Chapter One: The Book
((Dont mind the spelling and grammer mistakes UwU I'm too lazy to fix them))
Hermione and Harry walk around the book store for what seems like hours. Hermione is trying to find a book for Harry to read, by Harry dosent like any of the books Hermione is suggesting, which is making Hermione a little frustrated.
Harry and Hermione walk down a isle of books, trying to look for other intresting books to suggest to Harry, when Harry suddenly stops in his tracks. Hermione notices right away, wondering what just happened.
"Harry, are you alright?" She asks a little concerned.
Harry looks around and spotd a book, and takes it out of its shelf. He looks at the cover, he dosent know why, but something about the book, it just, its weird to explain the feeling he was having. Hermione looks over at the book and reaches for it but Harry refuses to let go of it, so she just decides to read the title.
"What are Veelas? By J.K. Rowling" she reads out loud.
She looks over at Harry, who is just staring at the book.
"Harry what is it?" Hermione said more confused.
"I don't know, just something about this book is so intresting to me, but I dont know what." Harry replies not even looking up once.
"I could teach you about Veelas if you want" Hermione said trying to grab the book from Harry's hands to put it away, but Harry just pulls away.
"No!" Harry said keeping the book closer to his chest.
Hermione instantly pulls her hands away, she dosent know why Harry likes this book so much, but if its the only book he wants then she'll get if for him.
"Harry do you want the book?" Hermione asks to make sure.
Harry just nods, he and Hermione walk out of the book isle and goes and buys the book at the front of the store where the chasier is.
Harry is packing for Hogwarts, when he feels like he's forgeting something. He looks around his room, and spots the book Hermione bought for him the other day. He quickly packed the book and put the case aside, sitting back on his bed. He looks out his window, it was a beautiful day to be outside, but Harry decided he wanted to stay inside and get some rest even though his aunt and uncle insisted he go outside and have fun.
He really needed rest though, something was keeping him up at night but he didnt know what it was exactly. So resting would help him get those hours of not being able to sleep back. He layed down on the bed and fell asleep soon enough.
Harry wakes up to his alarm clock, he turns it off still tired. He gets up and changes his clothes, the grabs his wand and puts it in his pocket. He puts on his glasses and wakes up Hedwig, feeding him some food before picking up his cage from the window ledge and puts him on his dresser. He does a quick look through his suitcase to make sure he has everything, but is distracted by the Veela book. He stares at it again but snaps out of it when he hears a knock on his door.
He closes his suitcase and opens the door. He see's Hermione and Ron at the door who smile and say hi to him. He grabs his stuff and walks out of his room saying goodbye to his aunt and uncle, since his cousin was still asleep in his room. He leaves through the front door and gets into Ron's car, which he got last year after getting his muggle drivers lesson.
Harry sees Luna and Ginny already in the car. They came out as gay last year and are now dating, which dosent bother since hes gotten over his crush for Ginny. He actually very proud of the for coming out, since thats a really hard thing to do because you dont know what other people think.
Before long, they arrive at the train station and grab all their logage they brought. First Ginny goes first into 9 3/4, then Luna, then Ron, then Hermione, and finally Harry. He walks through spotting everyone instantly, and staying with then until they get on the train. The train pulls up and slowly every student one by one get on the train. Once evryone was in their compartment Hermione decided to ask what everyone did over the summer. Harry dosent really pay attention, he just stares at his suitcase, spacing out for no reason.
He's snapped back to reality when Hermione sayd his name. She asks what he did over the summer, and the truth was, Harry didnt really do anything over his summer break. He just 'says nothing much', and looks out the window as Hermione continues talking to everyone else. He ends up spacing out for the rest of the train ride.
Harry unpacks his stuff in the Gryffindor boys dormitories during dinner, which he decided to skip since he wasnt hungry. Once he done unpacking he grabs the Veela book he put on his bed to read later, and sits down opening the first page.
What is a Veela?
By J.K. Rowling
A veela is known as a beautiful semi-human magical woman creature-like thing with long beautiful white-gold hair and skin that appears to shine moon-bright. But veelas can also be men too, its not just woman. Veelas have mates who they encounter at least once in their lifetime. Veelas know exactly who their mate is after inheritance and first glance at their mate's eyes. If they are regected by their mates, they will die in 24 hours due to the heart break, which kills the heart itself.
There are three types of Veelas, the aggressive ones, the emotional ones, and the stubborn ones. They all have different traits of magical ability. Most Veelas are wizards, and others are just act like muggles until they find their mate. A very little percent live in the forest, but finding one in there is very rare. On the other hand, the Veelas mate, before the veelas inheritance, gets a sudden urge to anything Veela related, and becomes possesive over it.
A hit of realization hit Harry right in the face after reading the first page of the book. Was he a mate for a veela?
((UwU nice first chapter if I do say so myself
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