Official? 😭😭😭
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Ally ducked through the groups of people, trying to stay unnoticed as she made her way to her locker.
She pulled 3 books out, her Oxford English to French dictionary, her warriors cat book "greystripe's promise", and her book on the civil war.
Calm down. She Thought. Your stepmother isn't here, you aren't being bullied, and everything is okay.
Ally shut her locker.
She turned around to head to English.
She was almost done with 7th grade. She was almost 13. Everything was fine.
But, she turned around into a head.
The kids in the halls had moved to the side and Ella and her group of minions paraded through the halls.
Ella, her died- oops sOrRy- dyed blonde hair was braided fancily and she was wearing an awfully skimpy spaghetti-strap top and way too short jean shorts,
She leaned against the locker Michael had and started flirting.
Ally, could never put her hair up, ponytail or braid, it would always look like a rusty coloured racoon was hanging off of her head, had her hair down, the curls falling past her shoulders.
She was wearing a white blouse that an off-the-shoulder ruffle with little pink and yellow embroidered flowers, paired with some blue jeans.
She had in one pink earring and one yellow earring , flowers of course.
She watched this, her face going from her normal seashell cream pale, to vampire pale.
She felt tears rise up into her eyes.
She pushed the kid out of her way.... and then muttered an apology.
She stared.
Michael was slowly backing away from her, as she was advancing on him, and his eyes darted around nervously, as if looking for an escape.
Ally inched closer, her heart beating wildly.
Now she was close enough to hear Michael say "I'm sorry, I have a girlfriend".
She felt his eyes on her.
Without another word, he grabbed Ally's hand, twined his fingers with hers, and walked away.
Once they were out of view from the other kids, who were all whispering about the most popular girl in the school being rejected, and Ella herself, Michael and Ally sat down on a bench next to the history room, conveniently where her first class was.
Right as Michael opened his mouth to say something,
Alina appeared out of nowhere. Thin air. She must've disapparated and ended up here. She crushed us both with a hug and screamed "MALISON FOREVER, I SHIP YOU TWO SO HARD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"!
Oh well.
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