Chapter 10
By the time it was lunch my muscles weren't as sore but were instead numb which I was okay with. When I sit down next to Alice I see her talking to a girl across the table. She had long, dark brown hair and light brown skin with light brown eyes that reflected the light from the candles above us. "Serena this is Phoebe Filmore she's a Huffleuff as well but a second year. Phoebe this is best friend Serena Chandler," She introduces us and we smile at each other when a voice is heard from behind me.
"Hey Phoeb, Looking good," I turn to see James wink at her making me laugh and her roll her eyes and shake her head but he doesn't mind the rejection and walks back to the Gryffindor table.
"What was that about?" Alice asks eyeing her to not lie but Phoebe just shakes her head seeming almost disgusted by the thought of being with James.
"He has been flirting with me and every other girl in this school since last year but seemed to stay away from those who have boy friends so I should really find one just to get him to go away," She says and it sounds like she is joking but I can see some seriousness apparent on her face.
"You're kidding right," I ask hoping she isn't just going to go out with someone because of a guy that wont leave her alone. I mean it may be annoying but you don't just go and lead a guy on for any reason no matter what.
"Of course I am I won't let that jerk think he got the better of me I'll just keep on ignoring him until he eventually gives up and moves on," She responds intelligently and I agree with her I mean I would feel bad for ignoring him but that is what I would do if a guy liked me and I didn't like him but he bothered me all the time. Though I'm not entirely sure if James likes her or is just being a flirt as Albus said he was.
When lunch was over I met up with Albus in the hallway as we say goodbye to Scorpius and head off to Transfiguration class where Professor McGonagall teaches though she is now the headmistress. "Today we will be turning your chosen animals into a water goblet so please get them out as I had instructed you to bring them yesterday," I sigh softly relieved I can't actually do magic at least for this situation because I would probably cry if I saw Penelope become a cup but I had to put her out on the desk anyways. Albus then gets out a ferret and sits it down on the table as well.
"Were ferrets even on the list of animals you could bring?" I ask and he only shrugs as Professor McGonagall instructs us on how to do the spell. "Fera Verto," I say practicing it out and gasp surprised and stand up abruptly making my chair fall over. I just stare at the cage that now incased a cup or as the professor said a goblet and I wanted to cry thinking that it was actually Penelope.
"Woah,"Albus said staring as the goblet as well as everyone else because no one else had gotten the spell right yet.
"Very good job Ms. Chandler," Professor McGonagall says not taking her eyes off of the goblet on the table.
"How do I change her back?" I ask almost in tears having not expected this to happen at all and when I know what I say I quickly repeat it, "Reparifarge!" Once Penelope was back to being a cat I quickly hug her and fix my seat so I can sit down again and am able to avoid all the students' eyes.
"Okay class, continue but Ms. Chandler will you come speak to me," Professor McGonagall announces and turns around heading to her desk at the front of the class room. I kiss Penelope's head and place her back in her cage before I head to her desk behind her. Once I am standing in front of her desk she asks me, "What is different now compared to every other time?"
"I don't know, I didn't really want it to work but I was just practicing how to say it and then Penelope became a goblet," I explain confused myself about how it's possible that out of no where I can just do magic while it hasn't worked for the past month.
"Well, Ms. Chandler your a wizard welcome to the wizarding world," Professor McGonagall says giving me a small smile before sending me back to my seat while everyone is still trying out the spell though a few people have been able to do it such as Rose, Albus, and Daniel now that I look around and notice he is in this class.
"Well that was unexpected,"Albus whispers once I sit back in my seat and pet Penelope through the cage happy she isn't a goblet anymore. I just nod my head not really having anything to says. "Will you come to Scorpius's and my Quidditch tryouts tomorrow? We would really like your support."
"I thought you'd never ask," I laugh bumping shoulders with him and we talk quietly for the rest of class. Though I don't know a lot about Quidditch I'm still going to go to support my friends but I'll probably get some studying done or maybe just read a book. I mean I don't want to just sit there the entire time and stare at the sky while they fly around on brooms.
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