendship with Aiden. He's an important person in my life and I don't want things to be uncomfortable when he is around."
"I'm sorry. It's just I can't help it." I had led him to believe that Aiden had meant more than he did. In part, I was responsible for this.
"You don't have to be jealous. I only want you, no one else." I declared to him, meaning every single word.
"You're all I ever wanted," he whispered. My heart swelled at his words and I felt so content in that moment.
For so long I had yearned for him, and here he was with mine. He was mine now.
Any doubts and reservations I harbored, I pushed away, not wanting to spoil the moment. I didn't want to think about the fact that it had taken me to be in a life and death situation for him to come clean about his feelings.
Ignoring the little voice in my mind, I held his hands as I drifted off to sleep.
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