Chapter Three: A Walk In The Corridors
A hit of realization hit Harry right in the face after reading the first page of the book. Was he a mate for a veela?
Now on to de story UwU
Harry just sits there, trying to confirm if he was really a veela's mate. Was he really that possessive over this book or was he exaggerating, he might have to ask Hermione. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down things about a Veela just in case he needed it later.
· Have Mates
· Have gold/white hair
· Mostly women but can be men
· Rarely seen in forests
· Some are wizards, and some act like muggles
· Die if rejected by their mate (within 24 hours)
· Semi-Human magical creatures
· Moon-shine skin
· Different types and different magical abilities depending on the type
Harry put the piece of paper on his wall, pinning it so it wouldnt fall. He put the book on his dresser next to his bed. He just sat there, before grabbing the book back into his hands and flipping through the pages before he finds a page that says 'Veela's mates' at the top. He starts to read it ;
Veela's Mates
Veela's mates are the most important thing to a veela. Signs that a mate makes, if they're a veela's mate, are being possesive over anything Veela like, will space out a lot, and stay inside a lot, since being inside makes them feel safe.
Harry stops reading the page when another thought pops into his head. Maybe he was a veela's mate! He stayed inside all summer, spaced out on the train, and got possesive over the Veela book. Who could be his mate though? ((READ THE FUCKING TITLE OF THIS FANFICTIONNNNNNN)) He cant read the title bitch stap.
Anyways, Harry was curious of who could be his mate? A friend? A crush? A ex-friend? A rival? A best friend? A person hes never met before? ((The fourth one)) It could be anyone....
Harry started to get a headache, maybe he was thinking too much. He puts the book back on his dresser and lays down, slowly drifting into deep sleep.
Harry wakes up in a cold sweat and looks around the dorm room, everyones asleep. Harry looks at the time; 4:58. He must of had a bad dream, but he couldnt remember it this time, which is really weird...
Harry sits there for a second before walking out of the dormitories into the Hogwarts halllways. He looks around, all the paintings were asleep. He starts to walk with no intend of going anywhere since he was going to go back to the Gryffindor dormitories anyways.
He took a left, then a right, another right, left, passed a few other hallways, and turned down the right hallway. He looked around, this way was unfamiliar to him, maybe hes never been this way before. He keeps walking down the hallway, he makes a right and a left, then stops in his tracks.
He heard faint footsteps coming down the hallway. He looks around and finds a broomcloset, so he quickly hides in the broomcloset afraid of what would happen if he was caught after cerfew wondering around Hogwarts. He waits for the footsteps to walk past the closet and get lighter as they go farther away.
Harry opens the broomcloset, he looks around and sees no one there. He sighs, and walks out, quietly shutting the door behind him. He starts walking the opposite way he came, right, left, right, left, left, right--
He suddenly bumps into a random figure, not really recognizing it at first. He stumbles a little but catches his balance. He looks up to see who he had just bumped into, but just then a heavy pulse goes through Harry's body.
((UwU may be short, but me will inprove in later chapters
Words: 650))
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