Chapter 3: Explanations and Excitement
I looked to Alexander, a fire burning in my eyes.
"How... how did you know?" I asked, staring at his blankly. He sighed, looking around once to make sure that no one was awake yet.
"Because I've been exactly where you are. Sweat pants, sweat shirt, messy hair, sleepless nights, drowning your sorrows in alcohal, I've been through it all and I can tell you that telling people what's happened is-"
"The quickest way to get pity." I finished his sentence for him.
"Look, I know that this isn't something you want to hear, but... the entire college knows. I don't know how or why, but they do. And..." I got choked up, but tried to clear my throat and speak again.
"And they all look at me with pity as I walk down the halls. Pity drips off of their sentences and phrases when they talk to me. Their body language screams 'I pity you'! I can't.... I can't have that from my friends, too..." I said, a little louder than expected.
"(Y/n)... I know you probably won't trust this, but... believe what I'm saying now when I promise that we won't pity you!" Alex told me, his eyes brimming with tears.
"Alexander, I... I'm sorry... I can't right now." I whispered really fast, not really wishing to be saying anything at all. Alex looked down sorrowfully.
"Alex I really am sorry, I just-" I felt Alexander's arms wrap around me.
"No, it's okay. I understand. I felt the same. Trust me, though; you'll feel better eventually." Alexander Whispered quietly. I smiled warmly as we simply lay there for a long while, I began to realise just how much I needed this.
During classes, Principal George III (the principle that everyone but who we called his "loyal subjects" hated because he made stupid rules) said that there would be a dance in a week for our team winning the football game this season. Of course I could care less about the football team, but dances were actually kinda cool. I mean, I still wasn't really ready for social interraction, but maybe this was my chance to try and get things back to normal. The guys were more than excited to see me actually dress up. Not because they cared about what I looked like, but because it showed that I was getting better. It made me happy that I finally had people back in my life who cared for my safety. I mean, sure, my adoptive (Idk what to call it so there.) moms would always care for me, but now I have friends who I can always be with. It made me smile.
This morning I noticed a bit of a skip in my step. I'd finally been able to loose the bandage on my arm that I'd been trying to conceal. I mean, sure, there was still a huge scar on my arm, but I knew how to conceal it. As I walked down the halls I noticed three girls talking about the dance. I approached them and waived. One of them, who I presumed to be the youngest, turned to me.
"Hi! I'm Margret! You can just call me Peggy, though!" She exclaimed excitedly, shaking my hand. I smiled and she introduced me to her sisters, Angelica and Eliza. We all started talking and, eventually, the dance was brought back up. They were all planning to ask people to the dance. Peggy wanted to go alone, but her sisters really wanted dates. They both already had their eyes out for someone, but they wouldn't say who. As we discussed getting ready for the dance we all decided that we should get ready together when the time came. I smiled excitedly and said I had to get to class. I rushed off in the direction of professor Washington's class. I must say, I was rather excited for the dance, so it was hard to focus on the lecture. Once it was over, though I saw a new flyer posted on the bulletin board outside.
Hello students. The faculty and I would like to formally invite you to be a part of the college's production of 'La La Land'. You can join theatre at any time, but I suggest you join Soon, or ellse you can't be a part of the play.
It sounded interesting, but I didn't have any of the talents required to be a background character, let alone play a part. I decided to leave the flyer be and walked to my next class. The professor wasn't in yet so everyone was talking. Since none of my friends were in this class, however, I simply bent over my notwbook, trying to memorize notes for this test I was definitely going to fail. No matter how hard I tried to focus though, my mind kept going back to the dance. 'I can't wait to have a reason to dress up for once!' I thought to myself. Then, class started, and the nervousness set in again.
Don't ask why I put up a picture of Dan instead of something that makes sense 'cause I don't know why either... Anyway, hope you enjoyed that chapter! Love ya!
P.S Yes, I am aware that dances are a common theme in my stories as of recently, but this one's actually part of the plot. The other one? Ehhhhh, not so much. My be a little, but not so much......... Don't stab me plz.......
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