peter's pov. . .
"let's get started." Mr. Stark said, "First thing we're going to do is improve my security system that apparently is horrible."
I smiled, "Okay."
Mr. Stark grabbed two laptops and handed me one, "The password is tonystarklabsinternpeter. pepper came up with it and told me before coming up."
"okay." I said, "thanks."
I entered the password and saw that I had access to quite a bit of Mr. starks files.
"Alright, what do we think we should do first?"
"definitely up the challenges on the firewalls. once you get through the first one which is easy by itself the rest are easy."
"alright. go ahead."
"yep. according to pep this internship is all about learning so i want you to do this all by yourself and then I'll help when you need it."
"he read a book before today about how to be a good boss to interns." Friday announced.
"i did not!" Mr. stark argued, "and you better stop telling lies or I'll shut you down."
"no you wont."
i couldnt help but laugh at thier banter.
"oh you think thats funny parker?" Mr. stark snapped jokingly.
"did your book tell you it was a good idea to snap at your interns?" i joked.
i saw Mr. starks jaw drop then he smiled.
"well played Mr. parker, well played. however, i did not use a book."
"you can just call me peter."
"just like you can call me tony."
"sorry Mr. stark, i cant. my aunt may told me to always be respectful."
"ohhhh so your able to use sass on me but yet calling me by my name is disrespectful?"
"oh i see. just get to work peter."
"aye aye boss."
i ignored Mr. starks eye rolls and began upping Mr. starks security.
Tony's pov. . .
i watched from my own laptop as peter did amazing work adding in measures i didnt even think to add. he's a genius! but first i have to figure out one thing without the laptop.
"so, peter."
"yeah Mr. stark?"
"about the cast. . ." i saw peter's eyes be filled with concern for a second but he quickly hid it, "you said you got it removed today right?"
peter nodded, "yeah."
"whos your doctor?"
"Mr. stark, that's patient information."
"i know, i know, but. . . i saw the bone Pete. your leg should've been casted for a while but its not. obviously your doctor isn't very good at his job."
"he is! it uh healed quickly!" peter exclaimed, "i-i uh drink a lot of milk! it healed my leg fast."
i raised an eyebrow at his very obvious lie and his eyes flickered to the ground, "milk, huh?"
peter nodded still not letting his eyes leave the ground.
"guess i need to drink more milk." i said.
i watched peter make a small smile trying not to laugh and got back to work. peter was lying to me about somthing, and i plan to find out.
peter's pov. . .
the internship ended with Mr. stark and i playing guitar hero with the avengers which was so fun but so unexpected, it only happened because i finished fixing the security after thirty minutes (the conversations slowed me down.) so Mr. stark invited me to play with the avengers seeing as i didnt have to go right away. obviously i accepted.
after playing for a few hours Mr. stark offered happy and him to take me home, i tried to get out of it because i didnt want to be a bother but he insisted saying "i dont like the idea of someone as young as you walking home when its late." so without another argument i was driven home.
it was much quicker way home then walking, just as i was about to open the door Mr. stark grabbed my arm.
"wait just a second kid."
"here." just then Mr. stark hands me a phone with the stark logo on it.
"you told me yesterday that you didnt have a phone, so i made this for you. you'll need one if your working with me and what better phone then a stark phone?"
"Mr. stark. . . i-i cant-"
"you can and you will."
"t-thank you Mr. stark! t-this is insane! insane!"
tony laughed, "you're welcome kid. see you Thursday."
"bye Mr. stark. thanks for the ride Mr. happy!"
i then got out of the car and headed inside the apartment complex. luckily making it home before aunt may did. first day of hiding the internship from aunt may, complete!
author note: sorry guys!! i know this one was pretty short but I'm excited for the next chapter!!!
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