8:《True lies》
Nikki P.O.V
He comes closer.
Seth:I have to go for a boring meeting!Arghh!
He moans like a little boy.
I laugh.
Nikki:Stop you baby,you have to go.
He pinches my cheeks.
And hovers on top of me on the bed.
He starts kissing my neck.I push him off.
Nikki:You have a meeting you goof.We can't,right now.
I laughed.
Seth:Why you doing this to me shorty?
He laughs.
He straightens out his clothes.
Nikki:Maybe when you get back.
I wink.
Seth:That's what I'm talking about.
We kiss for a short while.
Seth:Be back in a while.I loveee youuu shorty.
Nikki:Byeee I love you moreeee.
We kissed and he's off.
I'm really tired and AJ's supposed to come over.
I hear a knock on the door.
Oh never mind.
Nikki:Hey AJ!
AJ:Hey Nikkay.
I laugh.
Nikki:How you been?
I asked as she sits down.
Nikki:I'm good,how's things with Dean?
I smirk.
AJ:He's-Hes amazing.
She becomes so shy.
Nikki:Oh come on he's your boyfriend,don't be so shy shy.
She laughs with me.
Nikki:Has he shown you his...body?
I laugh.
Nikki:I'm just asking.
I shrug.
She blushing.
Nikki:Well I'm waiting?
AJ:Okay he has.
I laughed even harder.
Nikki:I knew it.
AJ:Oh whatever Mrs.Bella.I know you've seen Seth's body.
Nikki:Well he is my boyfriend.
We both laugh.
Yeah...Seth's bod-ay!
John P.O.V
John:Paige,You're coming for a meeting with me?
Paige:Just a minute babe.
She says in that British accent I love.
She walks out in a short black dress.
John:You look lovely.
Paige:You too pumpkin.
John:Let's go shall we?
Paige:We shall.
•At the meeting•
John:Hey look who I can see.
I see Seth.
Paige:Oh gosh.
We continue laughing.
Paige:This is going to be good.
I'm sure an evil plan just popped into her head.
And an even better one came to me.
Nikki P.O.V
AJ and I were on SnapChat,posting something almost every 5 seconds.
Gosh we need a life.
I laugh.
AJ pulls out her phone.
AJ:It's Dean.
She smiles and answered it.
She walked onto the balcony.
When I get a text.
Unknown:Hey Bella😈
Me:Who is this?😑
Unknown:It's you're favourite wrestler👀
Me:CM Punk?😲
Unknown:You wish😏
Me:Look I don't have time for games who are you and want the hell do you want?!😒
Unknown :I need to tell you something...about Seth😊
Me:Seth as in Seth Rollins?How do you know him.I'm warning you!Tell me who you are!😠
Unknown:That's not important.All you need to know is Seth ain't loyal he's cheating on you.😏
Me:Seth?!Never he promised!He wouldn't!😑Anyways why should I believe you?
Unknown :Oh I have proof.
***Picture attached***
I gasped that can't be Seth!
Me:I...I..that's not really!😦
Unknown:oh but it is.Enjoy your cheating boyfriend Nicole😘
I block the number when I realised it was John,how did he get that picture.
It was a picture of Seth and Paige kissing.
I couldn't believe it!
Seth P.O.V
Seth:What the fuck Paige!
I say pushing her off me.
Seth:I'm with Nikki you hoe!
Paige:Thanks for the kiss pumpkin,tastes nice.
She winks and walks away.
I wipe my mouth in disgust.
That little slut.
I hope Nikki will never hear about this.
John P.O.V
John:Everything going as planned Paigy.
Paige:Yeh babe.
We kiss.
I pull out my phone.
John:It's me John.I need your help and make sure you look fire.
John:Let's make this good.
???:There's a reason they call me the viper.
Nikki P.O.V
I felt so angry,so jealous,so hurt.
Why would he?
Tears spill from my eyes.I couldn't stand it.
That's when I see AJ coming back.
Nikki:Hey AJ.I'm going...somewhere tell Seth don't wait up for me.
I grab my car keys.
AJ picks up my phone.
AJ:Your phone.
She hands it to me.
Nikki:Thanks.I'll see you around.
AJ looked worried about me.
I was worried about myself.
Nikki didn't look right one bit.
She looked like she wanted to burst in tears.
Nikki:Hey AJ.Im going...somewhere.Tell Seth not to wait up for me.
She grabs her car keys.
I see her phone on the bed.
I quickly glance at it.
And see a picture of Seth and Paige.
I hand her the phone and act like I saw nothing.
Nikki:Thanks.I'll see you around.
I knew I should say something but Nikki is tough skinned.
It would be pointless.
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