Chapter Seventeen: Self Control
((I'm sorry that I haven't posted a chapter in awhile ive just been avoiding writing this, so today I decided to stop ignoring that I have to update and just do it already, so here's chapter seventeen UvU. Also i did some research, but the day in the story is September 2nd on a Wednesday, so um- yeah, its September 2nd in the wizarding world UvU))
Draco finally stopped pouting and Harry got up, leaving him alone. He heard as Harry walked into another room and huffed looking at the blanket Harry had taken out. What the fuck would Harry need a blanket for?
He got up and looked at the blanket feeling the softness and instantly claiming the blanket as his favorite. Thats when he felt a small pain in his back. The pain increased and Draco fell to the ground feeling anxious without his mate to comfort him. He yells Harry's name and waited for Harry to show up.
He's meeted by Harry falling to his side sitting there in a panic. Draco calms down slightly but not all the way since he could feel Harry's panic.
The pain eventually died down and Draco fell at ease once again.
"Are you ok?" He heard Harry ask still in a panicking state.
"I-I'm fine, it was just inheritance pain" He replied sitting up.
"I thought you already got your inheritance" Harry said confused.
"I did- but that was the start of the rest of my inheritance" Draco tried to explain but didn't seem to make sense to Harry.
Harry helped Darco up and slightly pulled him into an embrace.
Draco heard the door open, and was pushed away from Harry, almost falling in the process.
Professor Snape walked in with a few items in his hands, and looked at Harry and Draco.
"Professor, what are you doing here?" Harry asked
"I could ask you the same" Snape said.
He walked over to the drawers and opened the third one, and put ingredients inside, and two couldrens, then closed the drawer.
"What are you doing here" Snape said seeming to glare at Harry and leaving Draco alone.
"I just wanted to look around" Harry replied.
"Then why is Draco accompanied with you" Snape said looking at Draco.
There was silence as Draco looked between Harry and Snape, and decided to talk.
"We had decided to look at the room together, since we will be stuck here to study" Draco spoke, since Harry didn't.
Snape looked at Harry, and then at Draco, then left with no questions asked.
As soon as the door shut, both boys sighed.
"That was close" Harry said walking over to the drawer that Snape had put stuff in.
"What do you mean 'close' " Draco said walking over to Harry, feeling the slightest offended
"I mean, he could of seen us" Harry said opening the drawer and grabbing one of the books in there.
"We weren't really doing anything" Draco said confused.
"But we were close" Harry said opening the book.
"Isnt this advance potions?" Harry said flipping through pages.
"Your in advance potions" Draco said taking the book from Harry.
"No wonder everythings so hard!" Harry said making Draco slightly laugh to himself on how cute Harry was.
"Its not hard, your just bad at following directions" Draco said playfully, putting the book back and closing the drawer.
"The directions are hard to follow" Harry said
"Your just lazy and a brat" Draco said looking at Harry.
"Your one to talk!" Harry said as Draco felt an anger develop out of nowhere.
"I'm one to talk?! Harry- you have been a total brat ever since I met you!" Draco slightly yelled, feeling a sudden angry build inside of him.
"I was a brat because you were a brat to me first!" Harry yelled back making Draco even more angry.
"Harry- your acting like such a child right now!" Draco yelled a little louder
"You started it!" Harry yelled louder, making Draco just furious.
"You little shit- take that back" Draco said grabbing Harry by the shirt, not really knowing why he was angry in the first place and why he was taking it out on his 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦.
"Hey! Let go of me!" Harry said struggling in Draco's grip.
"I said take that back!" Draco pushing Harry against the drawers, rage clouding his mind.
"Draco stop! Your hurting me!" Harry said trying to make Draco let go.
Draco finnaly snapped back to reality and let go of Harry almost instantly feeling fear and and slight anger from his mate.
"Harry are you ok? I-I didnt mean to-"
"Draco I'm fine" Harry said refusing to look at him now, making Draco feel hurt.
Draco slightly frowned, whatever came over him to do that, he had admittedly regretted it and was mentally cursing himself for even listening to it.
"Harry I'm sorry" Draco said slightly placing his hand on Harry's face wanting to calm down his mate, but more anger radiated off of him, but seemed to calm down as he looked at Draco.
Draco stood there as he waited for Harry to respond, feeling bad that he had hurt his mate.
"Your forgiven" Harry said hugging Draco, who hugged back as the feeling of relief calmed him down.
"But I refuse to give you attention for the rest of the day" Harry said letting go and walking off leaving Draco alone.
"What- Harry!"
((I finished the chapter! Yay! Now I might start the next chapter tomorrow, or I might not since Im lazy- but I hope you enjoyed this chapter UvU
Words: 947))
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