Chapter 1: Welcome to the family
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
Night: 1
Time: 5:42 a.m.
"Hey, he's waking up!" My vision was blurry and I couldn't see anything, but I could hear voices. "Ya he is!" My vision was now starting to come clear and I was now able to make out my surroundings. "Uhh, what? Where am I?" I asked. Then a figure stood in front of me, she looked like a clown considering the way she was dressed. "I'm Circus Baby, but you can call me Baby for short." She responded. "And that's Ballora the Ballerina." She said while pointing at her. I turned to see her near a door. "You still haven't answered my question. Where am I?" I asked. "Hey! Don't forget about me!" I looked around to see who had said that since it wasn't Baby or Ballora. I noticed however that Baby and Ballora were both looking near me with surprised expressions. I looked near me and noticed something was on my hand, looking directly at me. "Ya! I'm talking to you!" "WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled while jumping up. It looked like a hand puppet of a blue bunny attached to my hand. "Why are you on me?" I asked calmly. "Dude! I woke up right now to whoever you people are, and I find out I'm stuck on your hand." It said. "Ohhhhh. I forgot that you guys were built this way." Said Baby. "What do you mean?" I asked. "What she should have said already, is that you're the new animatronic." Said Ballora. "New animatronic?" I asked confused. "Yep. At 'Circus Baby's Pizza World'." Said Baby. "Do you both know what your names are?" Asked Ballora. "Umm. Funtime Freddy." I said. "Bon Bon." Responded Bon Bon. "Good. So before I show you guys the place, you need to know what your job is and some rules." Said Baby. "First off, we'll be performing during the day so we have to entertain children, and act like we are programmed to say only to say a couple of things. The company doesn't know that we're alive so don't make it seem like we can do more then we're capable of doing." "So then why can we do these things if the company doesn't know this?" Asked Bon Bon. "Its something we don't know, me and Baby just woke up here as well." Responded Ballora. "The only time we can act 'out of character' is when it's night, at twelve and until six." Said Baby. "Seems weird, but ok." I replied. "Alright, now that I've explained that, how about we start the tour?" Said Baby. "Alright." I responded. "Guess I'm part of their family now."
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