Chapter 4
Photo is what happens when I'm bored in LA.
Chapter 4
"So this is what it feels like riding in a car." They had been driving for ten minutes now and Evan felt the need to break the silence. She had never been in a car although she had seen many films with them. Yes, even in Caelum they have human television. You just can't beat it!
"You've never been in a car before?"
"Yeah, all we have in Caelum are equorum."
"Horses, right?"
"Yes, how'd you know that?"
"I took Latin in high school. It's been a few years, but I still remember most of it."
"It's the language most commonly spoken in Caelum and the language of magic. The rune you drew was just 'This wound I heal with my power and the power of Heaven from which I came from and where I belong' in Latin. Once you master Latin, runes become way easier to draw."
"Can you explain more to me about runes? I still don't really understand the concept."
"Runes are physical manifestations of your power. They are one of the easiest branches of magic to learn and one of the most effective. The drawbacks are that it takes a while to draw the runes and they are taxing on your strength if you use them to much." Now that Nathan thought about it, he did seem rather exhausted after drawing the rune.
"Why do you say I drew the rune? I didn't really draw anything."
"It's just the terminology that we use. In older times, you used to have to draw the runes on paper, then transfer them to where you want them to be used. In the 1100's, a famous mage named Merlin found a way to cast runes without having to draw them. He was one of the most revolutionary of mages and we still study his works. He's like the Einstein of magic."
"Didn't he have something to do with King Arthur?"
She nodded. "Yes, he lived in the kingdom of King Arthur, but the king wasn't anything compared to Merlin."
They sat where for a while and Nathan started to think. Why was he a Mage? Of all the petiole in the universe, he just happened to have Mage blood. Adding on to that, he found a fallen angel in the woods. He guessed those aren't common things that happen to people. He supposed that he could have Mage blood. He didn't look anything like his parents so he always assumed he was adopted, though he never asked. Maybe he was the son of some random Mage.
Evangeline. She was another mystery altogether. He found her lying in a cave with blood all over her. She also happen to have wings and creepy black eyes. Sure, she was pretty, but she was that sort of creepy pretty. It also didn't help that she looked like she hadn't seen the sun in fifty years. She also just had a bad feeling around her, the one that made you want to run away and spend the night at your parent's house. She also flew. Just the thought made him shiver. Flying was terrible. How anyone could stand it, he didn't know.
Why was she banished? She hasn't tried to harm him yet, so she can't be that crazy. Did she break one of Heaven's laws? Assuming she did Coke from Heaven. That's where angels came from, right? She also taught him a rune, obviously giving him some power. The only thing he could fathom was that it had to do something the condition of her eyes when he first saw her. She also said she had been immersed in the dark. Maybe there was a law against dark stuff in Heaven. If she had done dark things, what was her motive. People don't usually do dark things for no reason. Either they were insane, or they had a motive. He hoped that in Evan's case it was the latter. Nathan didn't know what he would do it he had an insane angel in his house.
Evan was currently examining the car. The car didn't smell that nice and it was rather dirty. It had old paper cups in it that smelled bad and had the name 'Starbucks' on them with a green logo. There were also old wrappers and papers scattered around the truck. On the console there were odd buttons and knobs that said things like: volume, ac, and station. She turned the volume knob and suddenly loud sounds started blaring out of the car.
"Turn it off!" She shrieked. Nathan turned the knob the other way and the sounds dimmed to the background. "What was that?" She questioned. That had sounded like screeching feles.
"That was the local rock station. You not a fan?"
"No, I do not like that. What's rock anyways?"
"Rock is a category of music. Other music categories include classical, hip hop, country, jazz, and dubstep."
"That was music?" That had sounded nothing like the music in Calelum. The music there was soft and flowing, like a stream. Not hard and loud like a waterfall.
"Yes, it was. Is it different from where you come from?"
"Yes, it is. Ours is soft and pretty. Yours is hard and loud."
"Here, this might suit your taste." He pushed the station button a few times and turned up the volume. "This is the classical station. It plays orchestra music all day long."
"Much better." She sighed. She decided to just sit there and watch the scenery as it passes by instead of playing with the car. She didn't want another odd human song to play. Earth had certainly changed a lot since she had seen it last. Well, at least in the residential areas. All she had seen in her banishment until now were the woods. She could she houses and stores every few miles. What a shame. How many trees were cut down to make room for those houses? Probably a lot. One thing she despised about humans: their complete disrespect for the environment. Every day they were cutting down more of their home to make room for new houses. What would happen when they ran out of trees to cut down? The humans would all perish.
Trees gave them necessary things for life, such as oxygen and food. They also had parts that were a key part to a branch of magic. The concoctio branch. Yes, trees were used in magic, although it was never one of her strong points. She specialized in healing runes, although she did sometimes use the concoctio branch of magic in special situations.
The truck started to slow down as they want by a row of small houses. They stopped at one that had brick walls and a red roof. Cliche much?
"Welcome to my humble abode." Nathan stopped the car and exited the car. "Would you like to explore the interior?"
"How do you open this?" Evan looked along the car door, pulling at random things. When the window rolled down she was scared out of her wits.
"Here." Nathan walked over to the other side of the truck and opened the door.
"Thanks." Evan grumbled as she flared her wings and strutted towards the door. Nathan hurried ahead of her and unlocked the door.
"After you." He said as he held open the door.
K, so this chapter is done. Thank you so much for the peeps who are reading this. That means a lot to me!
Nathangeline do or no do. (Nathan x Evan)
New Character next chapter! Nathan's roommate!
Mage, magical creature, or normal human.
Thanks for answering poll! If you did. Otherwise, thanks for, I dono. Reading my story??? Anyways, ENJOY COOKIES MY CHICKADEES! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
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