Chapter Fourteen: Tutor
Harry and Hermione both sat back down, while Harry grabbed his Marauders Map, Hermione started to talk.
"Are we actually not going to tell Ron?" Hermione asked as Harry opened the map.
"No, I dont want to tell him yet, hes going to react badly. His relationship with Draco isn't that stable anyways" Harry said before whispering the words to activate the map.
"Are you going to tell anyone else?" Hermione asked grabbing the Veela book.
"Not unless Draco wants to" Harry said looking at the library on the map.
Hermione smiled at Harry, what a cute little thing Harry and Draco were.
Harry looked as the name on the map started to move towards what seemed to be Dumbledore's office. Harry was confused for a second, why was Draco going to Dumbledore's office?
"Im going to go now, thanks for the talk Hermione!" Harry said standing up, grabbing his things, and leaving.
Once Harry was out the door, an owl flew infront of him, sticking out its leg showing a piece of parchment paper. Harry grabbed the paper and the owl flew away. Harry opened it, seeing that Dumbledore had sent it, and Harry was needed in his office.
Harry rushed to Dumbledore's office, and said the password that was on the paper. The 'door' opened and Harry was let in. Harry walked in to see Draco sitting down on one of the chairs, having a slightly faded blush on his face. Harry took the sit next to Draco and waited for Dumbledore to start talking.
"I suppose neither of you know why you are here" He said looking at both of the boys, who stayed silent.
"Well" Dumbledore continued,"Since Harry has a record of bad grades in Potions, I have decided for you Draco to tutor him"
Draco tried to hold back laughs while Harry spoke.
"But- Headmaster-"
"No buts, I know you dont have a good relationship with Malfoy, but your grades need to be worked on" Dumbledore said with concern
Harry glared at Draco as he tried not to laugh.
"So I will be setting up a private room for you two to study, since if you fought, you wouldn't be bothering anyone" Dumbledore said proudly to himself, not knowing that the two boys were going to use that room to their advantage for hangouts. I repeat, hangouts.
Harry didn't know that he was still glaring at Draco until he slightly brushed his hand against his. Harry admittedly stopped glaring and softened his look, ever so slightly smiling.
"Here is were the room is located" Dumbledore said handing the boys a piece of parchment paper.
"You may use the room anytime, but we will schedule meet ups later this week" Dumbledore said
"You may leave now" Dumbledore said waving his hand, gesturing for them to leave.
Harry got up and walked out, leaving Draco behind. As he walked off someone grabbed his hand making him turn around.
"Eager to get to the room eh?" Draco said lightly letting go of Harry's hand.
"What made you think that?" Harry said walking of again, and Draco following,
"I mean you are going in the direction of the room" Draco stated," And the Gryffindor tower is the other way"
Harry stopped in his tracks and turned towards Draco.
"If you just got a room specifically for you, wouldn't you want to go check it out?" Harry asked Draco.
"Point taken" Draco said smiling as Harry walked of again.
Harry nade it to the door, grabbing the door knob and opened it. He was suprised that it was unlocked, he walked in, Draco following. There was a stand right next to the door with two pairs of keys, which was supposedly for him and Draco.
Harry walked down the short hallway and saw a table with two chairs, shelves of books, beanbags, and pillows.
"Why would Dumbledore give us pillows?" Harry asked walking over to the stack of pillows.
"Maybe because he knows that you'll fall asleep while I try to tutor you" Draco said, Harry could sense his smirk.
Harry looked over to one side of the room that had drawers, and walked over to them, opening the first one, which was filled with blankets. He opened the next one, which was filled with card games and board games.
"Its like he's asking us to invite people over and play games" Harry said taking out uno and placing it on the table.
"You wanna play?" Harry asked sitting down.
"Sure" Draco said,'' but just know I get competitive"
"Ok, if I win you owe me 5 galleons" Harry said opening the card game.
"And if I win" Draco said looking at Harry straight in the eye," You owe me a make-out"
"And I win" Harry said placing down his last card.
"How the fuck did you-"
"I dont know, I'm just good at the game" Harry said standing up.
"Now you owe me five galleons" Harry said smirking at Draco.
"I'll give it when I get it" Draco said standing up.
Harry looked at Draco as he walked off and grabbed a pillow and sat on beanbag, hugging the pillow, as if he was throwing a fit.
"Aww, are you mad that I won Malfoy" Harry said in a baby voice
"Shove off Potter" Draco said hugging the pillow tighter.
Harry laughed and sat down infront of Draco, as he through a fit and ignored him. Harry put his hand on Draco's chin, moving his head to look at him.
"Do you want a kiss that badly?" Harry asked
Draco didnt answer, but Harry could see Draco eyes moving from Harry's eyes to his lips. Harry smiled and leaned in and kissed Draco. Draco kissed back, seeming to relax into the kiss.
Draco slowly moved the pillow away from him to move Harry closer. The kiss became passionate and a little rough, but both boys didnt seem to mind.
When Draco bite down on Harry's lip asking for an entrance, was when Harry pulled away, panting lightly.
"I won the game" Harry said smiling," No make-out"
Draco groaned and put his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry just laughed, thinking Draco was absolutely adorable when he got angry like this.
((Ok this chapter was fun to make UvU also thank you Yuri_malfoy for the suggestion, I once again had fun with a suggestion, I will be updating a little more since I dont really have anything to do, and I still have to work on my other story so, I wont be updating as often, but still pretty often. But anyways I'm going to stop talking before I start to ramble
Also, wow four updates in one day- I'm being not as lazy as I usually am-
Words: 1135))
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