Chapter 43: Almost ready
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
Night: 7
Time: 12:00 a.m.
"Freddy! Freddy! FUNTIME FREDDY WAKE UP!" "What! I'm awake!" I said while being awoken by someone; Ballora was standing in front of me. "What is it?" I asked. "Shadow needs you in the office, you gotta get ready for your date!" She said. "How do you know?" I asked. "Ok. He might have told me, but I promise not to tell anyone else." She said. "Well, as long as its not Bon Bon or Baby." I said. "I almost forgot! Have you seen her by any chance?" Asked Ballora. "No. Why?" I responded. "I haven't seen her since last night." She said. "She's probably upset because of last night." I said. "You know you didn't have to tell her you didn't like her in such a mean way." Said Ballora. "Ok I'm sorry, but a lot happened last night that put me in a bad mood, and it still hasn't been resolved." I said. I sighed because I did felt like I said it in a rude way to her last night. "If you find her, make sure to tell me so I can apologize to her later on." I said to Ballora. "I'll do that." She replied back. "Though you should get ready." "I will." I responded. "Make sure not to do anything stupid." She said while walking away. "I won't." I said with a smile. I walked towards the office as I walked past the door, I stopped and walked back around to the door, and faced it. I stared at it; thinking of all the problems it has caused me. "When I'm done with my date, you're gonna be my next priority." I said. "You son of a bitch." I walked off as I headed towards the office. I walked inside to see my shadow holding a suit and some other things. "You got the stuff already?" I asked. "Yep! Had to spend a lot of time to accomplish that, but it worked out again." He said. "Also try the suit on." He said while handing it over to me. "You sure it'll fit?" I asked unsure. "Well we're about to find out." Said my shadow. "Ok." I said while getting it on. "The animatronic leader Candy said you guys can have your date at their place." Said my shadow. "Well that's good, what about the plushie?" I asked. "I was able to find it so think we're good." He responded. The suit was now on, and surprisingly, it fit. "Now that looks nice!" Said my shadow. "Thanks! Also, I really do appreciate you doing this for me." I said. "Like I said, I want to fix this." He said. "Well I'm glad you have." I said. "Here's the plushie." He said while handing it over. Only, it was wrapped up. "I wrapped it to make it surprise." He said answering my thought on why it was wrapped. "Oh! Makes sense." I responded "Well, I think you're ready." Said my shadow. "I hope I am." I said. "You nervous?" He asked. "A little." I admitted. "Well, you got this. I believe in you." He said. Him saying this was giving me a bit of confidence; which was helping. "Thanks!" I said. "Freddy! Foxy's ready!" Said Ballora peering from the door. "Don't worry about the others. If Ennard or Purple Guy shows up, I'll be fine." Said my shadow. "Well why wouldn't you be?" I asked. "Just get her already!" He said. We all walked out and into the main room with Foxy waiting. However, I noticed she was wearing something. She was wearing a pink dress, a beautiful one indeed. "Oh! Hey Freddy!" She said as we walked in. "H-Hey!" I said nervously. "What's wrong?" Asked Shadow. "She looks beautiful." I whispered. "Don't let this distract you. Also give her the present later on and not right away, just to make it better." He said. "Ok." I responded. "You ready?" Asked Foxy. "Yep! I am." I replied. We both headed towards the door. "See you later!" I said. "See ya!" Said Ballora and my shadow. I grabbed the door knob, though it was locked. "Uh. Its looked." I said. "Ah shit! I forgot!" Said my shadow. He walked over and somehow unlocked the door. "I'm not gonna ask how you did that, but ok." I said. Me and Foxy walked out, actually feeling the fresh air against me. "You know where to go?" Asked Foxy. "Yes I do." I said. "Lets hope this date goes well."
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