Chapter 11: Sports Festival! - Cavalry Battle
(Y/n) POV
He pulls away in less than a second but I can't believe what he just did. I mean yeah we've kissed once or twice before but not in public, nonetheless in front of like 10 000 people.
"S-Shoto?" I say
It's like he snaps to his senses.
"O-oh, uh, I'm sorry. Wasn't thinking straight," he says flustered.
It's so cute. You don't get to see a flustered Shoto often.
"U-uh, no, u-uh um..." I say, even more flustered.
Kaminari POV
What? Oh. They kissed. That's all. I guess it's only natural, considering that they are dating, but wow, I didn't think it'd hurt this much. What? What am I getting seriously dejected for? Stop stop. You knew she liked Todoroki like crazy already. This isn't anything new.
I look around at other people and how they're reacting. Everyone looks surprised but one person creeps up to me; Kirishima.
"Dude, he's glaring at you," Kirishima says.
"Who?" I ask.
I slowly look over. Geh. He is glaring at me and oh my gosh is it scary.
"Why is he glaring?"
"Isn't it obvious? He kissed (L/n) because he was jealous of you!" Kirishima says, "Of course he would glare at you... Yikes, you got yourself into something,"
"But he has nothing to be jealous of! She's head over heels for him and he's like the living description of perfect! Besides (Y/n) only thinks of me as a friend at most," I whisper to him sadly.
"Even as a friend, it's obvious that (Y/n)'s quite fond of you though, just not nearly as much as Todoroki," a new voice comes into our conversation. It's Uraraka. "It's nice to see (Y/n)-chan in love but she looks way too sad for too much of the time. I honestly don't know if Todoroki-kun is the best option for her..."
Then I see Yaomomo, absolutely devastated.
I can't say anything to her and I don't feel I should. She's liked Todoroki for all her life, nothing compared to me. I don't think I'll be able to know how she feels so I'll leave her alone for now. I'll talk to her later.
Kirishima POV
"Hey Uraraka," I say and go up to her, making sure Kaminari is not near. "Are you on Kaminari's side? Or do you support Todoroki?"
"Oh no no, I'm on (Y/n)'s side. If I feel she would be happier with Kaminari-kun then I support that. If Todoroki-kun steps up his game and starts using his head a bit, I'll go with that. At the moment, I don't like how insensitive Todoroki-kun is so I guess you can say I'm on Kaminari-kun's side for now," she says.
"And what about yourself?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" she replies, confused.
"Bakugou! You like him right?"
"E-eh w-what? N-no of course n-not!" she stutters. "Okay yeah I might but I'm okay. I don't have a chance at this so I'm fine. He'll never like me back..."
"How do you know for sure?"
"I mean there's no way! He hates everyone and everything! He doesn't even know my name, Kirishima-kun," she says sadly.
"Okay, I'll cheer for both you and Kaminari. Don't give up, Uraraka!" I say.
She laughs a bit, then says, "Thank you,"
(Y/n) POV
I'm still surprised... That really came out of nowhere. 'Why did he do it though? It's so unlike him to do something like that in public. Jealous? No way. I'm always the one chasing after him.' I think. 'Don't get too ahead of yourself (Y/n), you're just going to get hurt again. Nonetheless, I'm super happy and after all, I really really love Shoto.'
"Okay, we'll be starting the next event now!" Midnight calls out. "The next event is the Cavalry Battle! You will group up into groups of four and try to steal points from other groups. The group with the most points at the end wins! The points depend on your place in the race, I will give you 10 minutes to figure out your group and members."
I decide to walk off and find some small group that seems to be missing a person or two. I don't want to team up with Shoto, I'll only pull him back. At this rate, I'm going to be hated by him. 'Maybe I'll team up with Kaminari... maybe he'll let me in... ' I think and wander off to go find him until I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, (Y/n), where are you going?" I hear Shoto behind me ask.
"To find someone else to team up with?" I say sweatdropping.
"Why?" he asks.
"Because I'm just going to pull you back. I don't want to be a nuisance to you." I say honestly.
"(Y/n), I want you to rely on me a bit more. I don't think of you as a nuisance in any way. Let's go find a few more members," he says to me, grabs my hand and starts walking.
I smile a little sad smile.
No matter how happy I am, no matter what kind of caring words he gives me, he'll never understand. The person that's always being relied on will never understand, just how insecure the person who's always relying on them is.
I snap out of my negative thoughts and concentrate on the cavalry battle.
"Oh, how about we invite Kaminari into our group," I say.
"Why?" he asks a little sternly.
"U-uh if you don't think it's a good idea, it's completely fine. I was just thinking of options..." I say quickly. What does Shoto have so against Kaminari?
"No it's fine, I think having Kaminari's quirk might be beneficial to us," Shoto says. I smile a bit and nod.
Todoroki POV
'What? Why does she suddenly look so happy now that we're pairing up with Kaminari? Does she perhaps like him? What if that's the case?' I think. 'Tch, I'll think about this later.'
Our last member has to be her. Momo. Her quirk is nothing to laugh off. Her quirk will help us win.
"Okay we have a group," I say.
"Wait, who's our last member?" (Y/n) asks.
"Momo, of course," I reply.
(Y/n) POV
'Momo? Of course?' I think. 'Ugh, here it is again. Momo, Momo, Momo, Momo, Momo, Momo.'
I almost cry but I don't. I hold it in. This is nothing new. I can't cry in front of Shoto. I'll cry anywhere but in front of him. In front of him, I'll be the perfect (L/n) (Y/n). Besides, there's nothing I can do anyways. I'm me, and Momo's Momo. She was born with a super-strong quirk and that's all, way past my control. Crying won't give me a stronger body, or change the fact that I was born with a weak quirk.
Okay, so we have a group. We have a group that I feel incredibly insecure about.
Kirishima POV
'Geh, what the heck is that group! That's so scary... Oh my gosh...' I think.
"Uraraka, Uraraka, look at that group," I say to Uraraka.
"Hmm? ...Oh my gosh," she says. "I bet you there are about 15 things wrong with that right off the bat."
'What was she looking at before I started talking to her? She was distracted for sure...' I think and look around. 'Oh. I guess it was obvious.'
I push Uraraka to the clump of people forming around Bakugou. "Hey, Bakugou! Let us in! Our quirks are pretty useful!" I say.
"WHAT'S YOUR QUIRK?" he yells.
'I see. So that's where we're starting.' I sweatdrop.
"My quirk is hardening! Oh, and Uraraka's quirk is--" I start to say but I'm cut off.
"I know what her quirk is. It's that floaty thing," he says. My eyes widen but then I smile.
"Hey, Uraraka, I think you have way more than a chance at this," I say to her under my breath.
She's smiling. "I really do hope so," she says.
(Y/n) POV
"Everyone in their groups? Okay, let's get started! Cavalry battle starts in 3... 2.... 1... GO!" Midnight yells.
I was too distracted to really remember what went on but there was a lot of ice, running and electricity. My quirk was only useful once so that was it for me to shine. On the other hand, Momo's quirk was super useful and powerful as ever.
I don't remember any minor details but we won a beautiful first place at the end of the event and I feel more powerless than ever before.
Kaminari POV
After the cavalry battle is over and we're resting before our 1 vs 1's start, I talk to Momo.
"Hey, are you okay?" I ask. "You're strong and Todoroki definitely realizes it! You're okay Momo!" I try my best to make her feel a little bit better.
"But Todoroki likes (Y/n) so much..." I say.
"Kaminari-san, thank you but I don't think you understand. I guess I should tell you, remember how I said that I don't have a chance? Multiple times?"
"Oh yeah. You did mention that, but it seemed like you were trying to hide it..."
"Yes, I was. But I'll tell you. I think it might feel better to just let it all out," she says. "You know that summer festival that happens every year? Shoto and (Y/n) always went to that together. Every summer since the 1st year of middle school. Every year except for the 3rd year of middle school. (Y/n) did n't go. Her whole entire 3rd year of middle school was terrible of course she wouldn't want to be at a summer festival feeling like that."
I want to ask why and what happened to (Y/n) but I don't. This is Momo's story and I feel that I should at least have the decency to listen to the whole thing.
"That year, Shoto still went, unsure if (Y/n) would show up or not. I took that as a chance and I confessed to him...
'Shoto-san, I like you!'
After a moment and a slightly flustered Shoto, came back cool and composed Shoto all over again. 'Uh, thank you but I'm sorry. Uh, I think you know that I like (Y/n), right?'
'But she can't do anything! Her body is super weak and she's always pulling you back!' I said. 'Oh no, that slipped out...' I think.
'Right?' Shoto said which surprised me and gave me a little bit of hope. 'She falls tired easily, but she tries not to rely on me and so by the time I realize, she's in an even worse condition, causing me even more trouble. Always reckless, never thinks before acting, doesn't know what limits are... '
'Then why?' I asked.
'But listen, at the end of the day, before I fall asleep when you basically think about what happened that day, I always end up thinking of her. When she smiles, the whole world lights up you see. It might sound cheesy and all that but it's what I feel. She understands me the most and I'd like to think that I understand her the most. I guess it's really simple, I just love her and so don't you dare trash her ever again. She's what's most important to me.' he said.
...and so that's when I gave up. I realized that I didn't have a chance at this. Through all these years of liking Shoto and watching him, not one other person makes him smile like (Y/n)-chan does."
I don't know what to say. I don't know what to feel. Somehow, somewhere in me thought that Todoroki didn't like (Y/n) as much as she liked him. I guess I was wrong. They really do love each other.
Todoroki POV
"What do you want? Are you going to talk about your quirk again? Is that all you want?" I half yell at my dad that has come to talk to me.
"Well, that too but this time I had something else I needed to talk to you about," he says.
I'm a little surprised, when was the last time he talked to me about something other than 'accepting him and his quirk'?
"What is it?" I ask
"(L/n). (L/n) (Y/n). Break up with her," he says and I gasp. 'That? That's what he wants to says? ' I think in shock.
"She's obviously pulling you back. You were distracted during the race because of her, weren't you? You could've gotten way higher than 5th if you didn't mind her," he says. "You know it's more beneficial for you to end the relationship."
"Uh no? Of course not? You didn't think I would really say 'Yeah, fine I'll break up with her!' did you? You don't know her. She tries her hardest to stay out of my way even when I want her to rely on me. And have you not realized? She's far more important than you. You don't understand. None of you do. It's so simple. She's what's most important to me," I say.
(Y/n) POV
I'm glad I hid. I don't need Shoto to feel bad or reassure me.
I don't know what to feel. I need to step up my game. Before Endeavour really pries me away. I don't have any emotional space left to be happy about all the Shoto just said about me.
(A/N Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry for any grammatical errors in advance... it's already 4:07 am at the moment and I'm a little too tired to revise. Please vote! Thank you again and I hope to see you next chapter!)
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