At Ease (Reap)
Reaper lay cuddled next to his favorite glitchy Skeleton as they slept. He only ever knew himself as death. Error only knew himself as destruction. Yet... they did the impossible. Error and Reaper were creating a life. It wasn't very far along yet, but it put them both at a sense of ease. Reaper had a child attached to his soul! How exciting! Papyrus was certainly happy with this development. He stirred gently within the string hammock, knowing he'd have to get to work soon, despite the little souling. Death stops for nobody, unfortunately. The soon to be mother kissed his lover on his foreskull and teeth before portaling away to work. Reaper had been avoiding the council about this new development. He didn't know what they'd do if they found out a child of death AND destruction was being born. This kid was going to be extremely powerful with both their powers combined, practically immortal, and impossible for the council to control, so he'd been living in the Anti-Void with Error. Papyrus got to visit daily, so he really didn't mind it at all. It could be him, Error, Papyrus, and the kid forever and he would be happy.
("what's cooking, good looking?") "w-hat-s co-ok-ing, goo-d l-ook-ing?" Error purred when Reaper got back. Reaper giggled as his hand went to the souls. "nothing much, err, just your future child." Error's smiled wide, happy to hear that all was well. ("that's great to hear, reap.") "th-at-s g-re-at to h-ear, rea-p." He held a sewn black onsie. ("i've been practicing~") "i-ve bee-n practicing~" Reaper cooed at the cute onesie before frowning a little. "are you sure you wanna make all their clothes? we can always steals some or paps could-"
("and make your bro look suspicious? nah, i got this.") "a-and mak-e you-r bro l-oo-k sus-pici-ous? n-ah, i g-go-t-t th-is." Error reassured his lover as he held Reaper's hand. Reaper guided Error's head to lean against him to which the Destroyer happily did. Reaper's robes were hella comfortable. Reaper felt fine just knowing that his family was right there with him. This was it. This was what Reaper had desperately wanted. He was NEVER EVER losing this again.
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