Answers (Err)
Error waited eagerly for Reaper to get done with work. He was eager to get the answers he'd been desperately seeking for stars knows how long. Surely Reap would tell him now... right? So Error waited and waited and kept busy. He finished the Reaper doll and added it to his favorites collection which consisted of Blue, Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, and now Reaper. After that he waited some more until finally a portal opened. "hey err, miss me~?" Reaper teased to which Error blushed and nodded. ("i did, i do.") "i-i d-did, i d-o." Reaper came over, giving his new boyfriend a hug and a kiss. "You seem excited about something, what's up?" Now that Reaper was here Error was getting nervous, still eager, but nervous. ("i, uh, i... was hoping that we could talk about... before... you'd said... that you knew me.") "i-i, um, i... wa-s hop-ing th-at we co-ul-d ta-lk a-bo-ut... be-for-e... you-d sa-id... th-at y-ou kn-ew me.." Reaper sucked in a breath and sighed slowly. "i... wanted to talk about that too, actually. you deserve to know. i just... am afraid of how you will take it." Error grabbed Reaper's hand. ("tell me.. please.") "t-ell me.. pl-ea-se."
"we've been together before, a long time ago." The words came suddenly, it took Error a minute to process. ("...what..?") "...wh-wha-t..?" Reaper continued quietly. "at the time your name was geno, short for genocide which was where you'd come from. a genocide timeline where you injected yourself with more determination in an attempt to beat the human. that scar on your chest was from them. instead of dying though, you trapped yourself in the save screen where i found you and fell in love with you.." Error's mind was reeling. He really did have a life before... this. ("what happened..? how did i become..") "wh-at h-app-en-ed..? ho-w d-id i bec-ome.."
"i don't know... i went to find you one day after work and you were just... gone. i searched everywhere for you, i didn't want to think you were dead. then i found you. here. as error." Error had just one more question. ("do you love me as me... or as a shell of my former self? as geno?") "do y-ou lo-ve me a-s me... or a-s a sh-el-l of my f-or-mer se-lf? as ge-no?"
"i'm not going to lie, at first it was because you were geno. my geno."
That hurt. Reaper wanted him just because he used to be Geno. Not because of who he was now, as Error. He felt bitter tears well up in his sockets as he glared as Reaper. "w-wait! that isn't the case any-"
("get out.") "g-e-t o-u-t." Error hissed. He should have known. "error, i love you!" Nobody could ever love an Error. ("get out or die!") "g--t o--t o- di-!" Error screamed, summoning his strings. Reaper stumbled back, crying himself. "err.." He turned and portaled away quickly, leaving Error to break down into tears. Why him? Why could he never have happiness? He sat alone for a long time, thinking, crying, breaking down again just to think about it some more. Was he being irrational? Yes... he supposed he was. Reaper... just wanted his lover back and Error was that person. Geno, Error... did the name even matter so long as he was loved? Error knew he had to apologize. He was being unreasonable after being loaded with that sort of information. Error would apologize.
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