Hime's POV.
My head was spinning. I woke up to the sound of train tracks banging against a train. What? I thought at was at home?
My eyes fluttered open. I looked at my surroudings. Where am I? I rise slowly out of the train seat but, this was no familiar train in America I was used to, no this was the train of Japan. I guess I was the only one on here. I walked up the train to tell the cunductor that i'm wasn't suppose to be on here.Not just on here, not even in this country but I doubt I could tell him that.
But just as I am about to open the door to enter the next cart. I spot someone in there. Not one someone, but two someones, make that three. They're all wearing black long coats. One of them pulled out a knife and stabbed the other person and for some reason or act of God his hair fell out of his trench coat. That blonde hair I despised with all my life and at the same timed feared. I now could now clearly see a left hand smoking a ciggerete. Other hand still in the man, unknown to them I was watching.
The man fell to the floor, blood pouring from the spot which he was stabbed in from his body. I suddenly realized who the two that stabbed the man were, Gin and Vodka, THE Gin and Vodka. I started trembiling fiercely, Oh Lord up above, please let this be a dream. I pinced myself just to make sure, nope not a dream.
Vodka looked up smiling, but his smile faded when he saw a short pink haired 17-year old peeking from the train window into their cart. Yup you guessed it, me. He alerted Gin to look in my direction. I knew it i've been screwed since I was born. They stood up and started walking fast in my direction. OH SHIZZLE PUFFS, I now was shaking more than ever now. Run, Run as fast as you can. I heard my brain say, but my body wasn't listening. Welp it was fun God.
Gin and Vodka open the door me still standing there. They both put on a smile that would cause a hurricane to turn away. "Peekaboo." And with that I zoomed off in the other direction. Running as fast as my legs could carry, throwing doors open and out of my way. But of course, I had to trip on air. I fell on my face and as I was getting up I felt myself get knocked in the back of the head with something hard. That was going to leave a mark. And with that I fell back down. They forced my mouth open and put something in it. Then they poured water in my mouth.
With that my life Ended.JK
(Timeskip to when Hime wakes up)
Ohhh that hit left a mark I unconcously rub my head in pain as my eyes open. By now there are alot of people on the train. Oh wait...Gin, Vodka....YESS!! I'M ON DETECTIVE CONAN!! WHICH MEEAAANNNSSS..CONANNNN!!! I better get off at Beika Station. Then uhh I have one problem. I can only speak anime jappenese, which isn't really much at all. I got up out of my seat. Wow the ground feels like a long distance away. And that's when I finally got it, i'm a kid now. Sigh, my life hurts right now or is it just my head. Gin and Vodka were no where in cite thank Mavis.
I walked up to an old man,about 50 or 60, and tried talking English to him, "Um, excuse me Oji-san, do you know when the train stops at Beika?" But what came out of my mouth wasn't English, it was proper jappenese. Not bad anime english-jappenese, actual jappenese.
"My little lady, aren't you a little young to be on this train by yourself?" He said fully turning in my direction as he crouched to my height. And I was indeed very short for him to be crouched that low. Man, I was already short as a 17-year old. And my already small brests shrunk.Gee, thanks.
"Oh, my mommy is waiting for me at Mouri Kogoro's Detective agency." I said putting on my best cheery-little kid voice possible. "Then you must be very brave going on the train by yourself." He said, "Beika is the next stop, so that won't worry your mom for to long. And watch out for strangers." He smiled warmly at me. A warm smile spread across my tiny face in return. "Thanks Oji-chan!" And just as I had said that the train announcer had said, his loud voice over booming over the intercom,"Beika City Station, Beika City Station!"The doors opened as I waved to the old man. I stepped out, but soon realized that I didn't know where to go. Me and my stupidity always gotta ruin a good anime moment.
I started walking around from pure memory of the show and it indeed looked like I was in Detective Conan. Everything I recognized from the anime was there. *Sigh*. My life is the best, first Japan, then anime world.
When I zoned back in to the real world I saw an old lady in on the curb beside me struggling to cary about three sakura trees in long vases. So me being the loves-old people-tree-hugger person I am I went by her side. "Excuse me Oba-chan do you need any help with that?" She turned in my direction and looked down to me. "Thank you young lady, my my what a nice kid." She said smiling. I grabbed one of her trees and helped her cross the street to what I guess is her flower shop. I looked at myself in the window as I passed.
Awww was that me I know I can't be that cute. I put the vase where the old lady had told me to put it. I gave her one last wave before I turned back. But then I remembered and turned back the the Oba-san. "Oba-chan one last thing, do you know where the Mouri Kogoro Detective Agency is?" She nodded and said, "Oh but dearie, you are already here." She pointed behind me. I turned to see a familiar cafe, and a detective agency above it. With that I thanked her and she returned into her store.
When I finally turned to the agency my heart stopped beating for about 5 seconds. 5 angels in school uniforms were walking my direction, 5 detectives that were as cute as a button. 1 that was secretly a former scientist and another that was a famous high school detective. All in which were children like me.
My breath caught in my throat, as they walked toward me. They stopped in front of me. I was still staring at them wide-eyed. I dropped my gaze and tried to act cool. Key word tried. I was basically almost in tears as to what I was seeing so I made up a lie to cover it up. "Are you going to agency to see Kogoro Oji-san?" I turned towards the speaker which made me tear up even more because the speaker was Conan. At that moment I started bawling like a baby and I really don't know what triggered it. Was it the seperation from my family or my parents frezzing up or was it the chase between Gin and Vodka or was it the giant bump on my head was finally starting to hurt or was it just the thrill of meeting my favorite anime character. What ever it was it was hurting my heart.
Conan then paniced and Ayumi and Ai came up to me as I fell to the ground crying. Ai handed me a napkin and Ayumi helped me up off the ground. "Are you okay?" Ayumi asked. I nodded. As I sniffled I tryed to answer Conan's question, "I'm sorry *sniff* about that it's just that m-my parents, I got seperated from them." Well it was true after all.
"Hey, I'm uh sorry if I said anything to make you cry." Conan/Shinchi said. Oh no, he thought it was his fault. I waved my hands frantically in front of him, "Oh no, you didn't do anything Conan-sama. It was my fault." We all paused for a moment. Oops I let it out, now he may know that I have an ultra crush on him and he'll think i'm weird for knowing his name. "Where'd you catch his name at." Ai-chan said as cooly and calmly as always. "Oh I know his name because he is like famous from being Kogoro-san's good luck charm'. And whenever he is at a case with him he always finds the culprit behind the murders." Conan sweat dropped and he mumbled something I caught as "It was me who was solving those cases". I smirked nobody else seemed to notice or hear what he had said but me, after all I did have dragon slayer hearing.(Cough* coughFairyTailcoughcough*). Genta suddenly spoke up. "Yeah! But we sometimes solve cases too!" he said. Mitsuhiko nodded. "We're called the Detective Boys." he said, smile on his face. I smiled with him because I was one of the thousands of witnesses that saw how the Dectecive Boys was made.(Through the anime and manga of course.) "Yup, you guys are famous too." I said smiling finally. Ayumi looked at her watch. "Well we need to go home bye Conan-kun and..." She said. "Oh my name is Hime. Daisuke Hime." I said to her. "And i'm Yoshida Ayumi. This is Kojima Genta-kun,Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko-kun,Haibara Ai-chan, and you know Edogawa Conan-kun" She said pointing to them as she went on, "It was nice to meet you, Bye Daisuke-san!" I yelled after her "You can call me Hime!". She stopped for a sec and nodded. "Bye-bye Hime-chan!" She yelled as all Detective boys turned the corner.
Left with only me and Conan I think I should start apologizing. "I'm sorry Conan-sama, I'm soo sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sor-" I tried but Conan held his hands up. "It's okay Daisuke-san." I nodded. "Wait, you can call me Hime as well." I smiled. He smiled back and finished "And what's with the sama?" He asked and I guess I should just tell him the truth. "Well it's just I um-*mumbles something*." "What was that Hime?" I looked up at him from my gaze staring at the floor, and starting blushing. "I'll tell you when we go inside..." I say embarrassed.
Conan grabbed my hand and and pulled me up the stairs from the front of Pariot and opened the door to the agency. My heart hammered so hard in my chest that I swear if anything happens like this again i'll get a heart attack. The couch, coffee table, beer infested desk, and chair all the exact same as in the anime. I bet I squealed so much Conan's ears started hurting because apperantlly he was covering his ears. Hehe my mistake. Hime! What are you doing? Gotta play it cool. I make a note to appoligize to Conan for that.
"Well Daisuke-sanI guess we will have to wait here until Uncle comes back." Conan said. "Sure Conan-sama or should I say Shinichi-sama." I said cutting to the chase. Shin-chan looked over at me with wide eyes. Jeez does he have no manners it's rude to stare at someone! Hehee welp I guess this is what I should expect. "W-What are you talking about. Shinichi-nii isn't here right now." he said studying me with a panicked look on his face. "Welppp I guess we should stop this little act huh Shin-chan? Dang this makes me sound like a villian.....Gosh." I said talking in my normal voice or a deeper voice than the one I was using before. Shin-sama glared at me. "Who are you and what is your motive." He said cutting his kid voice. "Oh no i'm sorry Shin-sama I'm no enemy I didn't mean to scare you just....well...wanted to scare you? But seriously i'm no enemy and the same as you. As in being shrunk by the Black Org. But some of my story was true.......I was seperated from my parents but that's not important now. All that's important now is that I need to stay here just in case." I said calmly.
Conan-sama looked at me and-
So how was that? Oh yeah listen to the vid while reading k?! And I apologise for my illiterate self and well I gotta go write in meh other book sooooooo.........
Peace Pancakes!☕
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