Chapter 9: Why?
Here I am... standing at my old house. I was suddenly hit with a wave of PTSD, but I attempted to shake off the terribly overwhelming feeling. I reached up to ring the doorbell, but I hesitated. What was going to happen? Who was I going to see through that door? Two 58-year-old women mocking my clothing choices and my.... my problems? I couldn't think anymore, though. I'd gone all the way to a different state, I might as well knock. So, with the cold air nipping at my nose, I finally rang the doorbell. I heard a dog. A dog was barking. I'd always asked for a dog, I wanted nothing more than for a tiny companion, and they got a dog for my sister!? I let out a low growl then attempted to suppress it once the door opened.
"Oh, honey! Come inside! We missed you so much!" My mother, Darla, proclamed, beconing me inside. I walked in and instantly smelled the cheap perfume that my mothers had decided should go on everything. I wanted to gag.
"Oh, sweetness! Come here, give your mother a hug!" Announced Bianca, my other mom. She hugged me tight, but pulled away suddenly.
"Umm... (Y/n)..." Darla asked, staring at me in disgust.
"What are you... eh, wearing, dearest?" Bianca finsihed, copying Darla's expression as she made gestures to my outfit.
"Normal clothes... because I'm a normal person." I amswered, rolling my eyes.
"Yes, yes that's all well and good, but... what's with the long sleeves?" Darla asked. I was taken aback. I'd been gone for maybe a year or more and she had already forgotten!?
"To cover them? Because it's cold? And I don't like-"
"Oh my god, getting pittied and stared at on the street, I remember." Bianca scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"Come now, child. You must come see Molly! Oh, and your five year old brother, of course!"Darla exclaimed, about to rush off.
"Wait... you adopted another kid!? And you didn't tell me!?" I exclaimed, flaling my arms about.
"Well, we didn't think it was important enough, dear." Darla said matter-of-fact-ly. I cursed the two out under my breath as they went to get my two siblings. While they were gone, I found my mind wandering to Thomas. His muscular frame, his long and beautiful hair, his contagious laugh and sly smile. I felt so confused. I hated the man deeply, but I also had the biggest crush on him and... and I knew I could never be with him. Even if I didn't hate him at all, I would never be able to love anyone again.
For hours I played with my little sister and brother. It had been so long since I'd seen Molly. She'd changed a lot, and I was rather excited when she asked me about college.
"Well, let me tell you! I met a ton of people! First, there's Alexander Hamilton; and intruiging, confusing man who knows way too much about history, second there's Lafayette; a Frenchman with an amazing rap ability and a fantastically long name, third is HERCULES MULLIGAN; I shout his name because he loves to do it himself and has got a huge, killer personality," I told her, and Molly interrupted me with laughter, and I laughed along too.
"Is there anyone else?" Molly asked me. I nodded and continued.
"Fourth, we've got John Laurens; an interesting young man with a hunger for adventure and a love for turtles, fifth is Aaron Burr; he prefers not to speak his mind (which annoys a couple people), but he's an all around nice guy and nice to be around, then there's James Madison, he seems cool. He makes brownies for whoever's working in drama, and Principle George, he makes stupid rules, there's also Martha and George Washington! Those two have been like my 'at school parents' or something. Now, these next three are the Schuler Sisters. And amazing group of siblings that love each other dearl-"
"Like you and me and Charlie!?" Molly exclaimed, cutting me off once more. I giggled a little and nodded.
"Angelica, the oldest sister-" I began.
"You." Molly interpreted, staring at me with anticipation.
"She's kind, brave, and she would do anything for her siblings... even give up the love of her life."
"That sounds like you."
"Then there's Eliza, the middle sister-"
"Me!" Molly exclaimed, smiling bright and clapping her hands.
"She's a hopeless romantic. She becomes completely helpless in front of whomever she loves. She's strong and independent, but compliments and help from whoever she's in love with never hurts."
"Oh, yeah. That sounds like me." Molly declared, nodding her head slowly.
"And the last, and youngest, Schuler Sister is Peggy-"
"Charlie." She stated. She grabbed Charlie and led him over.
"Peggy is the forgotten Schuler Sister most of the time. Her sisters start too much drama and she wants no part of it. She's fun and always an interesting person to hang out with."
"That sounds like me!" Charlie announced, jumping and dancing around. He went ahead and danced over to my parents. Me and Molly laughed again.
"Is that all?" Molly asked. I thought for a moment and realized that I hadn't mentioned Thomas yet.
"Nope. Last, and certainly the least, Thomas Jefferson. This man is a handsome, mature in the body like woah, idiotic ass-... Jerk butt that doesn't care about anyone but himself! He's stupid and rude and only cares about himself! He's great to look at and... nice sometimes... but he's just too rude to be around!" I nearly yelled, feeling the hatred course through my veins.
"You like him, don't you?" Molly inquired. My blood ran cold, all hatred was gone. I felt as if I'd just been turned to stone. I stared at her in shock.
"H-how do you g-get that... From what I just said!?" I shouted. Molly didn't mive, didn't even flinch.
"Well, when you were describing the good things, I saw your cheeks turn pink. Your eyes were softer than they had been before, too... you really like him, don't you? Or is it puppy love? A crush, perhaps?" Molly asked. Half to herself, half to me.
"M-Molly, I... G-goodnight." That was the last thing I said before running up stares, slamming my bedroom door behind me, and flopping on to the bed. 'You really like him, don't you?' Those words replayed in my head as I cried into my pillow. Why did it have to be this way? Why am I cursed like this? Why?
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