Never Mind That
The train was quiet. Every passenger was having a peaceful morning after a confusing night while eating breakfast the station had payed because of the dusruption. Little kids could be hear giggling, throwing their fruits at each other while their parents scolded them. Some merchants tapped their working boots on the floor, whistling a tune only they seemed to know. It was a nice morn-
"You idiot! You could've gotten yourself killed, Stripper!"
"What was I supposed to do? Leave everybody in danger? Is that it!"
Lucy sweatdropped as she heard the two boys fighting behind her. Natsu was mad that Gray had fought against the Deceiver. The blond had a nagging feeling that it was because the ice mage had proven to be stronger that one ocassion. 'Seriously,' she thought, 'it was only one fight.'
Erza barged into the room with a menacing look on her face. "We have got to find out who this Deceiver is."
"Well," Jellal said, coming out of nowhere. "He's obviously who we're looking for. The guy plays mind games, we've got to be careful. Who knows what he can do."
Levy, who was caught up in reading a book, looked up. Her usually neatly styled hair was a tangled mess. She was the only one still in pajamas, and her eyelids were halfway closed.
"I've been up all night. There's no such thing as deceiver magic anymore."
"Apparently that's not true," said Loke.
Lucy tapped her fingers impatiently on the floor. The coffee in her hand was cold by now, but there was no need for caffeine. She was already too worked up with the whole situation.
"This is scary," she mumbles. "If this type of magic shouldn't exist anymore, then it means danger."
Natsu and Gray sat down in front of her with their faces propped up on their hands in unison. Natsu wore a big grin, and Gray a mischevious smirk. Lucy raised her eyebrow at the two.
"It doesn't mean danger," said Natsu.
"It means fun," finished Gray.
Levy rolled her eyes and looked back to her book. All she wanted to do was find some information of that ancient type of magic, and she'd feel accomplished. She had a weird feeling that there was more to thr Deceiver than appeared in the books. The page on deceiving magic was in only that book. It had a cross across with a stamp that read "NO LONGER IN THIS WORLD".
"I don't know about you guys," Loke piped up. "But I am starving, and this train food is disgusting."
Lucy nodded in agreement. "But there's nothing we can do until we get-"
"Yes there is," Erza interrupted. "We cam jump off and stop at a village. The rest of the walk might take us an extra half a day at the most."
"Nah, I want to stay!" Natsu exclaimed. "I can never ride this thing in peace. It won't hurt us to~"
Everybody looked expectantly at Natsu who had a frown on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but immediately put his hand on top of it. The dragon slayer was turning as white as a sheet of paper at an extreme pace. Soon enough, he was draped all over the floor. Gray immediately walked put of the room, having learned that if hr wasn't quick he'd be stuck with Natsu. Before Levy could even stand up, everybody had ran out of the room.
She clicked her tongue. "I guess we are jumping after all."
Lucy stared at the open door in front of her, hands sweating and legs shaking. Everybody was ready to jump out. Lucy had been pumped until she saw the outside. The village could be seen a few miles north, but the small journey of a desert before seemed scary. The blonde could imagine a random troll pop out of the sand, grabbing her feet, and taking her down. 'That's a nice thought,' she scowled.
"Come on, Lucy," groaned Erza, who was carrying Natsu like a potato sack. "All you need to do is jump and keep going."
'Easy for you to say,' she thought. Having no other option left, she stood next to the redhead and nodded. Loke counted to three, and they all jumped. Lucy gasped as the fresh air slapped her across the face. All gravity had disappeared, as she momentarily felt like she was flying. Too soon for her liking, her feet touched the ground. Lucy screeched in pain, but managed to move her legs , breaking into a run. It all happened so fast. Her legs buckled and she could only put her hands in front of her as she made contact with the hard ground. After rolling a few feet in front, her body came to a stop. Almost immediately, Loke had ran to her side and helped her up, all while holding back a laugh.
"Well," she huffed while straightening her skirt. "That was painful."
Levy, who was currently on the floor, nodded in agreement. Erza threw Natsu on the floor, who stood up and grinned. "Wasn't that bad!"
"Yeah, because I did all the work," Erza glared at him.
Gray looked around, frowning when he saw the village. "About five miles away. I hope the food is worth it."
The group grabbed their scattered bags, securing them on.
"Food's food, Ice Cube. No matter what, enjoy it!" Natsu said, drooling as the thought of food invaded his mind. Loke nodded in agreement, and soon both boys were racing off.
Five miles and two stops later the group found themselves in front of a diner. The name read 'Ignore the Pests'.
"I really hope that's just for humor," Lucy shivered.
The door's bell ringed as the wizards made their way inside. There weren't many people inside, leaving a wide variety of choices where to sit down. The eight sat down in a table at the far corner, plopping down and dropping their bags with a loud thud. A waitress skipped towards them with an excited grin on her face.
"New customers!" she squealed. "We barely get any!"
"Maybe it's because of the name," Lucy mumbled, earning her a small glare from Levy.
"Here are your menus! I'll be back in a sec with drinks! We really only have water~" the girl looked uncomfortable.
Gray shrugged. "Liquid is liquid. I take any kind."
After the white haired waitress left, Loke turned towards Gray.
"Bro," he sighed. "That sounded disgusting."
Before Gray could give a retort, the doors of the diner flew open. There were two men holding up a woman. The men could be identified as twins, with the same broad shoulders and angled face. The woman, on the other hand, looked frail. Lucy imagined that of she only touched the woman, said person would simply shatter. Her brown, thin hair covered her face. But Lucy noticed the way her lip trembled, as well as her hands.
"Help!" one of the men yelled. "She was attacked by the Big Bad!"
'The Deceiver?' Gray thought. He stood up and walked over to the men, taking a good look of the woman. Her eyes were wide, lips fleshy, and fingernails bleeding like she had bitten them.
"Are you okay?" he asked surprisingly soft.
The woman looked up at him, and her eyes widened even more. She struggled out of the grasp of the two taken back men, and clutched Gray's shirt. She started talking in a language Gray couldn't quite place. The other seven magicians scrambled up to help Gray. Jusg before he was set free, the woman stared into his eyes as if in a trance.
"Memories are golden," she whispered. "Slayer will soon be silver."
And then she fell. Just like that. Gray stared in confusion at the unconscious woman in front of him. Her breathe was steady, but even in this state, she looked uncomfortable. Erza looked at him with a questioning expression on her face. The only response she got was a small shrug.
Happy fumed. "Does that mean I won't get my salmon?"
Woooow finally finished with this chapter
Felt like forever
I think it's longer than the rest! Maybe I'll keep writing it like this. Pieces a day!
I really don't know if it's longer, I'm checking once I post it
So professional
Hope you guys liked it! Next chapter is them arriving at the village with the Deceiver
Until next time bunnies!!!!
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