Chapter Twenty-Five
Race opened the door for Specs and closed it quickly as he walked in. Specs was shocked whenever he saw Elizabeth's injuries. She looked worse than Jack, Crutchie, and Race's injuries combined. Race then walked past him and sat back down in his chair. "What happened to your arm?" Specs asked concerned. Without looking away from Elizabeth, he replied, "I got stabbed." He showed no emotions or pain as he spoke.
"You should put something on that." Specs said as he walked towards Race.
"No. I should suffer." Race said as he began to tear up.
"Race this isn't your fault." Specs said as he grabbed the bandages and began to wrap Race's stab wound. Race winced as he did so but still he didn't take his eyes off of her.
"Yes it is. I could have stopped her from going back." Race said with his head in his hands, tears dripping on the bed.
"Ok Race. How? How could you have prevented this." Specs said motioning to Elizabeth. Race didn't respond. "Exactly. So stop sitting here in self pity and maybe be strong for her." Specs finished as he pointed at Elizabeth. "Whatever." Specs mumbled as he walked out of the room.
"Race?" Elizabeth asked weakly as she reached out to him.
"Yeah? Yeah! It's me! It's me!" Race said as he grabbed her hand.
"Race? Did they hurt you?" She asked as she set her hand on his face with her eyes slightly opened.
"No no, I'm fine. Do you fell better?" Race said as he smiled.
"You're lying to me. But yes I do feel good." She said as she tried to smile and hide her pain.
"No you're lying to me." Race said as Elizabeth's smile faded.
"Why did you come for me?" Elizabeth asked Race with happiness swelling in her voice.
"Stop being coy. You know why." Race said with a smirk.
"Why?" Elizabeth asked already knowing the answer.
"Because I love you." Race said as tears streamed down her face.
"I love you too," Elizabeth said as tears filled her eyes too.
"No, no, no please don't cry." Race pleaded
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"For dragging you into this situation. Maybe if I didn't go to that boxing match you wouldn't be here. Stabbed, bleeding, and tired. I'm sorry." Tears were streaming down her face as she talked. Race gently put his hand on her face and wiped away her tears, "Hey, I wouldn't want it any other way." Race told her as gently as he could, they both stopped crying. "Can you move everything?" Race asked concerned.
"Just my right leg. It hurts to move it." Elizabeth tried to move it but she winced as she attempted.
"Soon we'll have to start calling you Crutchina!" Race said trying to lighten the mood. They both laughed. "Hey get some sleep, I'll be here ok?"
"Promise?" Elizabeth asked Race
"I swear." Race replied. Elizabeth closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep. Knock! Knock! Knock! Race stood up quickly, but Specs burst through the door. "He's here!" He screamed.
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