Chapter 2: Not Tonight
I've been hanging out with the guys for a few weeks now. They're all really nice, but... I'm just not sure about telling them. I don't know if I could handle the pity in their eyes after.
"Hey, (Y/n)?" Hercules asked, breaking my concentration.
"Yes, Mr. Muscleman?" I aksed, trying my best to feign a smile.
"Are you alright? You seem a little out of it." Herc responded. I shook my head, my heart aching as I mumbled the words 'I'm fine'. He left me alone after that, but I could see Alexander staring at me with that same look. He seemed to be using it a lot more lately and it worried me a little. Classes had ended a while ago and I was trying to come up with a good enough excuse to leave. Then, I got it. I got up and began walking out the door.
"Where are you going, mom ami?" Lafayette asked, looking like he was about to follow me.
"Realx," I sighed, opening up the door, "I'm going to use the restroom." I closed the door behind me and felt the cloudy darkness consume me further. I'd kept it out as best I could while I was with them. Now, with them gone, I could finally be myself. I pulled my hood over my face, just like every night. I walked out of the building with no problems which made me kinda happy that the water system in that building wasn't working. I walked briskly across the street and into the bar. Everyone looked over to me, raising glasses and cheering. I felt at home here.
"Well, 'ello lass! Glad ta see ya. I was worried you wouldn't show up!" The bartender chuckled, passing me a shot glass. He had started giving me free drinks since more people started coming her since the first day I walked in. Though, at around the fifth shot, he'd start making me pay for them as a way to get me to stop. Tonight, however, money was the least of my worried. I was gonna drink until I was sure I would die and then one more shot for extra measure. After reaching the fifth and paying for two more after that a man walked in. He say next to me and I turned to him. It was Aaron Burr. I was about to pay for two more shots when Aaron ordered me another shot and himself a glass of beer. I thanked him, downing the shot quickly. The burning sensation could be felt all over, everything tingled.
"So... I've started noticing you leaving late at night... figured I'd try to figure out where you were going. I never thought it'd be here, though." He spoke, raising his glass to his lips as he finished.
"Yeah, well, I have at least seven reasons for being here. Might as well show up. Besides, 'round here, first five shots are free for me and I can be myself." I told him. I was slightly tipsy, but I'd grown to be able to handle my alcohol well. I ordered three more shots before the bar tender told me to stop. I was drunk out if my mind. I was surprised the guys never came looking for me whenever I disappeared like this. I looked over at Aaron with pleading eyes.
"What do you want?" He asked, looking at me. I glanced between him and the beer he'd been nursing. Aaron sighed before handing it to me. I chuged it and the slammed it down on the table, satisfied at last. I started to fade in and out of darkness.
"Thankks fer the drinks, man. Rreally appreciate it." I slurred at the bartender. He simply sighed and went back to serving other customers. I stood up and everything was swaying more than it usually does. I found myself knocking into tables and chairs and then, finally, I flung myself out the door into the crisp night air. I heard Aaron yelling after me and turned towards him. He seemed worried for some reason. He took my arm and draped me over his shoulder, helping me walk back. When we arrived the boys were all asleep. Well, except Alex. He stood up and walked towards us.
"What did you do, Burr!?" Hamilton scolded, gesturing to me.
"Nothing, Hamilton. Calm down." Aaron responded calmly. Alexander was about to say something else when I spoke up.
"Aawww chillll Alx. Blue rasBURRy hre was jus walkin' meh home. Right?" I asked, elbowing Aaron playfully in the stomach. He gave an awkward nod before handing me to Alex. He left quickly, trying to stay as shortly as possible. Alexander set me into bed for the fifth time in a row. I sighed as he turned off the lights. I wished that this feeling could last for ever. This feeling of hilarity and peace. Sadly though, all good things must end...
I woke up with the biggest hangover of my life. Everything ached and I didn't want to get up. I grumbled and sat up, looking around. Everyone was still asleep... except Alexander. What was going on?
"(Y/n), can we talk?" He asked, fidgeting with his hands. He looked askance.
"Sure. What is it, Alex?" I asked. He sighed and looked directly into my eyes.
"(Y/n)... I know you've been going to the bar every night. I've convinced the guys not to go after you because..." Alexander looked down again, trying to regain composure.
"Because I know what's going on... I've been in your place. S-.... Simone you cared for... they're gone, aren't they?" I froze still in shock. My hands shook as I tightly grasped the sheets over my legs. A single tear slipped down my cheek. What now?...
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