(4 days later)
*McGee POV*
Well after four days of not coming into work I'm finally returning. Actually we're all returning. Honestly, it was weird not working for four days but it was also nice because I was able to spend time with twins instead of them having to go to daycare. Any who, as I step off of the elevator into the squad room, Casey and Jimmy come racing in. They are each holding a piece of paper.
"McGee did you get a letter from Nick? We both did and when we went to ask Ducky, he was reading his letter" Jimmy says
"Um well I just got here so I don't know." I say
I go over to my desk and see a folded piece of printer paper on my desk. I drop my bags and grab the paper. I unfold it and start reading it. I then go over to Bishop's desk and see that she doesn't have one. Well, she probably already knows about this. Maybe. I'm about to go to Gibbs' desk but him and Bishop arrive. Bishop goes to her desk and sits down. Gibbs goes to his and spots the letter. He picks it up, reads it, crumples it, throws it across the room, slams his hands on his desk, picks up the note, and goes running up the stairs.
"Um McGee what was that about" Bishop asks
"Your boyfriend left us all notes saying that he's leaving NCIS? Is that true? Where is Nick" I ask
"He's at his house" she says
"Why is he there? He should be here" Casey says
"Yo" we hear
We turn around and see Jack on the stairs.
"All of you my office now. Yes, even Casey and Jimmy" Jack commands
We all quickly go up the steps and follow her into the office. We all sit down on either the couch or a chair and wait for her to talk.
"I want you all to go one at a time and tell me how you feel about this and if you understand why Nick did this" Jack says
"We all know why he did this. Rule 12. Never date a coworker. He left so that they could still be together. However, I think they should be able to work together and date" I say
"I agree. They are better together. I mean alone they are great but together they are amazing. They work well with each other and protect each other" Casey says
"I agree. I don't want to see one of them lying on my table. Out there they always protected each other and since they are together they will protect each other even more" Jimmy says
"Okay okay, I agree with all three of you. It's now up to Gibbs to convince the director." Jack says
"Yeah I guess" I say
"Alright you all are dismissed" Jack says
We all stand up but Ellie.
"Come on Ellie." I coax
I put my hand out and she grabs it. She stands up and I put my arm around her shoulder. We all walk out and we take the elevator down to Casey's lab. Jimmy included. We get down there and we go to the area with the seating and sit down.
"You okay Ellie" I ask
"Um yeah" she says
"Come on Ellie we know that you're not. What's wrong" I ask
"I just don't think I'm going to be able to work and think straight without Nick here. I know I was only kidnapped for half a day but the things they did to me were terrible. I should probably talk to Jack about it but they're painful to relive and talk about." Ellie says crying
I wrap her in a hug and just rock her back and forth. Ellie grew up with three brothers so she very rarely cries. Her crying about this means that what she went through was really bad.
"Do you want Nick? I can call him and have him sneak in here or we can all meet him at the diner or somewhere else" Jimmy offers
Ellie doesn't answer and just continues to cry.
"Call him and have him meet at my place. Delilah is at work and the twins are at daycare so we'll have the place to ourselves" I say
"Ok" Jimmy says
"Come on Ellie we're getting out of here for a while" I coax
She nods her head but doesn't move. I gently help her to stand up and I guide her to the elevator. We then head to my car and we all get in. We then head to my place.
*Nick POV*
I'm just sitting on my couch watching some random show on tv when my phone rings. I look and see that it's Jimmy.
N-hey Jimmy is Ellie okay? Was she hurt? What hospital?
J-Nick calm down. Ellie's fine. Well sort of. We haven't had any cases yet. She's just struggling emotionally and mentally. She needs you. McGee, Casey, and I are taking her to McGee's place.
N-ok. I'll meet you guys there
I hang up and throw on some shoes then head outside. I then realize that Bishop took my car. I unlock my car and get an Uber. It arrives a minute later and I get in. The driver takes off and after a small conversation I get to McGee's apartment building. I get out and thank the driver then head inside the building. I take the stairs until I get to McGee's floor and then go to his apartment. I check the door and see it's locked. I guess I got here before them. I lean against the wall to wait and five minutes later I see them. I rush over to them and Ellie wraps her arms around me in a hug.
"Ssh novia. It's okay. Let's go inside and we can talk more" I say
She nods her head against my chest. We all then go to McGee's apartment. Once we get in Ellie excused herself to the bathroom and then the four of us sit down.
"Has she been like that all morning" I ask
"Yeah pretty much. She was quiet all morning and we then read your letters and she finally broke." Jimmy says
"Yeah. Gibbs also isn't too happy with your letter" McGee says
"Is he arguing with the director about it again? I don't want him to lose his job" I say
"Nick, he doesn't care if he loses his job. He cares about you being on the team. You are a great agent. Yes, you had a rough start and you mentioned it in my letter, but you make this team better. You make it complete" McGee says
Before I can respond Ellie comes back and sits next to me. She curls up next to me and I wrap my arm around her.
"Hey you okay? You want to talk about it" I ask
"I just can't picture working without you now" she says
"cariño, I know it's more than that" I say
I wait for a while and she doesn't say anything.
"McGee and Jimmy can you guys go and get lunch from the diner for all of us" I ask
"Yeah of course." Jimmy says
The guys leave and Casey moves to sit down on the other side of Ellie.
"Y-you know how I said he touched me" Ellie asks
"Yeah" I say
"Oh Ellie they didn't" Casey gasps
Ellie nods her head and I look at Casey.
"Rape" Casey mouths
"Oh cariño I'm so sorry. Is that why you didn't want the doctors to do the test? You didn't want Gibbs to freak out and you already knew the answer" I ask
"Yeah. I-I'm sorry Nick. I'll probably end up pregnant and then my brothers will freak out on you for first getting me pregnant and then once they find out the truth for not telling them about me getting hurt" she whispers
"Hey Ellie it's okay. I don't care about it. All I care about is you. We will get through this together" I say
"We are all here for you Ellie. Now we need to cheer you up somehow" Casey says
Just as she says that the guys return with lunch and we start talking and Ellie starts to laugh some.
*Gibbs POV*
As soon as I read Nick's letter I went to the director and we argued for a good three hours. By the end we still didn't see eye to eye. I left his office and went to MTAC.
"Put me through to the Los Angeles office please" I command
"Yes sir" the person says
A few minutes later Eric Beale and Nell Jones appear.
"Agent Gibbs how can we be of service" Nell asks
"Is Hetty there" I ask
"Yes she is. Let me go get her" Nell says
Nell left the screen and Eric is still there.
"Eric I have a question" I say
"Ok" Eric questions
"You see Deeks and Kensi work together. Do they do fine" I ask
"Of course. They always have each other's back and it wakes them closer and more aware of what is going on because they have a greater need to protect each other" Eric answers
"Thank you Eric" I say
After I say that Hetty appears.
"What can I do for you Jethro" Hetty asks
"Are you guys in the middle of a big case" I ask
"No we aren't" she says
"alright. Is it possible for agent Blye and a detective Deeks to come to D.C.? I have a situation with me, some team members, and the director that I could use some back up with" I say
"Of course. They will be there tonight at 6 so 6 hours. Beale has already booked them a flight and Nell has informed them and they are on their way to the airport." Hetty says
"Very good. I will have Agent Torres and Bishop meet them at the airport" I say
"Very well. I will inform them of that" Hetty says
The call ends and I walk out of MTAC. I ignore the directors calls and go to the squad room. I don't see anyone so I go to Casey's lab. I get there and no one is there either. I then go to Jimmy's and no one is there. I then pull out my phone and call McGee.
M-hey boss
G-where the heck are all of you
M-ok okay. We are at my place. Ellie needed Nick and we figured if you went looking for us you'd check his place but not mine
G-okay well I need to talk with you all so don't go anywhere.
M-ok boss
G-are jimmy and Casey there as well
I hang up and go to my truck. I get in and drive to McGee's place. I get there and go up to his apartment. I knock and then go in. When o walk in I see my team all sitting and talking.
"Hey boss" McGee says
Nick turns and looks at me and quickly stands up and comes over to me.
"Gibbs, I'm sorry that I had to tell you about my departure over a letter but I thought it was the easiest way. Otherwise you would've tried to convince me to stay..." Nick rambles until He look at me and I gives him the look.
He stops talking and returns to where He was sitting. He grabs Ellie's hand and kisses her temple.
"You okay Ellie" I ask
"Y-yeah" Ellie says trying to sound confident in her answer
"Okay. Well Um detective Deeks and agent Blye will be here in four hours. Nick, I need you and Ellie to go pick them up from the airport" I say
"Can't McGee do it" nick asks
"No. You two need to" I say
"Okay Gibbs we'll go. I actually need to talk to you before we leave. I need to tell you something" Ellie says
"Okay. Want Nick to come" I ask
"Uh no. I just need it to be the two of us. He already knows about this" Ellie says
Nick squeezes her hand and this makes me a bit worried about what she needs to tell me.
"Alright. Let's just go sit in the bed of my truck and talk." I say
"Ok" she says
*Ellie POV*
We walk out of the apartment building and go to Gibbs truck. He drops the back and we sit down.
"What's up" Gibbs asks
"So you know how at the hospital I didn't want the rape test" I ask
"Yeah" he says
"It was because I already knew the answer. He raped me Gibbs. I didn't want you to know because I didn't want you to treat me different. But I need you Gibbs I'm gonna need your support" I say
"Ssh Ellie. It's okay. I'll always be here for you." Gibbs says
"Thank you Gibbs. You're like a father figure to me because my dad isn't around often. I know Nick will be with me, but I need your support and approval because I care about making you proud of me." I say
"Ellie it's okay. I understand how your are scared about this. I care about you like my own daughter." Gibbs says
"Okay. Do you know what's going to happen to Nick" I ask
"Not yet. Right now he is no longer working with us, but I'm working on getting him back. He's a very important part of this team. Of this family" Gibbs says
"Okay" I say
"Come on. Let's go back inside and enjoy this time with family until you have to go pick up agent Blye and Detective Deeks" Gibbs says
"Alright. Where are we taking them afterwards" I ask
"Take then to the squad room. I'll be there" Gibbs says
We go back inside and we hang out. At five o'clock Nick and I depart in McGee's car since mine Nick's is still at the naval yard. We arrive at the airport at 5:55 and we go inside. We go over to their terminal and I spot kensi from a picture that Gibbs sent me of her and Deeks.
I grab Nick's arm and pull him behind me over to them. I get over to them and both of their backs are to us. I tap Kensi on the shoulder and she turns around.
"Can I help you" she asks
"Yes. I am Agent Ellie Bishop and this is Agent Nick Torres. Gibbs sent us to pick you and Detective Deeks up" I say
"Oh yes. Hi. I'm Kensi and this dummy here is my husband Deeks. Deeks get off the phone" Kensi scolds
Deeks ends his call and put the phone away.
"Sorry I was calling Callen and making sure that he didn't burn the bar down." Deeks says
"Your mom is there" Kensi says
"That's why I called Callen. I don't trust her. I talked to him before we left and asked if he'd keep an eye on the bar tonight and close down" Deeks says
"And what did he say" Kensi asks
"He was going to reject but then I reminded him that he was staying above the bar for a very cheap price" Deeks says
"Ok. Well this is Ellie and Nick" Kensi says
"Hello. Nice to meet you. What is there to eat I'm hungry" Deeks says
I shake his hand and so does Nick.
"Well we are supposed to meet Gibbs back at the naval yard but I'll have him meet us at the diner" Nick says
"Oh he does speak" Deeks says
"Haha. Yes I do. I was just thinking" Nick says
"We'll go get the bags. You call Gibbs" I say
He nods and the three of us go to baggage claim.
*Nick POV*
The three walk away and I pull out my phone.
G-Torres What is it
N-boss, detective Deeks and Agent Blye are hungry so could we meet at the diner instead of the squad room?
G-I guess. I'll meet you there. The director will be there too.
N-Gibbs no. Bishop does not need anymore drama in her day today. I know Kensi and Deeks coming was to convince the director but can we deal with that tomorrow?
G-alright. Fine. Tomorrow morning I expect the four of you in the conference room at 8AM sharp. You four go enjoy dinner. Do you have room in your house for them?
N-yeah. I have a guest room. We're going to be stopping by the naval yard because I need to pick up my car and return McGee's car to him
I hang up and go to where the others are waiting.
"Something came up that Gibbs can not meet with us tonight. So it will just be us four at the diner. However, Gibbs wants us in the conference room at 8AM sharp." I tell them
"Alright. Let's go. I'm famished" Ellie says
"You sound like Kensi" Deeks says
"Wait Kensi eats everything in her sight too" I ask
"Yes" Deeks exclaims
"Shut up" Kensi and Ellie both say
Deeks laughs and we hi-five. We both also grab a bag and I lead the way to the car. I put the bags in the back and then Ellie and I get up front while Deeks and Kensi get in the back. I start the car and drive to the diner. We go in and we walk to the teams usual booth. We sit down and Elaine comes over to us.
"Nicholas and Eleanor! How are we today?" She asks
"Hey Elaine. We are doing better then the last time you saw us." I say
"That's good to hear. Now who's with you? I've never seen them before" Elaine says
"This is Kensi and Deeks. They work for NCIS just like us but they are from LA" Ellie says
"Alrighty then. Hello Kensi and Deeks. I am Elaine. Nick and Ellie your order is already being made. What can I get you two though" Elaine asks
"Uh you know what just surprise us" Deeks replies
"You got it" Elaine answers
She takes their menus and walks off.
"So how often do you two come here" Deeks asks
"Oh um well sometimes once a day and sometimes twice a day. It all depends" Ellie says
"And you two always order the same thing" Kensi asks
"Yeah. Everyone from the team has their same old same old order and as soon as they see us walk in they start making it for us." I say
"Wow. I mean I guess the diner for you guys is the bar for the team. We hang at the bar most nights as a team. Especially since I own it and work there after work and Callen lives above it" Deeks says
"Um you own part of it. I own the other part since we are married" Kensi says
"Oh yeah. We are aren't we" Deeks jokes
Kensi slaps him and before anyone can say something our food is brought out. One plate gets set in front of me. Another one in front of Deeks. Then two plates each was sent in front of Ellie and Kensi.
"I figured that Kensi was similar to Ellie so I figured she also liked food a lot" Elaine says
"Thanks Elaine" I say
She leaves and we all start digging in.
"Alright I have a question" Kensi says taking a break from eating
"Yeah" I ask
"Now it might be too personal and you don't have to answer if you don't want, but what did Elaine mean when she was asking how you were? It sounded like a concerned tone" Kensi says
I look over at Ellie and she nods in confirmation.
"Okay I will explain it to you all but when we get to my place. You guys can stay there. I have a guest room" I say
"Okay" Deeks says
I eat about three/fourths of my food until Ellie starts picking at my food as well. I look over and see that she already ate her food. Elaine looks over and sees it as well.
"Pie" she mouths
I nod and Elaine smiles.
Ellie finishes my food just as Elaine walks over with four slices of pie.
"Thank you Elaine" Ellie smiles shyly
"It's all good Eleanor." Elaine says
We all eat our pie and then once we are done Elaine brings the check.
"We should split the check" Deeks says
"No. I got it. It's my treat" I say
"No come on we should pay for half of it" Deeks says
"No seriously just let me pay. Because Ellie and I eat here so often we get quite the discount. It's not that bad" I say
"Boys shut up. Hetty gave me money before we left and told me to treat us all to dinner on her." Kensi says
"Ok okay. Remind me to thank Hetty" I say
"Will do" Deeks says
Kensi pays for the meal and I go over to Elaine. I hand her thirty dollars and she tries to give it back but I walk away with my hands up in a surrender position.
"Nicholas Torres I will get revenge for this" she says
"No you won't. If you don't want it then use it to help someone in need" I say
She pretends to strangle me and I just laugh and walk out of the diner with the others. I then start the car and drive home preparing myself for what all I need to say to Deeks and Kensi. Hopefully this all goes okay.
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