Chapter 58: Every dog has their day
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
Night: 7
Time: Unknown
"Y-Y-You can't be serious!" I said. "Oh, is there a reason not to be?" Shadow Freddy asked. I couldn't force myself to respond. There was a mix of anger, and regret; how could I allow Shadow Freddy to do this. It isn't how love works, does he even know what is love really? "I'm not going to allow that!" I said. "Really now?" He asked. "I think you don't understand love." I said. "Does it even matter?" He asked. He seemed like he was just stalling at this point. "YES IT DOES, YOU SAID YOURSELF WE UNDERSTAND LOVE!" I yelled. I was getting impatient now. "Or do you?" He asked. "I can have love if I want to." I clinched my fist for what he said. "You don't deserve love." "I can have what I want, and you can't do nothing about it." He said with a smile. At this point, it seemed he was just trying to make me angry. "Not just yet." Said my shadow trying to calm me down. "Besides, I have my army ready now." He said. "What army?" I asked. He mentioned "an army" earlier on, but he never described what he meant. All of a sudden, I felt weird, so weird I couldn't describe it. "I sense multiple presences near us." Said Shadow Funtime Freddy. "The army behind you." Said Shadow Freddy. Me and Ennard turned around to see lots of shadows surrounding us. "My god!" Said Ennard. I could tell by his tone, that he was surprised. And I'll admit, I was too. "He-He actually did it!" Said my shadow. "What the fuck am I staring at?" I asked. "The animatronics in the room, it makes sense now." Said my shadow. "Can you elaborate instead of making me confused?" I asked. "He brought them to life!" "H-How?" I asked. "Oh, Puppet's power gave me the ability to give life to them again, how else would RXQ be here?" Explained Shadow Freddy. "William spent years, before this place your opened, to find and collect all the animatronics that were left. And now I have an army to conquer." Every shadow looked identical to the animatronics we found in the room. "Its a shame I can't make shadows of you and your friends right now, unless I destroy them." He said. "Which reminds me, I could make a shadow of your once living friend Bon Bon." This was the last straw, I couldn't keep my anger in control anymore, I had to release it. My eyes glowed white, as I could feel the anger taking over. "Freddy, I'm not sure its a good time to attack." Said my shadow. "When is it ever?" I asked. I quickly jumped at him as he teleported away. "Focus on getting Foxy first, than we'll deal with Shadow Freddy." Said Shadow. "Good, that bitch will not be allowed to touch or harm her!" I said. I flew up to where Foxy was being held as Shadow Freddy commanded his minions to attack us. "Deal with them." "Ennard! Prevent them from getting to us!" Yelled my shadow at him. "It won't be easy, but I'll do all I can!" He called back at us. I grabbed Foxy and cut her chains. She was still unconscious, until she woke up as I carried her back to the ledge. "Freddy?" She asked as she was slowly waking up. "Glad you're awake, but we're in a tight situation." I said as I dropped her on the ground. "FREDDY WATCH OUT!" Yelled Foxy. I turned around quickly, but that couldn't save me. RXQ grabbed me, and forced my face into the lava stream that was near. I quickly pushed RXQ back as I quickly got out of the lava. Even for my face to be in there for about three seconds, it did some damage. I could feel some of my parts of my face had melted off. Not only that, but my vision was messed up. My eyes were blinded by the static, and I could barely see anything. "I can't see!" I said. "I can't leave your body or else you'll be vulnerable." Said Shadow Funtime Freddy. All of sudden something hit me hard, and I could only make out a black figure. No doubt it was RXQ, but I couldn't do anything to defend myself. I went flying as I crashed through a wall, or that's at least what it felt like. "Hold on a second!" Said my shadow. About a second later my vision was coming back to better, but barely. "I fixed your wires to restore your vision, but your right eye is completely broken." Said my shadow. "That's just great!" I said as I got up. There was a hole in the wall, and through it I could see all the shadows surrounding Ennard and Foxy. "We got to help them!" I said. "How? Even if we do, we still need to defeat all those shadows, which is practically impossible." Said my shadow. I looked down, he was right. This had turned into a war almost, one that seemed impossible to win. However, I noticed something to the side. It was big, and glowing. "Wait a minute! This thing could be how the dimension is functioning!" I said. "You got an idea?" Asked my shadow. "I sure as hell do. If we can overload it, it can destroy everything here." I explained. "And along with the shadows!" Said my shadow. "Foxy's books sure do help sometimes." I said to myself. I noticed however RXQ had seen us already. along with Shadow Freddy who has a surprised expression. "YOU IDIOT! YOU EXPOSED THE CORE, DESTROY THEM!" He yelled. RXQ teleported to us as he tried slashing us. I ducked it as I kicked him. He tumbled over, as I tried punching him. He was quick, and he dodged it. He threw two shadow projectiles as I ducked. I threw one at in retaliation as he ducked as well. This was only a distraction, as I punched him. He staggered as I punch him with full force. He flew against the wall and fell down. "We need to defeat him so we can destroy the core." Said my shadow. "I have an idea." I said. He slowly got up, as if nothing had happened previously. "It better work, because he isn't going to give up." Said my shadow. He charged at me as I punched him. This did no effect, as he kicked me against the core. He held me, ready to strike me down. "Your legacy ends here. My master will take over this world, and you can't prevent a new era from rising!" Said RXQ. "There's one thing you should know than." I said. "And what's that?" He asked. "Every dog has their day." He looked at me confused as I kicked him, releasing his grip on me. He quickly tried to punched me, but that was his biggest flaw. He punched the core, as it was slowing deactivating now. "NO!" He yelled realizing his mistake. "Feel the taste of your own power, bitch!" I said. With that chance, I punched him into the core, as he screamed. I jumped as there was a explosion; the core was destroyed, and RXQ was no more. I got up to see the spot were the core had once stood, was now glowing. "Lets go!" I said as I got up and flew to where Ennard and Foxy were. "GRAB ON!" I yelled. They both did what I told them, and I flew off. "NO!" Screamed Shadow Freddy. "Should we at least stop him?" Asked Foxy. "Forget that! We have a chance to escape and possibly kill him, and I'm taking it!" I said as I flew out of the castle and landed onto the ground. The place was glowing now, the dimension would soon exist no more. "Run now!" I command as all of us darted. We ran as fast as we could to the pizzeria. We ran inside as I looked back; the castle exploded, as the impact was heading our way. I turned back around as we ran to the portal. We ran inside the room, as I could feel the place shaking now. "GO THROUGH!" I yelled. Ennard and Foxy jumped through, as I could see everything disappearing now, as if it never existed. "Glad to see hell is actually defeated for once." I said looking back. I jumped through the portal forced by an explosion, never to see this wretched place again.
Time: 4:11 a.m.
I fell onto the ground, and looked up to see Foxy and Ennard waiting for me. I got up, feeling victorious for once in my life. "Freddy!" Foxy said hugging me. I was glad to see her ok, and I was more than glad for that hug. "You ok?" Asked Ennard. "Never better." I responded. "Your face though." Said Foxy. "Its fine... I think" I said. "We did it in the end though." Said my shadow. We was right, he had won; overcame the evil. "Its all over." I said. "Actually..." We all turned around to see the evil wasn't truly destroyed; or "he" to be exact. "No!" I said without words. Shadow Freddy had stepped out of the portal with his shadow army. And the portal closed, forever to be trapped with this evil once more, and the world with it as well. "It has only just begun."
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