Chapter Twenty-Two: Flashback Sequence
((A/N, sorry it took me so long to update this series, I don't have my phone, but I may or may not be getting it soon, and my pc likes to block and unblock my fanfiction or any website at that at random times, so I only write chapters when I get it unblocked, sometimes I safe a word document and keep writing, but then I loose motivation within about 3 days after the websites have been blocked, so bear with me, and my now slow updates-
Also, I am now noticing that I did so many things in the time span of a day in this story, so I'm going to try my best to s l o w it down, cause its going way to fast
*Insert 'Why we going so fucking fast ' meme*
Also this chapter is kinda the theme off a fill in episode while I figure out more plot points for the story, so just enjoy this chapter-))
The embrace was warm, and Harry really appreciated it. Without this hug, he would probably be having a panic attack, like, who wouldn't in this situation?
He still was worried about the people outside, even though Draco had said he took care of it. What if Harry just ruined Draco's relationships and trust with the Slytherins? He couldn't have, right? I mean, if Harry had brought Draco into the Gryffindor common room, and decided to defend him, Harry would've lost a lot of trust within the Gryffindors, they wouldn't talk to him for weeks. Along with that, they'd be spreading rumors that could hurt Draco.
He didn't want that.
Draco seemed to hug tighter to the response to his overthinking, to which Harry nuzzled his head into Draco's chest in response. It probably be best if he stopped thinking to much, as they probably will be there for a awhile, or at least until it's safe to leave.
Harry didn't know how much time had past, and when he had seemed to fall asleep, but he was woken up by a knocking on the door. It wasn't like the banging earlier, but it was softer, and seemed to be more trustworthy.
"Draco? Are you in there?" He heard a voice say from outside the door. The voice was familiar, but not familiar enough for him to know who it was.
Harry moved from Draco's chest, that he was laying on, and looked up at him. He was asleep as well, a bit of his hair falling onto his face.
Two more knocks came from the door, and Harry looked at the door in surprise, as it scared him partially. He then looked back at the sleeping blonde. He didn't want to wake him up, so he got out of his arms, and very carefully moved the blonde.
"I don't think he's in there, lets move on" said another voice from outside before Harry could open the door. He hesitated at first, but opened the door anyways, right when the two people were about to walk away.
They noticed him admittedly and just kinda stared at him. It was Parkinson and Zabini who were looking for Draco, which made sense, since they were friends. At least Harry hoped they still were friends, after how they seemed to argue earlier.
Parkinson cleared her throat, before speaking, "Is Draco in there?" Harry could tell she was trying to be nice, though Zabini seemed to stare daggers into his skull.
"Yes—" Harry said, seeing that they moved to step inside, "—but he's sleeping, and can't come out right now."
"Asleep? Why is he asleep? What did you do to him" Zabini butted in, taking a step forward, but Parkinson stretched out her arm in front of him and stopped him in his tracks. Harry was for sure that Zabini didn't like him.
"I promise I didn't do anything!" Harry quickly stated, "We just fell asleep, due to stress, I guess..?" But Zabini didn't really look like he believed that, but did nothing.
"Just let us see him" Blaise stated, stepping closer, but still being blocked off by Parkinson's arm. Harry had a mini panic and spoke, "He's asleep, I don't want to—"
"Harry?" Came a half-awake Draco's voice. Blaise just stared at him and muttered a 'doesn't seem asleep to me'. Harry quickly turned around and stepped back into the bathroom, discarding the two people outside.
"What's going on?" Draco said, seeming to look behind Harry, but Harry just moved to where his eyes were. "It's Blaise and Parkinson, they were looking for you" Harry said, sitting down infront of Draco, slightly fixing his hair.
"Are they outside right now? Did they hurt you?" Draco said, looking over Harry's face and body. Harry slightly smiled at the concern from the blonde and shook his head.
"No, they didn't hurt me" Harry said quickly, calming down Draco for a few seconds. "Are they still here?" He asked quickly.
"Yes we're still here dumbass" Parkinson said from outside the room, along with a, "I didn't pay to see some shitty aftercare", which seemed to get to Draco, as he slightly blushed.
"What? What she say?" Harry asked confused, maybe it was an inside joke? Draco just looked at him. "It's nothing, don't listen to her, she uh- it's a joke about stuff that she's... interested in", he said quickly, but it didn't seem that reassuring to Harry.
"Why don't you explain the joke to him Draco? I'm sure he'd appreciate the lecture" Parkinson said in a teasing tone, before laughing.
"Not the time Pansy!" Draco said, his face going red.
Harry eventually got Draco out of the bathroom, and everyone had moved to the bed area to talk, as they couldn't go into the common room, due to all the Slytherins still out there and waiting.
"What did you guys need?" Draco said, he was sitting on his bed, which was across from Zabini's, which Zabini and Parkinson were sitting on at the moment. Harry was sitting on the ground, his back pressed against Draco's bed, with Draco to the right of him.
"We just wanted to tell you that the attack was over. You were gone for about an hour and a half" Parkinson said, who currently had her knees to her chest, and luckily Harry couldn't see anything from his angle.
"Was anyone hurt?" He asked, mostly worried for his tower. Parkinson just looked at him, before answering a few second after, "I heard the Gryffindors had their common room destroyed, but sadly, none of them got hurt."
Destroyed? It's good that everyone is fine, but was anything stolen? Why the Gryffindor tower? Was it just the Gryffindor tower, or was it others too?
"Just Gryffindor? Or other houses?" Draco asked, before Harry could say anything. Parkinson shook her head in response.
"I've only heard about Gryffindor, I don't know about any other" She said, slightly playing with her left sleeve. She looked at Harry, then at Draco, but then turned away to look at Zabini.
It was silent and everyone just sat there. Parkinson seemed to try and communicate with Zabini without speaking, but he didn't seem to understand her at all. It took her a second, but she sighed and looked back at Harry and Draco.
"So....." She said, moving her legs to hang from the bed, "You and Harry......" She clicked her tongue and spoke again, "Mates...."
Harry looked over at Draco, who had already looked over at him. Harry didn't think he should be the one to be talking, so he signaled Draco to talk instead. Draco just nodded and looked back at Pansy.
"Yeah" Draco responded, to which Harry gave him a 'seriously? ' face, but he just brushed it off. Parkinson awkwardly smiled at the two, and then looked back at Blaise.
It felt like the same silence just a few minutes before, a very very very awkward one. Everyone seemed to look into different directions, not knowing what to say.
"He's, uh, liked you since sixth year" Parkinson stated, still not making eye contact. "Pansy! " was Draco's response, as a smile showed on Parkinson's face.
"What?" Harry said, looking at Pansy, then at Draco. He was starting to blush, and Parkinson was starting to smirk. "Your serious? I didn't notice..." Harry said, leaning back onto the bed.
"Of course you didn't notice, you were oblivious! He climbed a tree to get your attention, and that was before he even knew he liked you" Blaise said, deciding to actually talk now. Harry just stared at him blankly, before blushing and looking away.
Harry could admit to being oblivious most of the time, but Blaise had said it like it was the most obvious thing ever, which made Harry think about how oblivious he might actually be. He felt Draco's hand brush against his shoulder, which snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up at him, but he was just looking the same way he was earlier, as if he hadn't done anything.
Harry just brushed it out, and looked back at the other two, trying to figure out what else to say. Maybe he could just give the topic of Draco liking him just a little nudge.
"How did you know he liked me?" Harry asked, almost feeling Draco's eyes suddenly glaring at the back of his head. Parkinson seemed to like that I brought that, and she shifted in her seat, seeming to get comfortable.
"I'm glad you asked scar-face" She said smiling, while Blaise rolled his eyes and adjusted in his seat too, while Parkinson continued, "This is a long story, so get comfortable"
Draco made the most dramatic sigh behind Harry and slumped onto his bed. Harry decided he might as well get comfortable too, while Pansy started the flashback sequence.
"So, it was sixth year, February 2nd, about 2:30 pm...."
. . . .
'Me, Blaise, and Draco were sitting in the common room, me and Blaise sitting on a couch, while Draco was spread out on his own couch. Draco was going on with his rants as usual, but he seemed to be get off topic at some point'
Draco lazily was waving his arm around as he was finishing his statement he was having;
"—And that's why I think the nonexistent chronozones in a emerald should make it an azure color, and not the green color it is! That stupid color..... that's.... displayed as circles, behind glasses..." He said, starting to trail off the subject in a somewhat dreamy tone, while he rested him arm down next to him, "Round glasses that's rested in messy jet black hair..."
Blaise caught on to what he just said, and looked over at Pansy. "Um, Draco?" Blaise said, but Pansy quickly shook her head. "Don't say anything! This is the only time we'll get him emotionally drained enough to speak his mind about golden boy!" She said, but making sure not to say it loud enough to snap Draco out of his rant. Blaise just sighed and listened to what Draco was going on about now.
"Stupid scar, stupid eyes, stupid glasses, stupid.... stupid lips" Draco said, turning to his side to stare at a wall, "lips that can eat vanilla ice cream in a car—"
' "That's not what I said!", came Draco's voice over the flashback
"You don't know shit about what you said! I am 100% sure you said—"
"Stop making things up Pansy, your fantasies aren't valid to the plot right now" Blaise said, following right after Pansy's
"Let a girl dream! Besides, what's so wrong with vanilla ice cream and a car?!" Pansy said quickly
"You know exactly whats wrong" Draco's voice followed
"Can we get back to the story?" Popped in Harry's voice
"Yeah yeah, whatever" Pansy annoyed voice said '
"Stupid scar, stupid eyes, stupid glasses, stupid.... stupid lips" Draco said, turning to his side to stare at a wall, "pink lips.... probably really really soft pink lips"
Blaise glance over at Pansy, who did the same. He gestured to Draco, but Pansy just shook her head and put her index finger over her mouth.
"...soft..... kissable lips" Draco continued, as Pansy put a hand over her mouth, probably to hide a laugh. Blaise sat there shocked for a second, he knew Draco was gay (due to non-spoken reasons), but Potter? Really?
"I wanna kiss him.... kiss his lips, his his head, kiss his cheek, kiss neck... kiss his chest... wrap my arms around him and caress his body" Draco stated, starting to slightly fall asleep. Pansy could barely hold in her laughs, and Blaise was the now the one shaking his head to try and keep Pansy quiet.
"Run my hands all over his body... leave marks on his body.... feel the vibrations of his sounds on my—"
' "I thought Blaise told you to keep your fantasies out of this!" Draco's voice interrupted over his own in the flashback
"Well, uh- Draco..." Pansy's voice said
"I'm pretty sure you did say that, like, 99.9% sure" Pansy said
"I couldn't have said that! Right Blaise?" Draco's voice said quickly
"You see, Draco...." responded Blaise's voice, "You kinda did say that"
"I-I don't think you should've been thinking about that at the age of 16..." Harry's voice came
"You shut up! You went and snogged with that ravenclaw in 5th year!" Draco said
"Did not snog Cho Chang! Just- Just- kissed... for 15 minutes..." Harry said
"15 minutes my arse..." Draco's voice responded in a whisper
"We do not need your guy's lovers quarrel ruin my flashback! Now shut up while I finish my story" Pansy said quickly, before sighing, panning in back to the end of the flashback '
Draco mumbled off and fell asleep. Pansy fell out of her seat laughing moments later. Blaise tried to hold back his laugh, to be a good friend, while Pansy was barley breathing, as you could tell as she was gasping for air. Blaise eventually laughed too though, but barley as much as Pansy.
. . . .
"And then the next day we told Draco about knowing he liked you, and he went the next whole week locked away in his room, the end" Parkinson said, proudly smiling to herself as the flashback sequence ended
Harry could feel that he was red in the face, and even though he couldn't see Draco at the moment, he felt that Draco was too.
"Could've gone without you mentioning what I said before I fell asleep" Draco said, and Harry could hear him shifting on his bed.
"Not saying that is like eating the topping off your favorite ice cream, but not the actual ice cream. I couldn't just leave that part out" Pansy argued, making a pretty good statement, at least Harry thought she did.
"What's with you and having to bring up ice cream again?! Vanilla ice cream has already scarred me enough after you found that muggle cartoon" Draco said, fear in his voice when he said the last sentence
"Well I'm sorry for having access to the world of muggles while you stay locked away in your mansion" Pansy said sarcastically
"Ok, how about we don't go onto the topic of our life outside of school, and calm down, and focus on what's actually going on in school" Blaise said, meaning the school attacks.
"Whatever" was Draco's response, and Harry shifted slightly.
Everyone took the next few minutes to calm down. After that, the subject went back to the school attack that had only happened a few hours before.
((Ok, I'm going to end it there! Sorry this is kinda a fill in episode, and nothing really happens, but I needed to change the setting and the people just so I can play out a plot for the future chapter, that I hope comes out sooner than a month. But I can't promise it. Anyways, I hoped you liked the little flashback, and fourth wall breaking. And like I mentioned, this was kinda a fill in episode (like they do in shows), so nothing in this chapter will probably be use or mentioned ever again, but that depends on how I feel about how the story is going-
But enough of my ranting, since I have to go work on the other three things I'm trying to finish- So I just hope you liked this chapter, and I'll try to post chapter Twenty-Two as soon as possible!
Goodbye <3
Word Count: 2724))
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