Chapter Thirteen
Racetrack wanted to run. He just met Snyder's son's girlfriend. Snider the spider. The man who abused him and the boys for years. The man who's gang beat him and Crutchie senseless. The man who was the definition of the devil.
"Just curios." Race said as he began to calm down. Elizabeth was clearly worried about one hundred things. He didn't need her to worry about him. Elizabeth looked at Racetrack silently for what seemed like forever.
"You're a News boy aren't you?" She asked
"Why does that matter?" Race asked crossing his arms. Elizabeth could clearly read people easily.
"I knew it. You're the boy who he attacked." Elizabeth said beginning to back out of the alley. She clearly was scared of him.
"Ok. And. Your point is. I won't hurt you." Race said as he walked towards her. "I'll hurt him." She stared at him with wide eyes and ran. Race began to go after her but he stopped knowing that if he went he'd be dead this time. The match was over so Race walked home a little disappointed that he spent a dime on a match that he never got to see.
He made it to the boardinghouse and slowly and walked up the stairs. He didn't want the guys to know that he was out. Also it was pretty late so he didn't want to wake anyone up. He reached his room and slowly opened the door. He realized that Crutchie was the only one in the room. He was sleeping. "Boys are probably playing cards." Race thought. He then walked into the room and changed out of his clothes. Carefully, he put his outfit back into the box, put on his shorts, and went to bed.
The next morning Race woke up and he woke up Crutchie. "Hey man. Wake up." Race said as he nudged his friend's shoulder.
"Five more minutes."
"You haven't worked in days Crutchie."
"I don't care."
"Crutchie stop being pitiful and get up."
"Fine." Crutchie said as he stood up.
Race did his normal routine, get dressed, wash face, do hair, grab hat and bag off of bed, and head to the circulation. As usual he bought his 100 paps for 50 cents and headed to the boxing arena where the morning match took place. After two hours he sold about 80 paps and decided to go eat at Jacobi's deli. Jacobi wasn't used to the boys paying to eat there but it was always a pleasant surprise.
Race was feeling good as he walked towards the deli. He sold sixteen more paps before reaching the front door. As he put his hand on the door knob a sense of fear washed over him. He shook it off as him being dramatic. As he opened he door, every body turned around to look at him. Their stares were like knives and bullets. Each one piercing him from all directions. As he looked around he realized, these were Snyder's boys. He recognized the few boys that soaked him and Crutchie a few days ago. "Hey fellas." Race said as he began to run. Only three boys, one of them Elizabeth's boyfriend from the boxing match, ran after him. Race was ready to fight as he ran to Newsie Square. He reached in his bag to try and find something to defend himself with. At the very bottom of the bag, he felt something hard, his brass knuckles. "Thanks Kat." Race thought as he but on the knuckles. Elizabeth's boyfriend was on his heels while the other two backed off. Race knew that he couldn't run forever so he quickly turned around and punched the boy in the jaw.
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