13:《I could never...》
Nikki P.O.V
Today I was gonna meet with Trish again,boy she better be ready for some stories.
I knock on her door.
Trish:Ah Nikki!Come in.
I smile.
Nikki:Hey Trish.
Trish:So how've you been?
She looks surprised.
Trish:Okay so lay back,close your eyes and start talking.
I do.
Nikki:So Seth was going for a meeting and I was in my hotel room with AJ my friend.When I received a picture of Seth and my ex best friend kissing.I was heart broken.I couldn't believe it.
I started to cry.
Nikki:Then I did something I wasn't supposed to,I slept with someone else.
Her eyes opened wide.
Nikki:Seth found me and his emotions were so mixed.He said some stuff like where you thinking of me when you were riding him and so I slapped him.He started walking away.
I wipe my tears away.
Nikki:And then exactly what he said in my dream,he said to me,he said we're done and I mean nothing to him.
I cry again.I've been crying so much it feels like a ritual I have to do everyday.
Nikki:It's almost a week now and I'm trying to avoid him but I miss him so bad.
Trish:Oh darling,you shouldn't have been so reckless.
Nikki:I know it was a stupid mistake but now I'm not sure if he wants to ever see me again.
Trish:Well if that's the case you're gonna have to move on because otherwise you're gonna become depressed.And trust me you don't want that.Try and take your mind of him.
Nikki:I will try it's gonna be hard.He's such a big part of my life.But anyway.I'll do what ever it takes to make him happy.
Trish:Now that's it!See its not gonna be so hard.
Nikki:Mmm should I apologise to him?
Trish:Give yourself some time,do you think your boss would give you some time off?Are there any big pay per views happening?
Nikki:Kurt is understanding I'm sure he would.The only big thing we got going on is No Mercy but that's still 3 weeks away.
Trish:Perfect.I highly recommend this place.
She wrote down a name of place called 'Cabanna'.
Nikki:Sounds relaxing.
Trish:It is,it's exactly what you need.
•30 minutes later•
I waved goodbye to Trish.
As I'm walking out I look at the benches where Seth was sitting last time.
I sigh.
Nikki:Time to forget about you Seth.
I walk out there and I'm on my way to ask Kurt.
I need me time.
Seth P.O.V
I was sitting in my hotel room,alone watching TV.
It felt weird without her here.
It felt weird not having to call anyone shorty.
Truth be told I'm trying to pull of this bad guy thing of but it's not working.
I can fool everyone else but I can't fool myself.
There's a hole in my heart.
And only Nikki can fill that hole.
I pull out my phone and click on her.
I had her saved as Shorty💋 and she had me saved as Shirtless👅
I looked at all of our texts when we first started talking.
Me:Morning Shorty😊
Shorty💋:Morning Rollins.
Me:So I was wondering if you would like to do something today?🙌
Shorty💋:Something like what?🙅
Me:How about lunch?☺
Shorty💋:Mmm idk😕
Me:Aww pwease🍗🍕🍔
Me:Nikki please 😢
Shorty💋:haha I'm just messing with yah..😂Yah lunch sounds great.😊
Me:Srsly?😂Thanx I will pick you up in the ....?
Shorty💋:Well I'm already dressed so you can come pick me up know?
Me:I'm on my way Shorty😚
Me:Shit!Wrong emoji 😖
Shorty💋:It's cool dude see yah there😁💝
Me:Hey what's this💝
Shorty💋:It's just a heart Rollins don't take it in the wrong way.😂
Me:I'm kidding...hey I'm outside😉
Shorty💋:So quickly😱
Shorty💋:Alright I'm coming😂
Me:Heya shorty😆
Me:And how are you this beautiful morning?😃
Shorty💋:Wow someone is in a good mood today😂
Me:Eh what can I say😄I just wanted to check if I got you in trouble with Cena😞
Shorty💋:Nah Seth it's cool.
Me:You sure coz I don't want anything to happen to you😟
Shorty💋:Aww that's sweet Seth but I'm okay😂what knew you could be so soft.
Me:I'm not soft I just care a lot about you Nikki😳
Shorty💋:Ncoo man Seth..🙈You know you're not as bad as I thought.
Me:I get that a lot 😈what can I say I'm irresistible🙌
Shorty💋:Dont push your luck Rollins😏
Me:So wuu2 today🌹
Shorty💋:Actually I was wondering if you wanted to come with me I'm going to meet privately with one of my fans since its her b-day🎉🎊
Then I got a girls night out later.
Me:I would love to should I pick you up? 😃
Shorty💋:Actually I will be you up😂Be ready in 20 minutes?
Me:I'm already in the bath😆
Shorty💋:Oh my gosh Seth😂
Go have a proper bath and I will pick you up!
Me:Alright..see yah Shorty🍭
Shorty💋:see yah🍦
And there were so much more.
I kept on reading and it made my heart sore.
I became angry at myself because the truth is I couldn't never be mad at her.
I couldn't stop loving her.
I couldn't ever hate her.
And it frustrated me.
Because no matter what she does I'm always going to love her.
But when you love someone you gotta learn to let them go.
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