Chapter 1
Amy's P.O.V
"RING! RING! RING! RING! RING!" I groan as the alarm goes off, feeling a shuffling beside me. "Morning" my brother yawns as he signs.
I laugh slightly, "morning" I say. I feel his hand ruffle my hair and I smile. Then, I remember. "CRAP!" I say sitting up quickly.
My brother, Jake, gets paniced and sits up, "what is it?" he signs.
I get out of bed "it's our first day at ourean!"
Jake jumps out of bed "crap!" he signs. You see, my younger brother of 2 minutes 53 seconds went mute after we saw our parents brutality murdered by our fathers younger brother for his money. We were put in foster care, seeing as our uncle (unsurprisingly) didn't want us. We were moved from house to house, getting abused, or, if we were lucky, neglected. But we had each other. That's what counted. That was all we had and all we needed. Our foster father right now has 'taken us under his wing' for the publicity. You know, "Rich man takes in homeless kids" kinda thing. Unluckily, he didn't seem like he was the neglecting type as shown with the gigantic purple and yellow bruise on my side and the hand marks on my brothers neck.
Our 'father's' maid had brought two male uniforms. As soon as we see the uniforms we look at each other.
"Hell no" I say and he signs in unison. Jake changes into black ripped skinny jeans, a green and black scarf, a jacket with a cactus and a sign that says "free hugs", and grabs his backpack with a t-Rex firing a laser gun with 3-D glasses. I put on what I call the "my chemical romance collage." We rush outside, forgetting breakfast, and grab our skateboards. We then start our peaceful ride to the academy.
We turn the corner and look at the school. "It's pink. I repeat, the school is pink." I look at my brother "why are these people too damn optimistic?" I wine. He shrugs and we start walking to the front office, making sure to use my "manly voice" I ask for our schedule. We spend the next half an hour looking for some misterious "class 1-A". I personally don't think it exists, considering I'm pretty sure we covered the whole entire school THREE TIMES NOW!
"Look! Over there!" My brother signs and points. I gasp, there, on the wall, was no other than class 1-A!
We rush over and Jake knocks on the door.
"Come in" we hear a deep voice, presumably the teacher, say. I walk in the classroom and bow to the teacher "I deeply apologize for us being late, we got lost in this incredible school!" I say in my "manly voice", kissing up to the teacher. It seams to work.
The teacher smiles "very well, introduce yourselves."
I nod and turn to the class and bow "I'm Alex, Jake's twin. I hope we all get along. Jake?" I say, hinting for him to start.
"I'm Jake, once again, I am Alex's twin. I also hope we get along" Jake signs to introduce himself.
"Hikaru, would you mind moving over a seat?" The teacher asks.
"But sir, that's where haruhi sits." Hikaru states and the teacher sweatdrops.
"The other way Hikaru, the other way" Hikaru nods and moves. "Haruhi, you too" haruhi nods and moves. "Now, karou, raise your hand. Haruhi, raise your hand" whom I assume is karou and haruhi raise their hand. "Amy, if you would be so kind to sit." I nod and sit next to haruhi and karou. "Hikaru, raise your hand." Hikaru raises his hand. "Jake, please have a seat" the teacher says. Jake nods and sits next to Hikaru, and a window.
Jake stares out the window and I space out, us having already done this course on our own. I see the other twins passing notes and furrow my brow, I wonder what they're talking about?
-time skip-
Jake's P.O.V
It was free period. Me and Amy get up and leave the classroom, only to be dragged away by the twins. I start to thrash, thinking they're going to hurt us. They drag us in a room and I'm assaulted by, a bright light and rose petals? I look around and see five other guys. Confused, I look around, they're all very attractive but a certain blond with violet eyes catches my eye. I stand as well as Amy, immediately standing a few inches behind her, not trusting these new people. Amy is all a sudden dragged away by what seems to be a eight year old, saying something about eating cake? This place is strange. All of a sudden the blond I mentioned earlier was directly in front of my face, I blush darkly and look at my shoes, waving shyly. "Well aren't you adorable!" He practically squeals, then, it's as if someone pushed a button. He gently grabs my chin and brings his face about an inch from mine "oh, I would like to keep you. What do you think about joining the host club?" I tilt my head and look around, this doesn't really look like my thing. I shake my head gently. "Cmon, please?" He whispers directly into my ear". I whimper quietly buy nod slightly. Then he goes into fangirl mode. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?
Amy's P.O.V
I was eating cake with a boy named Honey when an attractive guy sits next to me. He has brown hair and dark chocolate eyes. "Hello, I'm Alex, and you are?" I hold out my hand.
He shakes my hand "Haruhi" he says.
I nod and smile "aren't you in my class?" I ask. He nods. I smile "it's nice to see a familiar face." Once again he only nods. "So, any idea what this place is?" I ask. After a long explanation I nod and smile.
All of a sudden I hear a squeal "mommy! He said yes! He said he'll only be a waiter but he said yes!" The energetic blond says.
"That's great daddy" the dark haired guy replies emotionless.
I frown and walk over to my brother and sigh "what'd you do?" I say exasperated. "I may or may not have told them I'd be a waiter" he signs quickly. I sigh "sign me up" I say.
The dark haired guy looks at us "you guys start tomorrow"
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