Arc 1: Middle School Woes Chapter 2: Worried
Hello, Kittens!
Y'all thought this fic was fuckin dead, but here I am reviving it!
I'm terrible at consistency, I apologize for that, but this fic will be getting continuous updates along with 'Fuck You Guys!'
Another note; I might reinstate the original ship that this fic had, but I'm not 100% set on it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter, leave comments and feedback!
Slowly, said boy looked over to his father, the man in question staring Izuku down with disbelieving eyes, "Yes..?" The greenette said slowly, the full consequences of what he just did not fully registering.
"You just pressed a random button, to accept an invitation to a mysterious school that the public has no knowledge about, With out any hesitation, I might add. Hisashi explained, exasperated, "Do you not see anything wrong with that? At all? Even a little?"
"Uhh..." Izuku replied intelligently, "Not really?" He continued a small, guilty smile on his lips.
Hisashi groaned in disbelief, running a hand down his face, "Why are you like this? Why did you have to end up just as reckless as me?"
"Because I'm almost a carbon copy of you." Izuku answered.
"Mhm," Hisashi hummed, "The only thing different is the hair and eye colors."
Letting out another sigh, Hisashi continued, "Izuku, what if this is some extremely elaborate kidnapping plot? What if you get kidnapped and murdered, or worse?"
"Don't say that that's not possible because we both know it is, Izuku. Do you remember what happened to Endeavor's oldest kid? He got kidnapped and no one has ever been able to find him or his body." He ranted, "I don't.. I don't want that to happen to you..."
"Dad.. That's not going to happen to me." Izuku attempted to comfort his father, "I mean, yeah, you're a well known support designer and you were a hero, but not many people know about me, at all. The only one who knows is Auntie Hatsume, and she's only met me a handful of times. "
"I know.. I know, I'm probably just being paranoid about this, but Izuku you have to understand where I'm coming from here," Hisashi pleaded, "I failed you as a parent once already, I don't want to make that same mistake again. I don't.."
Izuku suddenly leaned over and hugged his Dad, "Dad.. you didn't fail me. You didn't know what was happening with me and Inko back in New York. You were here and she never let me talk to you, because she wanted me to hate you.. None of that was your fault."
"And I know that if anything does happen that you'll tear everything apart just to save me."
Hisashi sighed in defeat, "Yeah.. yeah, I would." He admitted, "I don't want to lose you too.."
"I know.."
The rest of the night in the Akatani house was somber, the two of them trying and partially failing to avoid memories they didn't want to relive.
They would both have to confront their issues at some point, but for now, avoiding them is what they deem best, even if it is unhealthy.
The next morning, another package showed up on the Akatani's doorstep. Hisashi was the one to find the metal suitcase, it looked extremely similar to the cases engineers use when delivering support items or hero costumes.
The only difference being the small emblem engraved into the left corner of the case, the emblem being a circle with the letters U & A interlocking.
After staring at it for a moment Hisashi picked it up and brought it inside. This was obviously from the school that had contacted Izuku the day prior, the fact that they had gotten.. whatever was in this box to their house so quickly was startling.
Hisashi set the case down on the living room table before going to wake up his son.
Hisashi knocked on Izuku's door, the muffled shuffling of bedsheets and then feet on flooring could be heard before the tired greenette himself opened the door.
"Daaaad.. its early, whyyy.." Izuku whined, leaning tiredly against the door, messy curls sticking up at odd angles.
"Izuku, its noon." Hisashi pointed out, "You've sleep for over twelve hours."
Yawning, Izuku replied, "And if I had the option I would sleep for two weeks.." he muttered, closing his eyes, still again the door frame, "..Why'd you wake me up, though?"
"You got something from that school you decided to attend." Hisashi answered.
"What-" Izuku said startling awake, falling forward and landing on the floor with a thump, "Ow!"
"You alright?" Hisashi asked, holding back an amused chuckle.
"Yeah, just being dramatic," Izuku answered, pushing himself off the ground and dashing down the hallway, "Hury up! Don't you wanna see what's in there?"
"What happened to you being tired?" Hisashi asked, calmly going after his kid.
"Being tired is irrelevant when it comes to this!" He answered excitedly, hands hovering over the clasps holding the case close.
Hisashi stood next to Izuku, tensed and ready to pull himself in front of Izuku in case anything went wrong.
"Dad." Izuku said, consern lacing his words, "You're being way to paranoid about this. Nothing's going to happen."
Sighing in defeat, Hisashi forced himself to relax, "Alright.. Well, what are you waiting for? Open it!"
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