Chapter 3: Entertainment purposes
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
Day: 1
Time: 8:58 a.m.
"Freddy. Freddy! Freddy wake up!" "Huh what?" I said waking up to someone. "Freddy! It's almost time for the place to open. You gotta be ready!" Said Foxy. "Oh! Right!" I responded. As I started to get in position, a man that looked like a worker here walked by heading towards the door. But his uniform was purple for whatever reason, which didn't seem right to me. "Hey Foxy! Why does that worker have a purple uniform?" I asked. "Ya, it looks weird." Added in Bon Bon. "Him? Oh, I always thought it was a special uniform. You know? So I just assumed he was a supervisor or something." She responded. "Huh. Ok." I responded. "Well at least its not that we have a whole bunch of kids to deal with." Said Bon Bon. But a second after he said that, the doors opened with lots of kids storming through. "Shit." He responded. A whole group ran towards the stage excited to see my arrival. "Here kids is one of the latest models: Funtime Freddy, and his hand puppet Bon Bon." Said the guy. "At least someone knows I exist." Said Bon Bon to himself. "Quiet!" I hissed at him quietly. "Can we talk to him?" Asked one of the kids. "Yeah, just don't break him or anything." Said the guy. "He seems weird." Whispered Bon Bon. "Yeah. He does seem a bit off." I whispered. "Well kids, what are you waiting for? Meet him already!" Said the guy as he walked off. As soon as he left, all the kids surrounded me while excitedly asking me questions. "Are you Freddy Fazbear?" "Um, ho- NO! I'M FUNTIME FREDDY! And welcome to 'Circus Baby's Pizza World'!" I said at once. "Good going." Muttered Bon Bon. "Freddy Fazbear? Who's that?" I thought. "Are you and Funtime Foxy related?" Asked one kid. "Can animatronic's eat?" Asked another. "Do you guys have feelings?" Asked another kid. "I think they figured out that you can do more then what Baby told you not to do." Said Bon Bon. "Then we gotta improvise." I said. "Since I'm new here. How about all of you tell me something about yourselves so I can get to know all of you?" I asked. "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Said all the kids. "Told you I got this." I said to Bon Bon. "And how about I show you Bon Bon." I said. "Wait, what?"
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