Chapter 2
!TW! bullying, attempted Suicide
"Hi Shoko!"
"Oh, Hello Ochako-Chan," Shoko turned around to see Ochako Uraraka, a girl with rosy cheeks and a brown bob cut, sitting at a desk. Shoko sat down beside the girl, taking out her notebook and opening it to a new page. "How're you?"
"Great, Thanks for asking!" Uraraka smiled. "What's in the notebook?" Shoko smiled.
"It's a secret- Hey!" The book was snatched by a third party. Shoko stood up and grabbed at the book. The blond boy simply held it above the girl's head.
"What the hell is this?" The boy asked, flipping through the pages absently. Another boy with a Quirk allowing him to grow his arms took the book and dangled the book near the light. Shoko glared. She'd been so close to getting her notebook back from Katsuki Bakugo, but without a Quirk she had no idea how to get it back. Bakugo looked at the book. Then, he started laughing. "Hero Analysis For The Future?" Soon, almost all the class was laughing. Shoko glared at Bakugo.
"Hey Boom Boom Boy, tell your lackey to give me back the book or I will fight him for it!" Shoko snapped. The class started laughing harder. Only Uraraka wasn't laughing. Bakugo sneered.
"You wanna fight eh? Alright then," Bakugo took a fighting stance. "Let's see what you can do"
Shoko stared at the class, which was watching her with baited breath, waiting to see what she was going to do. If she fought, she'd look like a fool. If she backed out, she'd look like a coward. She didn't exactly know why she did it, but she took a defensive stance, henceforth challenging the blond boy to a duel. Bakugo looked surprised. He smirked. "Does the quirkless loser have a death wish?"
"No" Shoko said. 'No, I'm just hoping I can dodge your attacks till your stupid explosions hit your stupid self' Is what she wanted to say, but she figured it wasn't smart.
Fight stats:
This fight was not in her favor.
Bakugo started with a right hook, whipping his arm around for momentum. Shoko jumped over his arm as the explosion was shot. Shoko looked at the table that she'd previously been standing in front of. It had a large mark on it, but it wasn't enough to destroy the whole thing. Shoko learned from years to never stay still when fighting an opponent, so when Bakugo shot an explosion at her leg, she timed a jump straight onto the boy's head, grabbed her book, and flipped off. Bakugo stood there, shocked. Shoko bowed sarcastically. The class was silent.
"Yay! Good job Shoko!" Uraraka said happily. The class started whispering.
"How'd she do that?" "Are we sure she doesn't have a quirk?" "She moves like a cat"
"Hey Half n' Half," Bakugo said. Shoko looked at him. "Are you sure you don't have a Quirk?" Shoko looked at him. The blonde looked straight into her eyes.
"As far as I know at the moment" She said. "May I ask why you are now doubting my word?"
"Only someone with a powerful Quirk could beat me," Bakugo said. "Never some Quirkless wannabe hero" Shoko snickered.
"Well, I guess you're wrong about that, '' she said coolly as the teacher came inside. The teacher saw Shoko's charred desk and looked at Bakugo.
"Bakugo! No Quirks at school! You know this" The teacher said. "Detention" Bakugo stared open mouthed at the bi colored girl. Shoko shrugged.
"You brought this on yourself, Kacchan" she said. Bakugo glared.
"I know a way for you to be a hero," he said. Shoko looked at him, with surprise on her face. Bakugo smirked and leaned close to her ear. "Pray that you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof" Shoko froze.
"...What the hell..." She said. Bakugo smiled.
"Just sayin" He said as he walked back to his seat. Shoko felt tears prick her eyes.
"You are worthless"
"Quirkless loser"
"Haha, she's so weak!"
"Take a swan dive off the roof"
Was that all she was good for? Was she good for anything? She glared at Bakugo, pure hatred in her eyes. He started laughing. His friends joined in, and soon it was as if the whole class was laughing at her.
"Quiet down class," the teacher said. "Class has begun" Shoko walked to the door. "Todoroki, where're you going?"
"To make people satisfied" she said with a glare at the class. Bakugo paled.
"You're not going anywhere, sit back down," the teacher said. Shoko ran out of the room. "Todoroki! Get back here now!"
Shoko ran. Up the stairs, up to the roof, slamming the roof entry door open. There she was greeted with the sight of;
"All Might?" The symbol of peace turned around.
"Uh, I am here, and you should not be!" The big muscled man said. "You should go back inside!" Shoko stared. This was her hero, her idol, on the same roof, telling her to go back inside without knowing the context. It was almost funny. But as she thought of this, she remembered what she was doing. "I guess I should be going-"
"Is it possible?!" Shoko yelled. All Might looked at her.
"Is what possible?" All Might asked. Shoko looked at All Might's face.
"Is it be a hero...without a quirk?" She asked slowly. All Might stood there for a moment.
"It would be incredibly difficult, impossible even" He said. Shoko froze. Tears blurred her vision. Here was her hero, telling her it was impossible to be a hero without a quirk. Shoko nodded. She walked closer to the edge. "Young lady?"
"Why're you here Al- EEP!" Shoko exclaimed, jumping away from the skinny skeleton man standing in place of All Might. "WHO'RE YOU?!" The man coughed, blood spraying. Shoko looked at her hair, which was now splattered with blood.
"Shit" The man said. He looked at Shoko. "Well? What're you gonna do now?" Shoko took off her shoes. She'd forgotten to put socks on this morning so her feet hurt. She put them on the edge.
"I won't tell your secret," She said. "By then, I'll already be gone" Skinny Might's eyes widened.
"You're not planning" All Might stepped forward. "No, I will not let you-"
"Nice talking to you All Might"
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