What to Do
In the far away land of the Kingdom of Fiore, there is a town that goes by the name of Magnolia. That town is full of magical places, especially a guild made up of the most powerful wizards known. The guild is known as Fairy Tail. Mages from all over can join this magnificent guild, known for how powerful they are. The wizards take jobs, in which they are payed by the people in need for solving any problems they may have. They may not be the safest guild, considering they destroy anything on their path. Yet they make up for it with all their passion.
What other people outside of the guild don't know, though, is that while they may solve other people's problems, they have many of their own.
"Calm down!" Erza's voice could be heard all throughout the guild hall. As soon as the last person had the command reach their ears, everybody went still.
"This is no reason to panic. The prophecy could mean a lot and could mean nothing at all," the redhead said.
Bixlow rolled his eyes. "It don't seem like it ain't big!"
"It doesn't even sound bad!" argued Mirajane. "Levy, what did you find on it?"
The bluenette was scanning her way through a mountain of books next to her. She seemed extremely focused, which usually meant she was close to figuring something out.
"Where's the old man?" asked Gray. Surely the master would know what to do.
Erza trained her eyes on the ice mage. "In his office, and he'll stay there. This is no reason to interrupt whatever thing he may be doing. Could be anything, could be important."
Gray huffed, but didn't argue. Nobody was stupid enough to argue with Erza. At that moment, a very happy Dragon Slayer walked into the room with his blue cat by his side.
The pink-haired boy caught on the rest of the guild's mood. "What's wrong with all of you?"
Gajeel growled. "Some guy came in here, claiming he was 'the son of the prophecy god' whatever that meant. Started spilling some random prophecy."
"It wasn't random," interfered Levy. "It's called 'The Prophecy of Two Hearts'. A handful of magical beings are chosen by....the prophecy god....to fulfill a celestial task. Their hearts need to merge in order to do this. That has to be done with their soulmates. There will be two hearts, though, whose love will lead the rest."
The guild was silent. Too silent for Natsu's liking. He went to the board to look for a job.
"I don't know about you guys, but I don't see any celestial-y jobs."
Lucy stepped closer to Levy. "Could celestial task mean anything to my celestial spirits?"
Levy shrugged. "Could be. It doesn't specify anything. We just gotta wait and see what happens."
Nobody was too happy with that answer, but there was nothing else to do. The rest of the wizards went back to their usual tasks, but the tense atmosphere could still be felt. Erza decided to take matters in her own hands. She grabbed Gray and Natsu by their ears, and dragged them over to Lucy and Levy.
"We need to do something about this. Everybody knows that prophecies are never a good thing," stated the redhead.
"Maybe we can talk to Makarov," said Lucy carefully. "We can at least figure out something about this task."
Erza was about to shake her head, when Gray stopped her.
"Don't be so dense. You know the old man never does anything on days like these."
After finally convincing Erza, the wizards decided to ask the master. Gray and Levy started walking away at a fast pace, Lucy hot on their trails. Unwillingly, Erza followed suit. Before Natsu could follow, Wendy came up behind him.
"What's up, Wendy? Sting being annoying again?" Natsu asked.
Wendy shook her head. "No, I just have a question. I'm guessing it's stupid...."
Natsu grinned. "Have you met me? Come on, ask!"
She bit her lip. "Um, what's a soulmate?"
At this, Natsu stayed silent. He looked at her in the eye. He didn't have an answer for her. "I-I don't know. But when I find out, you'll be the first person I'll tell!"
Wendy smiled widely and skipped away, glad she wasn't the only one with that question. Everybody in the guild had it, though. They knew what it meant, but couldn't quite grasp the concept.
Natsu followed the rest towards Makarov's office. His guildmates were already talking to the old man.
"Who will be going?" asked Lucy.
Makarov looked at her. "How should I know? I'm not the prophecy god."
Gray sweatdropped. He thought the old man would know something. "We need to figure this out soon. The prophecy guy said this had to be done by the end of this month, and we're already halfway through."
"What was the prophecy?" Natsu asked as he tilted his head.
Erza, who'd been surprisingly quiet, spoke up. "Two shall lead, the rest of six. The task be done, at month's end dawn. A sacrifice of one's past mind, to succesfully allow the big bad's find."
"That doesn't sound thag bad!" Natsu interjected. "You've just got to find eighg people to find this 'big bad'!"
"That's the thing, Flamebrain," Gray rolled his eyes. "We don't have any idea who they are and what the 'big bad' is."
"That won't be hard, Stripper. Gramps can choose them! Or the prophecy god will make them shine!"
"It's not that easy, Natsu," said Lucy.
"This has to be thought carefully. We can't risk anything," added Erza.
While they all bickered about what was going to happen, Makarov was deep in thought. Porlyusica had mentioned something about that prophecy. She'd mentioned some 'mark'. He, of course, didn't pay attention to that. She'd said names, though. What were the names?
He snapped his fingers. "Ah, I remember!"
Everybody went silent and stared at him expectantly. "Well...?"
"Yes, I've heard of this before. The mark.... I believe it was something engraved in the soul. That's how they were chosen."
Lucy gave a relieved sigh. "Okay then! How do we know they have the mark?"
"I'd need to see with Master Sensor, of course," Makarov nodded. "The task, though, is quite simple. The least payed one on the board. The one that seems the easiest. That will be it, I'm sure. Won't be an obvious one."
"Do your magic!" screeched Happy.
Makarov closed his eyes as he concentrated. He could feel the magic burning at the tip of his fingers. His body was slowly being swallowed by brightness. Then, in a flash, it was gone. When he opened his eyes again, he could see the magicians who were currently in his office draped across the floor.
"Well," he said. "Now go find the other three magical beings and get on with this prophecy already."
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