Touch (Reap)
Reaper couldn't stay long after Error woke up. He didn't need any more genocidal toddlers running around. He wanted to stay, ask how he was feeling, maybe talk about why he didn't want to be healed. It's not like he knew Error was Haphephobic, he just knew that Error said he didn't like it. Reaper's been patient thus far, but Error's story was a puzzle he just couldn't fit together. How did Geno become Error? Why didn't he like touch? Why did he destroy? Ink wasn't hard to figure out, the soulless prick loved to play hero. Just thinking about Ink nearly overwhelmed Reaper with rage. He wasn't going to lose Error. Reaper sighed as a gun fired off. It was time for him to get to work, he could think about Error later. At the end of his workday, Reaper went to check on Error, but in the flip of a dime, Reaper was caught. It reminded him scarily of the first time Error nearly killed him. ("you asshole, you will answer my questions or else!") "y-ou as-sho-le, yo-u wi-ll an-swe-r m-my que-stio-ns or el-se!" Error snapped, ensnaring Reaper in his strings. Reaper found it a bit (lot) hot. "i'm curious about you too, error, no need to-" He cut off his own sentence realizing what he was about to say would probably make Error more violent. "how about we take turns, ten questions each? you can have first turn."
Error sat comfortably across from Reaper while the poor guy felt like he was going to have a panic attack. He was trying to keep himself calm and controlled though, he had no idea if Error would kill him if he wasn't. ("do you know why your touch doesn't harm me?") "d-do yo-u kn-ow w-hy y-our tou-ch doe-sn-t ha-rm me?" Reaper didn't hesitate to answer. "you are unable to die. the place you were... kept you from dying." Reaper asked his first question. "how are you feeling?" Reaper noticed Error paused, startled. ("i... feel better. don't do that again.") "i-i... f-ee-l be-tte-r. don-t do th-at aga-in." Reaper laughed at Error's expression. "ok, i won't." Error nodded and moved on to his second question. ("how did that place keep me from dying?") "h-ow di-d tha-t pl-ace k-eep me fr-om dy-ing?" Reaper tilted his head. "the save screen is outside of space and time, much like the void and anti-void, it kept you alive since time was stopped there. why do you destroy?" There was another pause from Error. ("spite, resentment, loneliness. did we meet before..?") you know so much about me..") "s-pit-e, res-ent-ment, lon-eli-ness. d-id we m-ee-t be-for-e..? yo-u kn-ow s-o muc-h abo-ut me.." Reaper froze and went dead silent. ("reaper..?") "rea-per..?"
".... yes." Reaper felt his soul pulse painfully in his ribcage.
Reaper really wanted to be let down, he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this up. "why don't you like touch..?" Reaper changed the subject. Error... let it happen. ("it's not that i don't like touch... i'm afraid of it..") "it-s n-ot li-ke th-a-at i don-t l-ike tou-ch... i-m a-afr-ai-d of i-it.." Reaper looked at Error sympathetically. "because you were alone all this time?" Error nodded. ("can we be friends...?") "c-an we b-be fri-ends...?" Reaper paused again, longer this time. Reaper froze. Weren't they already friends? Reaper could see Error looked away, he couldn't read Error's expression, but whatever it was couldn't be good."i thought we already were." Error looked at Reaper. ("you did?") "y-ou di-d?" Reaper hesitated and nodded. "i assumed we'd been friends since you invited me over, error, of course i'll be your friend." Reaper felt relieved when Error smiled. ("i should really stop underestimating you.") "i-i sh-oul-d rea-lly s-top und-eres-tima-ting y-ou." Reaper quirked a brow. "underestimating me?" Reaper noticed Error glitch a little. ("well, i, uh, i have low self-esteem issues.") "w-ell, i-i, uh, i ha-ve l-ow se-lf-est-eem is-sue-s." Reaper hummed. "maybe we can work on your self-esteem and touch?" Reaper offered. Error hesitated.... and nodded. "great! can you please let me down?" Reaper nearly begged.
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