Protected (Reap)
When Reaper got there, Error was 'laying down' on the Anti-Void's 'floor'. "error, let me see where it hurts." He approached the Skeleton and crouched beside him. ("i'm ok.") "i-i-m ok." Error replied quietly. "..." Like hell Reaper believed Error. So he reached over. Error shot up wincing as he clutched his spine. ("what are you doing?!") "w-h-a-a-a-at ar-e y-ou do-i-i-i-ing?!"
"you are not ok, error. you were nearly killed." Reaper reached over again and Error flinched away. ("don't..") "d-o-on-t.." Reaper paused. "i just want to help." Reaper murmured. He didn't understand why Error wouldn't let him help. ("i'll do it... just don't..") "i-ll do i-it... j-jus-t don-t.." Error lifted his sweater where Reaper could see cracks where Blue's attack had connected and Ink had pinned him. It made Reaper's magic boil and he had took take some deep breaths to keep his power contained. Oh if he could, he would so kill Ink for what he'd done, but that would ruin the creation/destruction balance and go against his own balance.
("reaper? are you ok..?") "r-eap-er? a-are y-ou ok..?" Reaper focused on Error again, noticing that his vertebrae had been bandaged. He nodded. "i'm fine. will you be ok? do you not have any way to heal yourself?" Error had pulled down his sweater again. ("no. i don't have healing magic. i'll be ok though.") "n-no. i-i don-t ha-ve hea-ling mag-ic. i-ll b-e ok th-ou-gh." Reaper snorted. "when have i heard that." Error rolled his eyelights. ("har har.") "h-ar ha-r." Reaper relaxed next to him. "welp. you're hurt and vulnerable so i'm gonna stick around and make sure nobody can get to you." Error sat up a little. ("...why...?") "... w-hy...?" Reaper looked genuinely surprised. "because... you're important to me. i don't wanna see you hurt." Error stared at Reaper than leaned back. ("heh. don't hear that everyday... what about your job?") "h-eh. d-on-t he-ar tha-t eve-ry-d-ay... w-wha-t a-bou-t you-r jo-b?" Reaper shrugged. "we will figure something out, error. for now, you just focus on getting better." Error closed his sockets with a glitched sigh. ("that sounds good...") "th-at sou-nds g-oo-d..." Reaper looked around himself. "rest up, bud. you're safe with me." Error grumbled. ("i don't sleep..") "i-i don- sle-ep.." Reaper chuckled. "you've had a long day. i'm sure you can make an exception just this once."
It didn't take too long for Error to fall asleep. When he did Reaper properly checked Error's injuries. He wasn't sure why Error had been so... fearful of Reaper when he went to heal him. Something else that happened in their time apart. Something Reaper would ask about when Error was well rested. For now, Reaper would provide some much needed healing via a vial of Life's healing magic. Error flinched as he ran his fingers on his vertebrae, checking how deep they were. "they really did some damage.." He uncorked the vial and poured it into the the cracks gently. He was almost tempted to try it on Error's chest wound, but with how glitched it was... "it wouldn't work." He pulled away, and pulled down Error's sweater. "it seems my touch still doesn't work on you.." He mused quietly. He would stay until Error woke up, go to work, than come back and check on Error again. Ask his questions. See if he could help Error with whatever he was going through.
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