"Why is 'Pilot' always the title of the first episode on a Netflix show?" Percy scoffs.
I shake my head, my shoulders trembling from suppressed laughter.
"Dunno." I pop some hot Cheetos into my mouth as I stare at the paper in front of me.
"Stop studying and help me find a show," Percy whines, tugging at my fluffy-socked foot. I kick my feet away from him and scowl.
"Stop touching me with your filthy rainbow hands."
He smirked and rolled over into his stomach. His hand inched towards my Cheeto bag.
"I see you- stop!" I smack his hand and he pouts. His pink bottom lip dipped out and it made his eyes big, brown, and childish.
He's giving me his crybaby face and I ain't got time for it. I don't naturally have time for drama, period. Anything that might get me wrapped up in it and away from my education, I say "off with its head!"
I chuckle at my thought and shake my head. Percy looked at me as if I had grown a whole second head.
"What?" I snicker.
"You're such a dork. You laughing evil-ly at your own thoughts... " He trails off, shuddering.
Percy and I have been friends for three years. We met when I was more wilder than I am now. I was at a party and instead of hitting on me like every other drunk, he helped me home and made sure I didn't get throw up in my hair. Ever since then we've been close and he's kept me on track with school and work.
I ruffle his soft brown hair with my Cheeto stained hand. "Alright let's watch Elite," I suggested.
He nods as he watches the trailer. He occasionally put in a few verbal notes.
"He's cute. Oh my. Sexy. She's hot!"
He clicked on the show and that was our night.
I jolt awake and a loud thud sounded in the room. A deep groan followed and I yawned as I scrubbed a hand down my face.
"Fuck, Paris. Be more gentle with my body, will you?"
I peep over the bed to find Percy laying in very uncomfortable looking position on the floor. He groaned again as he twisted around to sit up. His brown messy haired glowed in the sun.
I slid out of the bed then noticed there were papers and chips everywhere.
"Perce! I thought I told you to make sure the room didn't get dirty!"
He waved his hand in my face and stumbled to his feet. "Well, these are your papers and your Cheetos. So it's all on you." He poked my chest and I sighed.
"Get out, Perce." I ushered him out the room and changed into a pair of light blue jeans and a yellow tank top. I wasn't big on dressing all up. I then brush my teeth and follow Percy downstairs where my mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.
"Hey, Momma." I pecked her cheek and she smiled. She was so beautiful to me. Her long blonde hair made me envious but they brought out the hazel orbs that were crowned by long and thick eyelashes. Her smile could light up a whole day and I loved her to pieces.
I glanced at the bacon and toast and my mouth watered. "You didn't have to cook breakfast today, Momma. I was gonna make Perce do that."
His mouth dropped open is disbelief and Momma chuckled.
"Well, I reckon he would but we all know Percy Williams cannot cook a lick. Now, eat up and get to school." She handed us each some bacon and toast.
Momma walked out to get ready for work and me and Percy ate like kings. I swear, Momma can really cook like Gordon.
She doesn't cook all the time, though. She works shifts at like three jobs, so I fend for myself most of the time. I manage well but sometimes I wish that woman would cook everyday. I'm not as good as her, but she's taught me some nice recipes.
"We gotta go, Paris," Percy whined as I try to stuff the last of my bacon into my mouth.
Of course, his impatient ass couldn't wait so he grabbed my arm and dragged me out the house.
Soon enough, we're inside Percy's 'humble' abode next door. His two little brothers were running around making noises and bickering like crazy. They zoomed past us and bounced up the stairs.
Perce's momma looked like she wanted to pull her hair out her own head as she quickly tried to put together the boys' lunches. Perce reached over her and placed two sandwiches in each lunch box.
I put juices inside and a small bag of fruit and crackers. I never had these simple lunches. As I said, my momma cooked like Gordon. I went to school with something like La Chicken Nuggets with La Kale Smoothie.
Percy grabbed his backpack and keys before leading me out the house. We walked to his car and he sighs. "I don't see how that woman can make sure those boys have everything."
"She does what a mother should do. Especially when lacking that father figure... " I trailed off. I definitely feel sorry for Percy. Even though we may be in the same boat, his dad died. Mine only walked out suddenly with no explanation.
Sometimes when Percy smiles, I can see sadness clearly evident in his eyes. He thinks about his dad a lot and we talk about him. He was a good man and everyone loved him. When he died of cancer, everyone one was distraught. Even more so, Percy.
As we drove to school, the car was silent. I could tell we were both thinking about his dad. Walking into the noisy school was more quiet than it was in a silent car.
Me and Percy didn't share any classes so we met up for lunch then again at the end of the day, where we would talk about our day and then Perce would take me home.
He didn't say a word as he made his way to his homeroom class and I didn't blame him. It was only a few months ago...
"Paris, hey!"
I whirl around and a perky girl comes up in my view. She had a large camera wrapped around her neck which really made her frame smaller than it would be without the bulky machine. Her blue eyes were bright and happy.
"Uh, hi?" I offer a small smile. "Hi, I'm Mariah Jones. I'm the school's photographer!" She held out her hand and I looked down at it.
"Hi, I'm-"
"I know who you are, Miss Paris Hamilton!" She obviously wanted me to shake her hand because she kept wagging it in front of me. "I only remembered your last name because it reminds me of the Hampton Hotel. Oh!" she snapped her fingers.
"What about that explorer Hamilton!" She chirped.
I chuckled. "I'm pretty sure-"
"We got only five minutes to get to homeroom or we'll be late!"
I glance at my phone. This girl sure can talk. I don't even know her. I nodded and she blabbed on about being late. I started to walk off.
"Okay, well, I'm going to my homeroom... so I won't be, y'know late."
She smiles brightly and nods, "Drop by after school today- that yellow tankie is so bubbly and ready for the camera's attention!"
I hurriedly speed off and just as the bell rang I was plopping down in my seat in the very front of the class.
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