Chapter 13: Hero Names
(Y/n) POV
I reach the school a good 5 minutes early and sit at my seat. People start to fill up the classroom as time goes by. After about a minute, I see Shoto walk in.
'Oh no, this is going to be a little awkward...' I think. I sort of left as soon as the sports festival was over yesterday, I didn't want to talk to Shoto, so I kind of ran away from him once I realized that he wanted to talk to me. I decide to stand from my seat and talk to Ochako so I don't need to talk to him.
Todoroki POV
I walk into the classroom and immediately (Y/n) gets up to talk to Uraraka/
'Geh,' I think. 'She's obviously avoiding me...'
I sit down in my own seat while I think of what I can do to talk to her until we all hear the door open as Aizawa-sensei enters the room.
"Good morning class," he says. "Today you guy will be making hero names for yourselves. I'm not good at this sort of thing so I got Midnight to help you instead. Oh and please stay as quiet as possible, I'm going to sleep."
I think all of us collectively sweatdropped.
I don't really see a need to make a hero name, at the end of the day, you're you. I decide to write my name on the board, My hero name's my real name.
"Okay, once you finish your hero name, we'll start presenting it!" Midnight says happily.
'What? We're presenting these?' I think. 'Then do I need to think of a real hero name? Oh well, I'm more than happy with just my name.'
The first one to go is Aoyama.
"My hero name is: I can not stop twinkling!" he presents.
'That's a sentence, there's no way she's going to pass that,' I think, but I was quite wrong.
"Hmm, it's good but it's slightly long. I suggest you make it: Can't Stop Twinkling! Instead," Midnight comes in to fix.
'You're allowed that? Your hero name could be that? Then I have nothing to worry about, my name is perfectly passable,' I think.
"Oh, oh! I' wanna go next!" Mina yells. "My hero name is going to be: Alien Queen!"
"Hmm, I don't think you should do that," Midnight comes into critique. "It almost sounds like a villain name."
'Okay, now I'm worried,' I think. 'So you're allowed a sentence but not Alien Queen?'
I sit there and daydream as everyone else goes up to present their hero name until I hear (Y/n). Her quiet but cute little voice that I could recognize from anywhere.
"Um, my hero name's going to be (H/N)," she says.
I need to talk to her. I need to tell her, directly, that I love her.
As soon as the bell rings at the end of our last class, I grab (Y/n)'s arm and pull her along. There's a cute crepe shop near the street we live on, somewhere I hope (Y/n) would like.
"Wait, Shoto, what's wrong? Where are we going?" she asks from behind me.
'Behind me?' I think.
No. I have to do this right. I'm trying to fix my mistakes today, not repeat them. I slow down and hold her hand properly, making sure that she's beside me.
"We're going to a crepe shop, you know the one near our place?" I say.
"Wait, is this like a date? Sort of? Half? Maybe?" she asks with glittering eyes.
"Half? What's a half-date anyways?" I give a chuckle. "I was hoping this would be a date." I look away from her, trying to hide my slightly pink cheeks.
"Really?" she asks.
"Uhh, yeah. Really," I say.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy," she says and I think my cheeks went slightly darker. "Wait but if we're going on a date, I need to change! I can't go on a date with you in our school uniform! That messes up the mood! Can we please head home first?"
"Okay, sure. I kind of want to get into comfortable clothes too," I say and we head on the train.
Kaminari POV
'They're going on a date now? What?' I think and sigh.
Uraraka then comes along, pulling Bakugou behind her spots me and pulls me on the train too.
"What Uraraka, what are you trying to do?" Bakugou half-yells. I guess he's trying to be half-considerate because we are on the train.
"Shh, we're following (Y/n) and Todoroki of course!" she says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "You heard them, didn't you? They're going on a date! We need to follow them before Todoroki does something stupid again!"
"Ohh, that's why everyone's in a clump here," Kirishima says out of nowhere.
"Oh, perfect timing Kirishima," Uraraka says. " You're coming with us too."
"I'm not going with you," Bakugou says.
"Of course you are, it's no fun without you," Uraraka says.
"Tch, fine I'll go," Bakugou says.
'Well, that was easy to convince,' I think.
"Hey, guys! They're getting off!" Kirishima says and we all jump off the train.
We carefully follow them behind crowds of people so we're not seen until we reach two mansions on the same street.
"Wow, why are there two mansions on the same street?" I ask.
"'Cuz they're (Y/n)'s and Todoroki's I suppose..." Kirishima sweatdrops.
"Is that what it is to be rich?" I say.
"I guess so," Kirishima replies.
"But Bakugou's place is just as big," Uraraka says.
"Shut up, Uraraka," Bakugou replies. "No one cares."
"Okay, sorry~," Uraraka says playfully.
'Hey, hey. They were basically strangers yesterday, what the heck happened in this one day?' Both me and Kirishima think.
After about 5 minutes, Todoroki comes out of his mansion in normal casual wear and walks over to (Y/n)'s mansion.
'Why does Todoroki get to look so good in simple street clothes? This is not fair,' I think.
Todoroki POV
I go into (Y/n)'s place and her mom gives me some tea that I gladly take.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n) should be coming pretty soon," she says. "Should I go call her?
"Oh, no. Please don't worry about it, I don't have anything to do today," I reassure her.
"Alright. Please let me know if there's anything you need," she says and walks away.
"Thank you," I say and wait for (Y/n) to come down.
After a bit, (Y/n) comes down in a cute summer dress that looks amazing on her.
I quickly look away to hide my blush as she starts to talk. "I'm sorry for the wait," she says. "Do you think it looks strange on me?"
"No, you look really cute, (Y/n)," I say honestly.
She stutters a bunch of non-existent words which I find super cute as we leave her house and start walking to the crepe shop.
Kaminari POV
"They came out!" Uraraka says.
We all get up quietly and start to follow them again, hiding behind crowds of people. They enter a crepe shop for a few minutes and come out with sweet crepes that look way too good to eat.
They sit down on a bench while they eat their crepe as we hide behind a random bush.
"I am not hiding behind a bush, Uraraka," Bakugou whispers loudly.
"Oh, just do it and be quiet, Bakugou. They're going to notice us!" she says back. "Wait, they're saying something, everyone shut up!"
"(Y/n), uhh, about yesterday," Todoroki starts.
"Oh, you mean the thing you said about me liking Kaminari?" she replies.
'What? Me?' I think and look over at Uraraka.
She looks back at me, facepalms and mouths, 'I forgot to tell you, sorry. I'll explain later,'
Bakugou then mouths to Uraraka, 'You didn't tell him?'
She mouths back, 'Yeah, I totally forgot.'
"Yeah, um," Todoroki says.
"Do you want to break it off with me after all?" (Y/n) replies.
'What? Where is this conversation going?' I think.
Todoroki POV
'Is that what she actually thought after all?' I think quite shocked. I didn't think she actually thought that.
"No, of course not," I say.
"Then why would you ask me if I like Kaminari?" she asks a little stern and sad.
"Because that's people would normally do when they thought that their girlfriend was a little close to another guy," I say honestly.
Her face lights up in a split second, "Wait, were you jealous by any chance?" she asks.
"Yeah, yeah I was," I say. "Isn't that usually the conclusion you go to?"
"No, yes, no wait, but," she says flustered. "Because I thought that you liked Momo for all this time and you just dated me out of pity. Not only that, I overheard your dad saying that he wanted you to break up with me." She looks to the ground really sadly.
My eyes widen. 'That's what she thought? For all this time? That I dated her out of pity? And why didn't she tell me that she overheard my dad being stupid again?' I think. 'All she wanted was reassurance, for all the times that I was stupid.'
"(Y/n), look at me," I say.
She slowly looks up.
"(Y/n), I love you, not Momo, not my stupid Dad," I say. "You're always what's most important to me. Don't ever forget that."
She looks so happy she's almost in tears. "Hey, hey, don't cry," I say. "You look much better when you're smiling."
"I'm not crying! Not yet at least," she mumbles the last part.
She's so cute. I have to treasure her before someone takes her away for real.
"Hey, Shoto," she says.
"Yeah, what is it?" I ask.
"Bend down a bit, you're too tall," she says.
I'm a little confused but I do as she says and bend down. Then I feel her lips on mine for a less than a second before she pulls back with a flustered face.
"Shoto, I love you too," she says.
Kaminari POV
I sigh and look up at the sky. This is the end of my first love. This is where I give up and say congratulations, from the bottom of my heart.
'Congratulations, (Y/n). I hope he treats you better this time,' I think.
(A/N Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it! This is 3:8 am and I don't really have any energy to revise so I apologize for grammatical mistakes beforehand. Again, thank you so so much for reading this chapter and I hope to see you in the next one! PLUS ULTRA!!!!)
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