Chapter 19: Aliah
"Are you going to tell me now?" Thomas asked, looking over at me. I looked down and brushed the bread crumbs off of my skirt. We had just gotten back from Collins Street Bakery and Thomas had been asking about my "trouble with the law" since last night. Finally, I let him break that wall.
"Look, whenever so many people close to you leave, die or disappear, authorities start thinking that you might be the cause. It's really not a big deal... I just have to accept the fact that I'm bad luck." I chuckled to myself, staring gently down upon my hands, trying to will everything away. Thomas grabbed my hands, pulling them close to himself and kissing them, then staring into my eyes.
"You are not bad luck. If you were, I doubt I would think as highly of you as I do now." Thomas whispered calmingly to me. I smiled warmly at him as he kissed my forehead.
"I just don't want to lose you..." I mumbled, a tear threatening to break free from my eye as I smiled weakly.
"And you won't. I'll never let you go... not without a fight." I laughed a little at Thomas' words, happy to have someone like him with me. He pulled me towards him, allowing me to snuggle closer. I sighed happily, hoping that this moment would never end.
"THOMAS!" James shouted, thrusting the door open. We pulled apart quickly.
"Jeez, Madison. What-"
"Femme fatale!" After James said those two words, Thomas froze. He patted me gently on the back, then rose from the bed. James placed his hands on Thomas' shoulders.
"Remember our promise, and remember last year." James said before letting Thomas go. I followed him quickly, evading James' attempts to stop me. However, when I stepped outside, I wish I had stayed back. I saw her. A gorgeous young woman, hair silky smooth, eyes sparkling like diamonds, so well dressed I felt as if I were wearing no clothes at all. To make it all worse... she was flirting with Thomas.
"Oh, mi amor! Forgive me! I never should have left you, dearest! I have been so lost without you! Take me back, I beg of you." Even with those words, she still held a smirk. The kind of smirk such a devilish, ravishing woman should wear.
"N-no. I-I know what happened last time, b-but... no! You-... I was heartbroken! I-I have someone else now a-and she's ten times the p-person you could ever be!" The entire time Thomas was saying that, she kept trying to lean closer to him. Finally, I cleared my throat. Instantly, the woman removed herself.
"Who's this vermin?" The woman asked, staring at me in disgust. I growled to myself, willing myself not to strike her.
"Aliah, this is m-my girlfriend! (Y-Y/n)." Thomas stuttered, moving next to me.
"Oh? This is better than me? Thomas, darling... you can do so much better!" Aliah laughed. Her laugh was the kind you'd expect from such a pompous person. The kind of reserved laugh that came from those who believed themselves to be royalty. Not like Principle George, he was a nice guy, this was... aggrevating.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, clenching my fists. I was about to lurch after her, when I saw the Schuyler sisters walking up behind her. Figuring I could bend this situation to my will, I relaxed myself. Grabbing on to Thomas' arm
"I mean that you're unimportant. You mean nothing, you are nothing, and your words mean nothing." Aliah scoffed, running her fingers through her thick, flowing hair. By now, she'd caught the Schuyler's attention.
"Now that isn't true! I-I'm important to Thomas! R-right?" I asked, looking up at Thomas. Our eyes met and I made a slight, barely noticeable reference to the direction of the three sisters. Thomas noticed, smirked, and worked with me.
"Of course, Mon coeur et mon âme, you mean everything to me." He responded, lifting my chin up so that I was slightly closer to him. He was smiling wildly now.
"Are you kidding me!? Thomas, you can't be serious! I mean, she's, she's-"
"Finish that sentence. I dare you." Angelica interrupted Aliah, smirking to herself. Aliah turned around, only to gain a sour, angry look on her face.
"Oh... it's you. The affair." Aliah chuckled, her eyes level with Angelica's.
"AFFAIR!?" I shouted, looking up at Thomas.
"I was getting back at her for cheating on me." He said simply whilst shrugging. I felt a little bit better knowing that he would stay true unless I didn't.
"Oh, Aliah! It's you! Never shoulda let little Tommy over here go to Paris, ey?" Angelica sassed, placing a hand upon her hip. Peggy stepped forward, getting right up in Aliah's face.
"You better leave. It's five to one, you're outnumbered and out planned." Peggy stated smoothly. I chuckled a little bit at her quoting of Alex's play.
"Outgunned and out manned." I added on, smirking to myself. Peggy and I shared a look and she winked at me, then looked back to Aliah.
"Anyway... scram." Peggy's eyes were suddenly colder than usual. Aliah gulped, scoffed, then sashayed over to Thomas.
"Oh, Tom. Don't think this is the end. You and this... this whore, will soon be nothing more than a distant memory and you'll come crawling back to me." Aliah stated, kissing Thomas on the cheek gently and walking away. I saw a shiver go down Thomas' spine when she kissed him. I couldn't be certain what it meant, but it didn't seem like a bad sign.
"Well... that was certainly eventful." I sighed, dropping Thomas' arm.
"Yes, definitely." Eliza finally said, coming through her hair with her fingers. Everyone slowly disbanded, leaving Thomas and I by ourselves. Without really thinking about it, I began walking back to my dorm.
"Hey... (Y/n)?" Thomas prodded, seeming a little on edge.
"Yes, Thomas?" I asked, turning back to face him. Thomas took a deep breath.
"You... you don't actually believe what she said, do you? I-I mean I don't!" He walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, looking me up and down in a sort of panicked fashion. I gently placed my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb in circles across his stubble.
"Of course I don't, Thomas. I know how I feel about you and... I'm pretty sure you feel the way I do about you, too." I mumbled, trying to work up the courage to say what I needed to say.
"What do you mean?" He asked, staring lovingly into my eyes. Finally, I was brave enough to do it, and I stuttered the words I'd been begging myself to say.
"I-I... I love you!" I shut my eyes tight, not wanting to see his reaction. My face had clearly heated up, I knew I was blushing deeply. I had said it. I had really said it. The three words I'd been so afraid of... they were out there now, and I had to deal with whatever came out with it. Suddenly, I felt soft lips upon mine. I snapped my eyes open to see Thomas had leaned down and pecked my lips and, if even possible, my face got redder.
"I love you, too." Thomas chuckled romantically, smirking sweetly down upon me. I rapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again. This is all and more than I ever could have asked for.
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