3:《The dream》
Seth P.O.V.
It killed me to see one of my best friends hurting the way Dean was.
Now I think Nikki and I should of told him sooner.
Seth:Look it's okay man,she was a hoe anyway.
He looked more hurt.
Roman nudged me.
Seth:Ah I mean-
Dean:It's okay Seth I get it.I know now it was fake.She was fake.
Seth:Yeah man,how about we go to the bar huh?
Roman:Yeah everything on me.
Dean:Yeah that sounds good.
•The bar•
I see Nikki,AJ and Sasha walk in together.
They all are worried about Dean.
You know how emotional girls can get.
Nikki:Hey guys.
We all greet each other.
Nikki P.O.V
Nikki:Hey Deano,h-how you doing?
He took a sip of his bottle.
Dean:Great!Just great!
Sasha:Woh Ro how much did he have to drink?
Roman:A hell of a lot.
AJ:And you guys didn't stop him?
Seth:The guy needs his space plus he's a grown man.
Nikki:Yeah but-never mind.
A waitress came by us.
Waitress:Can I get you anything to drink?
Sasha:A savanna dry.
Nikki:No thanks.
AJ:Water is fine thanks.
Dean:Ah water,she used to drink that.
Daydreaming about Paige.
I couldn't help but laugh and the others too.
Dean talks nonsense when he's drunk.
AJ:Dean maybe you should cut dow-
Dean:Hey!AJ!You want to know something?
AJ:What's up?
Dean:You're really pretty.
AJ:Dean you're drunk-
Dean:No I'm dead serious.I think you're really beautiful but when I'm sober I don't have the balls to tell you.
AJ:Dean please you're really drunk.
Dean:I know I'm drunk. All I'm saying is you're fine.
He winks.
AJ:Umm guys.I feel soo awkward right now.
She blushed with the cutest face ever.
Nikki: Don't worry AJ,he'll stop eventually.
Dean:Guys why so serious?Let's dance!
Roman says confused.
We all make our way to the dance floor.
And dance to Freaky Friday by Chrisb Brown and Lil Dicky.
[A/N:I'm Kendall Jenner!I gotta vagina!I'm gonna explore that right now!Woop woop!😂]
And I have to say when I see Dean happy I feel over the moon.
As long as he is happy I am happy.
He deserves to be happy.
•Back at the hotel•
Nikki:I hope Dean is going to be fine.I mean drinking only stops the pain for a little while.
I say sitting down on our bed.
Seth:He'll be okay,we're going to help him.
Nikki:I just can't get over why she did that Seth.You know for a fact Paige is loyal.
Seth:I don't know but all I know is John is minipulative.Asshole.
Seth says laying me down on the bed very close.
Nikki:What?You want some sexual healing?
I smile.
Seth:Nahh,I just want to be close to you.
He cuddles up with me under the blanket.
Seth:Yes shorty?
Nikki:You'll never leave me right?
Seth:I promise you shorty.I love you I would never want to lose you.I'll never cheat on you.I'll never break your heart.I'll never leave you alone.
I kiss his cheek.
Nikki:Thank you.
I say before falling asleep.
3rd Person P.O.V
She ran,where?She didn't know.
Black everywhere,the darkness seemed to follow her.
Her small chest panting and her breathing is heavy.
Running,her eyes threatened to burst,her memories still burn in her mind.
Why would she do it?
She doesn't know herself.
She ran and kept running.
Thoughts rolling in her mind like a tumbleweed lost in a storm.
Finally she sees light.
She walks into a room,it was dark but she felt safe it in.
She dropped on her knees and began to cry.
As the darkness swallowed her.
Suddenly two muscular arms wrapped around her cradling her like a child.
She cried into the chest of whoever was carrying her.
"Seth?" She asked.
He doesn't reply,he's too busy comforting her.
But suddenly he let's her go.
Her body touches the ice cool floor as she stares at him.
"Seth where are you going?"
He walked to a door.
He sees something and stumbles back.
He gasps and starts losing control of his breathing.
He blinks multiple times to stop the tears from coming out but it fails.
"Why would you do this to me?"
He's voice boomed through the room.
"It-it wasn't meant to happen ,Seth.Im sorr-"
"I don't want to hear it.I'm done with you.I'm done with us.You're on your own."
"NO!Seth don't leave me,you promised!"
"I thought I could trust you.I don't care about that promise because it means nothing now.You mean nothing now."
"Seth!Don't leave!"
He disappeared into the dark.
Again the darkness crept up on her and slowing but surely swallowed her .
She tried,tried to fight it.But it was too strong.
Her heart had broken but it was her own fault.
Now he was gone and never coming back.
Seth was gone.
She cried out.
Nikki P.O.V
I open my eyes.I look around and see I'm in bed.
I feel my face and wipe away my tears..
He looks at me concerned.
Without thinking I grab him pulling him into a right embrace crying into his chest.
Seth:Nikki woh calm down.
He says rubbing my back.
Seth:Now tell me what's wrong?
Nikki:I had a bad dream.
I say cuddling into his neck.
I hitched in my breath.
Seth:Oh shorty,it's okay I'm here.
He hugs me.
He was here but what about in the dream.
Nikki:But you weren't in my dream.
Seth:Well what was your dream about?
Nikki:I was running.I didn't know where to but still I kept running.Everything was black but I ran into a dark room.And you were there comforting me because I did something wrong and then you dropped me down and saw something at the door.You said I meant nothing to you because of what I did,you said the promise meant nothing to you.And you left me but I begged you to stay.
My breathing became heavy again.
Seth hugged me tighter.
Seth: Shorty,don't cry please you I hate it.I'm never going to leave you okay?I love you,you're my everything.I would never abandoned you.You mean everything to me.I'm madly in love with you,you know that?It was just a dream.
He kisses my forehead.
Nikki:Yeah,it was just-just a dream.
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