Chapter 17: Conflicted "Yes"
"My heart and soul, I am aware that you probably do not carry the flame that I hold for you, but if you could find in your heart to accompany me to dinner, I swear I will treat you well. I know what you have gone through, but ... if you could let me in your heart, even for a moment, that would be enough. I wait for your answer, my dearest rose." That's what it said. Those were the words uttered back to me. My heart fluttered as I finally realised what had happened earlier when Thomas had handed me that rose. I grabbed it from the vase, holding it to my nose. Somehow, the scent was even lovelier than it had been before. I spun around the room holding the rose, flopping down onto my bed and holding the rose to my chest, closing my eyes gently. I couldn't stop smiling, thinking of Thomas and the relationship we could have. Just thinking of it made more butterflies tickle my ribcage. I felt like jumping around my room, squeiling, singing... but then everything hit like a ton of bricks. My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly.
"He asked me out! Th-this isn't good! If it happens again, I-I..." I started scrambling, getting up from my bed and, with shaking legs, moved over to the vase and placed the rose back into it gently, almost breaking the glass on the floor. I fell to the floor, curling up into a ball. I knew I loved him, I knew how I felt, but... but this was too much. One more to leave or... and I'd...
"No..." I whispered to myself, standing slowly, trying to gain back the strength I so desperately needed. I couldn't let everything keep affecting me this way.
"I... I have to stop worrying about what might happen, a-and look towards the future!" I grasped tightly onto my bed frame, keeping myself steady as I gained back confidence. I lurched at the door knob, twisting it and spilling myself out into the hallway. As soon as I entered the hall I felt my strength return as I dashed through the halls, swerving around people, heading to Thomas's dorm. Tears were staining my cheeks when I threw his door open. His eyes were shocked and full of worry. He stood up from his bed and I rushed at him, hugging him tight. I smiled wide and pulled away and, without a second thought, smashed my lips against his. He was shocked, I don't even think he'd even closed his eyes, but then he melted into the kiss, pulling me in by my waist as our lips moved in sync with one another. In that single moment, I doubt that I ever could have been happier. Thomas close to me, kissing him like this, the feeling being next to him gave me, nothing could be better. When we pulled away, he smiled down on me and said exactly what I knew he would.
"So... I'll take that as a yes?" He questioned, smirking his usual, casual smirk.
"Yes. Yes of course you beautiful cocky bastard!" I exclaimed, hugging him again. MY heart was singing, almost leaping out of my chest. It was already somewhat late, so the two of us left, arms linked.
"How many?" Someone asked. Thomas told her two, and the woman instantly sent for a waiter to grab two menus and find us a table. We walked over, following the woman. SHe put down our menus, then left, a simple smile upon her I pulled the chair gently and quietly away from the table, Thomas doing the same. We sat down in awkward silence, not really knowing what to do.
"So..." Thomas finally said after what seemed like hours, "how have you been?"
"Fine. How about you?" I returned, attempting to keep some sort of conversation going.
"I'm alright. I'm really glad that you decided to come with me today. I... I was a little nervous that you wouldn't show." Thomas responded, looking down. I grabbed his hand, gently rubbing my thumb across it.
"How could I ever say no to you?" I asked, staring into his chocolate brown eyes. He smiled warmly. We talked for hours, barely even touching our food. In the end, we left to sit by a pond Thomas had recently discovered. W held hands, walked around, all the normal couple stuff. Eventually, however, it started getting late. We got back in the car and Thomas drove me back to the dorms. He had a dorm that he shared with James, but he also had a house which he would stay at sometimes. He was either, rich, cocky, strange or all of the above. Whatever the case, I liked it... I lot.
Swooning I walked up to my dorm room, flopping down on my bed. I closed my eyes, as I had done earlier. This time, however, there was no sudden realisation. Just me and my thoughts of Thomas. I layed there on my bed, running the memories of the night through my head. A couple minutes later, I got an idea. Sliding off the bed, I grabbed my guitar, a piece of paper and a pencil. I placed the pencil to my lips, carefully staring at the blank sheet of paper, guitar sitting in my lap. I strummed a chord and sung a line, wincing at how terrible it sounded and how noisy it was for this late at night. I worked long hours into the night, realising quickly that I'd never be able to finish and perfect the song in a single ten hour period. Sighing in defeat, I replaced everything to where it had originally been and crawled into bed. I pulled the covers up and snuggled up into them, hugging the pillow close to my face, smiling to myself. The last thing I thought of before I fell asleep was Thomas's sweet smile, and the way it made me feel...
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