Chapter 3: Remus' thoughts
Remus' POV
Our first class was History of Magic. As usual, James and Sirius sat in front of me, while Peter sat next to Mary McDonald, a girl in our year that he's taken a fancy to. As for me, I sat next to Frank Longbottom. Desi, Mel, Lily, Alice, and the other Gryffindor girls in our year sat in the rows of desks directly and diagonally across from me.
James looked like a little kid on Christmas morning when he saw Lily Evans was right across from him. He asked her out, just like he always does every time he sees her, and as always, Lily rejected him.
Sirius, meanwhile, was still absolutely livid about what Melanie had done to his hair. He was writing something in a journal, muttering "Diggory is so dead!" monotonously.
Professor Binns, the old ghost of a professor, floated through the chalkboard and started the lesson. "Good morning, class. Today, we will be going over what will be on your History of Magic O.W.L," he said, before droning on and on about what would be on the exam, mainly just stuff like Uric the Oddball and Earic the Evil and goblin wars...etc. I wasn't really paying too much attention. I was too engrossed in a Muggle book I was reading, Romeo and Juliet.
As anticipated, nearly half the class dozed off. But lucky me, I was one of the few who managed to stay awake. I saw Sirius was resting his head on one arm, probably to "protect his face". James had his head on Sirius' shoulders. I rolled my eyes at those two gits.
Taking a look across from me, I saw at least half of the girls were either just falling asleep or already asleep. Much like with James and Sirius, I noticed Melanie was resting her head on Desiree's shoulder, but Desiree seemed too preoccupied with staying awake to notice.
I couldn't help but stare at Desiree, taking in her features. She's so beautiful; golden hair flowing like a waterfall against her tan skin, a smile that can brighten up a room, and her dark brown eyes seem to sparkle when she talks. I sighed, shaking my head. I shouldn't be thinking this way about Desiree. I'm a werewolf. A monster. I don't deserve to have someone like her. Besides, she's out of my league. But it's so painstakingly hard for me to not have feelings for her. It's just like Romeo and Juliet; Romeo and Juliet love each other, but their family rivalry stands in the way. I want Desiree, but my condition is what's restraining me from asking her out.
After what seemed like a lifetime, the bell rang, indicating that History of Magic was over. Now it was time for Potions, with Ravenclaw. I anticipated Melanie and Desiree would pull another switcheroo. Let me explain: ever since first year, Desiree and Melanie would periodically switch robes and attend each other's classes, the only exception being if Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs had classes together. I knew about this- I'm just smart like that. And I can somewhat tell them apart. But they seem to have everyone else fooled, including the teachers. This is why they remind me of the Prewett twins. In a good way, of course.
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