"Sorry i'm late..."
Adrien lunged forward pulling Mari into a tight embrace. She couldn't believe it, it finally was him,the solution was right under her nose this entire time.
His smile, his scent and his fluffy blonde hair tickled her forehead as he pulled away.
There was nothing left for her to say, there was nothing she could say, but Arien was home and she was not going to lose him again.
Adrien couldn't tell how long he was gone, but Marinette looked so different, she wasn't much taller than before, but she did gain a few inches.
He couldn't quite tell what was so different about her, but there was definitely something.
He cupped her cheek, wiping a slow tear away "it's okay m'lady I'm home" this was the first time, the first time she smiled in a very long time.
His conscious reminded him of that night. There was something he watend to say to her
Something had had to say to her.
"Marinette I..." still someway somehow it's never that right time. He backed away from her, terrified.
"Wha- what's wrong Adrien?" Her legs began to wobble in his absence
His finally realized what was different, this was not Ladybug. She used the broken miraculous.
He studded trying to vocalize "Y-y-you used it?" he trembled tripping over storage "How many people did, you hurt?" the color in her eyes dulled.
Did Adrien really think she would hurt innocent people? She got a little closer to him
"Nobody" she softly said trying to ease his anger. She didn't know how much more she could hold herself up.
"Hawkmoth used that Miraculous to hurt people Marinette, please don't tell.." he said in a shaky tone.
No! This is not what he was implying
"Adrien- what are you saying? That I'm like your father?" She breathed out.
Why would he think he those things about her? She though he knew her more than anyone, something had to be wrong .
"Just tell me Marinette" his heart beating uncontrollably and he felt the air closing in around him. The love of his life...? A monster?
"ADRIEN THE ONLY PERSON I HURT WAS MYSELF" she screamed to the top of her lungs trying to get to his head.
She was huffing and the world around her started to spin but she was determined to help Adrien. If anything it felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest, the person she loved the most, no longer trusted her.
So many different emotions were flowing through Adrien at once
He couldn't control them
"Marinette I'm sorry, I -I can't" his pause panicked her
"I can't tell what's real"
"Then let me tell you!" She cried out to him.
"The peacock miraculous, I... studied it for months, trying to bring you back, slowly I've started becoming more and more weak as time passes by, I..." she caught herself . She couldn't tell Adrien she was going to die, it would be like killing him all over again.
"I know, that they are coming, they want to take you away from me again Adrien, I- I can't allow that, so we have to leave, before anyone else can find us.."
Adrien started to see, all of this was for him. Any panic and fear he felt regarding her vanished. Marinette... the same Marinette that forced his heart to skip a beat, his vision cleared of all the clouds ever blocking it.
Just as his hand reached for hers to take a gigantic......
It completely wrecked the upper portion of the Big Ben
By Ladybug? No. Someone in her clothes
She burst through the top of the Big Ben aiming for Marinette. She threw the yo-yo latching it onto an lever.
"Marinette.... you've distorted our timeline, we're all going to die if you don't set things right" she huffed out
"E-everybody?" Adrien asked slowly. This proved everything to him, Marinette turned into the monster his father was.
"Marinette, listen" suddenly a huge hole gapped in between the walls of reality itself and a bunny like hero warped out.
She was frantic , scared ,like she had just seen a ghost. This couldn't be good. Her legs glitched walking out of the burrow.
"Mini bug, AGH, w-we need, to-to go back, before..."
"This world will crumble" Alya went back to her normal form. She didn't want to do this, Marinette was her best friend but, there is a fine line between love and insanity.
"Marinette the more you use the peacock miraculous the more it breaks, and once it does, everything else will go down with it" Bunnix explained in one breath.
Marinette's eyebrows furrowed, she was tired of things not going her way, what they were saying was definitely NOT going to happen. But she needed to get those earrings from Alya and Adrien to a safe place for sure.
"Alya..." she breathlessly called out "you ignored me, my cry for help, for so long, every time I'd ask you about Adrien, you'd shrug it off.. like nothing, like you didn't even care about him" she grabbed at her chest walking toward Alya. But Marinette knew she was a smart girl, she walked slowly keeping her balance.
"Don't you think we all missed Adrien Marinette" Alya hung her head low. She fiddled with the ring twisting it back and forth. "I needed to be there.... for you, for Nino I couldn't just think about myself " she said in a low raspy tone.
"Oh Alya" she got closer watching her best friends tears fall. Alya crumpled, she felt vulnerable, "he's back now, you don't have to worry about us anymore"
"But- Marinette, our family's will die if we don't fix this loop" her fists caved as Alya said choking on sobs.
She held Alya's hand tightly to her chest while her bangs hooded over her eyes.
"And how- exactly would we do that Alya" a fake sympathy voice cut through.
"We- have to go back to that day you found the peacock miraculous" Alya rubbed her shoulders "and make sure your past self never finds it" Bunnix watched intently, to get Marinette on their side would be too good to be true, she was up to something.
She watched as Marinette's face twisted into a sigh, accepting Alya's proposal.
Marinette laid her transformation, she pulled Alya close, close enough to where her lips were able to brush Alya's ears.
"I love you Alya...." Her hands quickly slid up to the earrings resting on her ears and yanked them off leaving Alya with a handful of blood as she tried to stop the bleeding.
"I can't do that" the Marinette/ Ladybug everyone knew in this time, this was a completely different person.
Her eyes glew an abnormal color and her breaths hitched with each step she took. It was like looking at an Evil Ladybug. Her suit remained the identical but the aura was made up of pure evil.
She used her yo-yo pushing Alya farther away and then wrapping it around Adrien to get him away to safety.
"NO!" Bunnix tackled her. Now Ladybug hung off the side of a destroyed Big Ben, and Adrien laid paralyzed next to Alya.
Nothing had been right for him, when he told Marinette to find him this was not what he meant. His thoughts from earlier resurfaced. He thought this to be the girl he loved, but now she was too far gone to bring back.
He frantically searched around trying to find something to help. But who? He was still so conflicted, what side was he even on?
In the meantime Alya was still heavily bleeding, he ripped a piece of cloth from around his clothes to put pressure on the both of her ears.
"Adrien-, ah we don't have much time left, you have to help us" Alya groaned as she grabbed his hand "we have to stop her- even -.." she struggled to finish the sentence
"Even of that means losing me" he frowned, he turned his head to the open gash where Ladybug was dangling with Bunnix hovering over her.
"I don't want anyone else to die"
The peacock miraculous certainty does wicked things to the people who lose control.
A quick silence prompted Adrien to slip the ring on. He would fraternize with Plagg later.
"CLAWS OUT" Almost two years ago he could recall like yesterday the last time he could say those words.
He pranced over to help Bunnix but it was too late, Ladybug was gone. She was able to free herself from Bunnix's grasp and slip away.
She transformed into a unified version of the Ladybug and Peacock Miraculous.
"We have to find her now, she's not going to make it easy to win this fight" they hopped into the burrow scanning this most recent fight to find her whereabouts
Marinette collided with a tall building in her escape. She rubbed her head standing up. She saw him, he made his choice and it was to go against her. It was like chasing the light at the end of a dark cave. But never the less she put up a strong front. Yet her heart had been ripped out of her chest.
Abruptly, the more of the side effects began to wary her. Her skin radiated a frozen sense, but hot all at one time. But this was only the beginning.
She gritted her teeth holding the pain inside of her head.
"I can't lose Adrien, not again" she pulled a feather from her fan.
"Destructor, I demand you to bring Adrien to me, terminate anyone who tries to stop you in the process"
A large boulder shaped monster stomped through the streets of London, scanning for Adrien.
Soon enough too much trouble lurked around, destroyed streets, broken tower lights and collapsed homes.
Bunnix de transformed back into Alix, feeding her Kwami.
"This is not looking good, here, Alya, I'll be waiting back here in the burrow for you, I can not continue on like this" the girl fell down to her transparent knees while they slowly guided away. Very carefully she unhooked the Rabbit miraculous from the chain on her belt and placed it the the palm of Alya's hand.
Slightly she mouthed blurry words to Cat Noir "No matter what, do not let Marinette get the miraculous of the black cat" the vibrant bright red hair slowly faded away into thin air.
"W-W-w, WHAT NOW CAT NOIR!!!" Alya frantically yelled into the voidless white vortex clutching her face.
"We have to get Marinette on our side" he said staring out at the Sentimonsters attacking London as they spoke.
As they sprung back into Action, The innocent British folks feared for their lives, hiding away in any means necessary places.
"ADREIN AGRESTE SURRENDER TO OUR MASTER" one out of many of the large monsters chanted.
"Blunny over here" they hid behind an abandoned building "we need to find where the Amuck is hidden, on a the count of three try your best not to get injured, I'll go for the top portion of his body and you go for the lower"
Cat Noir bounced up to its shoulders and crawled around to find an empty or tight space. Blunny did just the same with the lower portion of its body.
His night vision eyesight caught two injured people struggling at the hands of the other amucks.
Without hesitation he leaped forward and caught them plummeting straight to the ground.
"CAT NOIR THERE ARE NO AMUCKS INSIDE OF THEM" she yelled out quickly helping him up.
"So where are they truly" she placed one finger on her chin before an idea stuck her
"wait .... Listen to them"
"If I go with them then we'll find out where Marinette and the Amucked object"
He revealed himself, and walked straight into the hands of one, Blunny followed stealthy not too far behind.
Not soon after he was dropped off at Hyde Park , right in the Center stood Marinette she stood waiting for him with a bright smile on her face
Before walking he gave Blunny and head tilt for a signal.
Once he got close enough to Marinette so that was preoccupied, Blunny would sneak behind her and grab the earrings and he would grab the peacock miraculous.
"Oh Adrien, please understand I'm not the monster here" she called out to him "I don't want you to lose your in trust me but I could not bear another year without you" she but the skin off her lower lip and folded her hands in the front of her dress.
"I know, Marinette, this is why I'm here to tell you" he wavered his hands around at the uproar behind them "people are getting hurt now more than ever" his eyes lightly shirted too Blunny creeping behind her.
He fumbled on his words trying to focus without being so obvious.
She shook her head "Adrien... you - you dint understand, they're trying to take you away from me again, I can't lose you" she sobbed in her hand wetting her gloves.
He hates seeing his lady this way, but... he knew what they had to do
Without thinking he pulled her into his arms kissing her on her cheek and then staring directly into her eyes, aligning ocean blue and emerald green into one particular stare.
Her mouth slightly opened as he leaned into her further for a kiss. But instead of she was met with immense insanity, confusion.
Adrien appeared to be a huge blob of nothing, and her hands started shaking.
Adrien quickly ran to her aid questioning Blunny. Why was this happing?
"What's going on?" He demanded. "She's losing touch with reality" Bunnix said coming out of her burrow.
Marinette couldn't hardly make out what they were saying.
"She wore out the rest of her strength with the monsters, the earrings were the only things keeping her from completely losing control over herself"
Adrien started at the heavily breathing girl in his arms "SO WHAT NOW? THIS CANT BE IT, IM THE ONE THATS SUPPOSED TO DIE?" He gently sat Marinette down and clutched all three miraculous in his hands.
Alya didn't expect this either she looked concerned at Bunnix but what she said next completely shocked them
"I'm afraid there is nothing we can do.... The universe is at balance" the glitch slowly left Bunnix.
"W-w- what about Marinette, is she going to die?" Alya jumped infront of the burrow demanding an answer.
"The holders of the Ladybug and Back Cat can not live alongside one another once their missions are complete" she sighed "Adrien throw the lucky charm so all of this damage can be repaired"
He stared at her in disbelief. What kind of hero was she? Yes Marinette made mistakes, but they were for him. He can't just let her die.
He held her shivering body before looking at Bunnix another time "it's going to be okay Marinette" he whispered in her ear unsure if she was even able to hear.
"Adrien... time is running out, hurry up" she watched the timer carefully tapping her foot
"Of course" he briefly glanced the Tikki "Spots on" Mister-bug slightly panicked. He couldn't think of a plan but he couldn't stall much longer. He clenched his jaw as he called the Lucky Charm. From the sky fell a small globe. Confused?
He stared at it for a while. What does this mean? Everything in his vision became red, All except the ring.
What was this saying?
Suddenly Bunnix'a words snapped back from earlier
"The holders of the Ladybug and the Black Cat cannot live alongside one another once those missions are completed"
This was it all along, these were b out the rules of every universe, they were the rules of their universe.
He briefly smiled looked over one shoulder at Marinette "see you soon M'lady"
If the couldn't live alongside each-other, they could not live at all.
"Plagg Claws Out"
Alya and Bunnix looked at each other "What is he doing"she asked nervously
"I don't know, but this isn't good" she stepped up to intervene but it was already too late
A white whiplash of power knocked her over. The people around London, Paris, America, Brazil froze in place and a large orb of energy consumed them.
The universe imploded.
But the Awakening of a another approached
Pink and blue clouds took over the sky as the sun was merely set
A seventeen old shyly walked down the street holding her pink notebook. It filled to the brim with numerous hand drawn blueprints.
"Al's, what if he completely hates them?" She whined throwing her hands in the air.
"Ugh girl, you worry too much everyone at school obviously adores them" she gave Marinette a pat on her back before ringing the office buzzer.
"You know what, you're right" her eyes and spirit grew more confident "I can do this, Gabriel Agreste is going to be blown away my designs he'll want me in his newest collection
"Hey!" Her best friend bumped her shoulder "I heard he has a son that's going to be modeling the winners clothes"
Marinette uped one eyebrow "that's nice, I guess" she laughed
"I heard he's also going to be starting school with is soon, quite the amount of girls are IN LOVE with him"
"Okay Alya, I don-" suddenly a tall guard called her name "wish me luck"
The next day
"Don't be silent, spill all the deets, what'd he say" Alya asked practically jumping out of her seat.
"Nothing he barely spoke, they took the pages and left" she groaned facepalming her desk
"Oh- well I'm sure you won't be left handling for too long" she laughed out loud. Her eyes quickly darted to the opening of the classroom door
"ADRIKINS, YOU'RE HERE" the spoiled girl of the class Chloe practically threw herself at him, kissing him on the cheek.
"Ew Al why would I want to be friends with someone who knows Chloe" she stuck her tongue and gagged.
This new boy Adrien giggled. Right then and there something set Marinette off. She watched how he greeted Alya, Nino and the rest of the class. He paid little to no attention to Chloe at all.
There was something about that fluffy blonde hair and those emerald green eyes staring into hers when Ms. Bustier announced them to be partners on the upcoming project. And how he promised to meet at park to work on it.
"He's not going to come Alya, this is useless, I've been waiting here for thirty minutes" Marinette said coldly disappointed.
"I'm sorry Mari" Alya flinched at the sign of wet water "I have to go, but I'll call you later" her brown haired friend left
As a storm approached, the clouds rolled in and hid the sun, casting a gloomy shade over the world. The wind picked up, and a faint rumble of thunder started in the distance. It was just the start of a storm, but the weather was already looking pretty rough.
She shuddered up from the park bench soaking wet a faint voice called out her name.
But before she could catch a glimpse an umbrella was already shielding her from anymore rain
"What're you still doing out here, you could get sick.... Or catch a cold" he looked at her worried. He placed a hand on her temple to make sure there was no fever.
The pouring sound of rain eliminated all of her senses, the bag of pastries from her parents shop also caught her eye. Making it even harder for a sentence to form. Her face flushed and her heart raced
And there it was
A louder rumble of thunder than the one before, the kind you only hear once in a lifetime, the kind that you hear every lifetime with your lover, it was absolutely timeless.
He opened his mouth one last time to apologize
"Sorry I'm late"
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