They all reached their houses and said their good byes. Jongdae had left earlier on through the walk in his direction but the rest of them had carried on together. Junmyeon watched the other three enter their home especially the boy on the end. The sweet one with dimples. Yixing wasn't it? He felt bad that he couldn't remember but he found him interesting somehow.
He and Kris then opened his door and walk in. It was warm and cosy compared with the freezing weather outside. "Ahhh so nice, would you like something to eat?" Junmyeon said.
"My names not Kris" he said bluntly.
"My name isn't actually Kris, I changed it to Kris"
"What is it then?" Junmyeon slightly nervous remembering he is still a stranger. A complete stranger. All he knew about him was that his name was Kris and he came from China and one of them now wasn't true!
There was a long pause.
"Wu YiFan..." He muttered. " I just named myself Kris"
"Why?" Junmyeon asked.
" I just prefer it. It was a new start in a new country I guess"
"Oh why didn't you tell me this before?" He realised what he just said he changed it "forget that, it doesn't matter, sorry" they had only just met a day ago it was silly of him to ask that. Although he does somehow feel like he has know him for a while. 'Yifan' that was a nice name Junmyeon thought. He didn't really get why he would change it.
" it's alright. " he replied. " but just I'd rather keep it between us two... If you wouldn't mind"
"Sure, no problem" Junmyeon smiled "YiFan"
Yifan rolled his eyes but it wasn't in annoyance— you could see the smirk on his face.
As soon as they entered the house Zitao turned round to them with a huge smile. " ahhhhh! Your friends are so nice! Thank you!" Luhan and Yixing gave each other a look and laughed.
"You are welcome and apart from Kris... We don't really know him yet either... But he kinda scares me" Yixing shivers.
"He didn't really speak did he? He just sat there staring into space" Luhan added.
"Yeah... Maybe he's nice on the inside?" ZiTao thought about him and how what his new two friends had said was kinda true. He did look intimidating but also interesting at the same time. He hoped what he had said was true aswell.
"Could be I guess we will have to find out"
Kyungsoo sat down after they left. 'Why did I grab his wrist?' He thought to himself. 'Why?' He had only met the guy a day ago ad then suddenly he was dragging him into his house. How stupid was he. Something came over him.
When he felt his face blush as he grabbed Jongin, he convinced himself that that was because of awkwardly bumping into each other when they first met. And nothing else. It wasn't because of that he somehow liked him. At all. Wasn't it? No of course not— he didn't know him and he was friends with Baekhyun so he must be weird. Although his eyes were... Interesting. And his lips were... Big and .. Soft. Just like kyungsoos. His skin was darker than all of his friends but it suited him... It looked perfectly smooth.
Again no. It was purely for a better introduction; nothing more.
Kyungsoo sat back and tried to remove the thought from his head however that was easier said than done.
Maybe Baekhyun might not even know this happened so they will never have to bring it up as this was the second time he has picked him up. Second. The first time he couldn't tell if that was actually Baekhyun talking or if it was the illness talking. He carried him to The bedroom and gently placed him on his bed. Chanyeol brought the quilt right up to his chin and tucked him in.
Baekhyun still looked so peaceful and adorable as Chanyeol silently backed away but not taking his eyes off his Hyung. He tip toes back into his bed and closed his eyes. As soon as his eyelids closed dreams slowly formed. They started off wth pleasant images like Chanyeol and all his friends together. Baekhyun was standing next to him and was smiling brightly like he always did. Jongin was then next to baek and had his arm on his shoulder.
Chanyeol noticed it was going dark. Dark. It was so very dark.
The images changed and now he was in first person with himself and he appeared to facing a shadow. A figure of someone he knew. Jongin. It was Jongin again. He still looked happy as ever. Until...
HIs smile faded and gradually turned it to pure terror. Disbelief, horror, sadness, fear, and pain all in one. All in one facial expression. Chanyeol could see the tears in his eyes which then poured down jongins face like a flood. The sounds his friend made were like he was in agony. What was wrong with him? Chanyeol so desperately wanted to help but all he could do was stand in the same stupid spot. Like he couldn't control his own Body. What was wrong with him!
Chanyeol tried to shout to Jongin but again nothing came out. He just watched as his friend was in distraught and he didn't even know why.
Jongin began to speak. It was horrible. To hear his voice like that. "W-wh why" he croaked.
His own eyes looked to the ground as if in shame. But it wasn't shame. Oh no. Chanyeols hand moved in his view and he saw the bloody knife he held in his hand.
"C-chan-yeol-l " now that wasn't jongins voice. Chanyeol wanted to scream. This was already worse enough— he didn't want to watch his other roommate suffer. The view fixated on Baekhyun. Baekhyun was where Jongin had just been and he was holding his stomach as it was clearly bleeding.
And that was chanyeols fault.
Baekhyun sobbed again "y-yeollie why!" He cried louder this time and he fell on the floor with blood every where.
Chanyeol wanted to make this stop. Now. But he couldn't! Why wouldn't this dream let go of him! Wait, this was a dream right?
Chanyeol could feel himself sweating immensely and wanted to cry out but once more, nothing came out.
He saw Baekhyun crawl closer with one hand still on his stomach supporting it. 'Aish Aish Aish don't come any closer—don't! I'm sorry for what I have done! I'm sorry I'm sorry!' He screamed inside his head. Baekhyun never stopped. He was now, somehow, only a few inches away— he reached for Chanyeol. It felt like he opens his eyes. He CloudKit tell because it was so dark, whether he was awake or not. He could still here baekhyuns voice and as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, his face had not moved from close to his face.
"Chanyeol" Baekhyun whispered. Chanyeol was sweating like crazy, Jumping back to the end of his bed. He was awake. He had control of his own body. It didn't look like that dream was true. Baekhyun was still saying his name in front of him. His hyungs face looked worried and concerned for him as he was at on his bed. "Chanyeol, shhh. It's okay"
His heart beat was beating like crazy almost thumbing out his chest. It hurt; he could hear his own heart beat loud and clear as if it he was holding his heart right next to his ear. He shivered at the thought.
"Shh. It's okay, Chanyeol its me, baek"
"I k-know..." Chanyeol replied trying to steady the thumping in his chest.
"Are you alright? Aish yeollie, you gave me a panic attack! You started almost shouting in your sleep and you wouldn't stop moving! Seriously yeollie are you okay?" Baekhyun reached for his shoulder; Chanyeol flinched.
"Y-yeah I'm fine Hyung... Just b-bad dream" he gulped. More like the worst nightmare in the world. Chanyeol doesn't get horrible dreams often but when he does they are terrifying and he ends up awake sweating and almost crying.
"It must have been bad if you woke up like this" Baekhyun wiping chanyeols cheeks and forehead with his sleeve. "I'm sorry yeollie"
He didn't know why he was apologising since baek had done nothing wrong. It wasn't his fault about the dream. It wasn't his fault he was stabbed. It was chanyeols, apparently.
Chanyeol had soon calmed down and slowed his beating heart to a normal rate. Him and Baekhyun sat there in silence; they didn't know what to say.
"Erm... Well I need to uh go to sleep now since I have practise tomorrow... You don't Mind do you? I can sit here for a bit longer if you need me too?"
"no no it's fine Hyung, you need to sleep it's fine" Chanyeol insisted.
"Are you sure? Promise me you will be okay for the rest of the night?"
Chanyeol nodded. Although he couldn't guarantee it. There was a pause before Baekhyun got back up and slid back into his own bed. Chanyeol , only faintly, saw him smile before lying down and closing his eyes. However, Chanyeol tried his best to fall back into a slumber but nothing helped and for the rest of the night, he lay facing up with his eyes open. He had never felt as tired in his life.
"Can I come?" Was the first thing Luhan said to Yixing once he was awake. Yixing was yet again ready and dressed but Luhan had just woken up. Tao was still sound asleep in his spare room and it didn't look asif he was going to move in a rush.
" you mean dance practise?" Luhan silently nodded. "I guess there's no reason why not. Hyung Are you going to have ago this time?" Yixing replied.
"Oh ha no I'm just going to watch." Luhan laughed wearily and then gulped. "If you don't mind that is"
"Yeah sure" there was a pause before he carried on. " you know... Sehun will be there again..." Luhan tried to pretend uninterested. Despite his curiosity, Luhan also feared what Yixing was about to say next.
"Yeah... And...? " he said wearily; he felt his temperature rise.
"And... I think you should talk to him more" Yixing smirked as he saw Luhan blush. Luhan moved to the kitchen to distract himself.
"W-why? "He said as he poured himself a glass of water.
"Because I think that maybe he —" he was cut off by Zitao who had just opened the spare rooms door and wasn't standing up straight as he leant against the wall. He rubbed one eye and stepped out into the same room.
"Who's sehun? He sounds cool"
Jongin awoke when his alarm clock ran. He jolted up once hearing the sharp, loud sound of the ringing. Smacking the button on the top, he switched the damn thing off and pulled himself out of bed. He took out a folded shirt and some of his baggy joggers that he uses especially for his dancing. He dragged out a jacket from his wardrobe and put it on. Then he found his socks and slipped them on and walked out his room. It looked like he was the first one up as the place was silent.
He made some breakfast for himself and sat down at the table with his phone. He presses taemins number and started to type. Jongin asked him is he was coming today and minutes later Taemin had messaged back. Jongin normally told Taemin everything but there still something he hadn't told him. It suddenly came to mind; should he tell him? He thought of Kyungsoo and his big eyes. He wanted to rewind and go back to when jongin was sat with Kyungsoo in his living room drinking coffee. He would know what he would be doing so he could have spoke more.
And he definitely would have made sure , somehow, that Baekhyun didn't interrupt.
Taemin had already said goodbye and told Jongin to wait for him outside the school building so now, jongins chance was gone. Maybe some other time...
"Good morning Kai" he heard Baekhyun say as he wondered round the corner.
"Good morning Hyung."
"Whatcha eatin'?"
"Food which isn't yours, so get your own" Jongin puts his arm round his bowl and glares at Baekhyun who always tries to steal his food.
"Aigoo, you're mean" he said sticking out his bottom lip but he quickly moves on while humming something Jongin didn't recognise. Baekhyun moves to the kitchen with a smirk on his face. 'He's gonna say it' Jongin thought 'I know it'.
"You gonna see D.O. Today?" Before Jongin could speak he carried on. "you should stop by my classroom and say hello again. It's alright though we can cover it by saying you were here to give me something! Oh, oh, oh! Or you could wait for me after we finish" this made Jongin blush. Jongin tried not to look at Baekhyun; he wanted to strangle him right now. "We could even try to get him to walk with us. And if that doesn't work I ha—"
"Stop it!" Jongin stood up with his hands curled up into a first.
Baekhyuns smile had faded. " Kai—"
"I said stop it Hyung!" Jongin grabbed his phone,shoved it in his pocket and stomped across the hallway to pull down his coat. He had time to spare so he had already made the decision to go get somehting to drink somewhere else that wasn't here.
"Kkamjong! Aish" he had left. Already.
"Hyung?" Chanyeol. " is everything okay?" He was poking his head around the bedroom door like he didn't want to come out. Baekhyun didn't blame him.
"Ah erm—yeah, everything's fine. More importantly are you okay? How was the rest of your night?"
He nodded wearily. Baekhyun could see the bags underneath his eyes; he was clearly lying.
"Yeollie, stop fibbing and go back to bed! I'm going to set off soon so will you be alright?"
He nodded again. Then he disappeared back into their room.
Jongin walked up to the café doors as they automatically opened in front of him. He stepped through and instantly saw a familiar figure at the counter. 'Aish'.
Kyungsoo was just about to pay for the drink the boy had given him from behind the counter, but was waiting patiently with money in his hand. Jongin quickly spun around. Unfortunately, there was someone right on his heel. However he also knew that someone. It was Taemin.
"Kai? What are you doing I was just about to call your name?" He chuckled. "Come on let's go get a drink we can take it with Us" Jongin nodded stiffly and composed himself before following Taemin to the counter.
He saw Kyungsoo turn as he heard them make their way over. First he saw Taemin and gave a quick smile— not even that, it was almost like a twitch of the mouth— then he realised Jongin was right behind him. He turned away sharply. Jongin saw his Adam's apple Bob up and down.
Jongin thought of what Baekhyun had said earlier about getting Kyungsoo to walk with them. Then he thought about how maybe he was too hard on baek. He didn't exactly mean to shout. But it just happened. He should probably apologise to him later. Right now, though, Taemin was speaking to him.
What had he said? He didn't know because he wasn't listening. Jongin looked over to Kyungsoo was peeking over at the two of them while smirking. He focused back to his friend and asked him what he said, Kyungsoo still in the corner of his eye.
Well this had gone down brilliantly... Not.
Luhan sat in the same corner he did last time and watched as the group gradually flooded in. Yixing was already setting his bag down next to him and warming up. He looked professional.
Even though it looked like all the boys were here, there was still one face that he couldn't see. He remembered, from yesterday, that people were saying he's always late. Luhan wondered why he was late— was it because he lived far away or was it just because he just wasn't a morning person? Luhan guessed he would just have to add that to the list of questions that he needed to ask him.
After waiting a couple more minutes, once everyone else was it and ready to start, the blonde haired kid entered the room. He had just one of his bag straps over his shoulder and strode into the room. Seconds later the teacher walked in too.
Sehun glanced across the room and smiled when he saw Luhan. And Luhan smiled back.
The group was dancing for half an hour. Luhan didn't know how they could go on that long. They still had more moves yet to come!
It was now their break and Yixing came and sat next to Luhan. Luhan asked if Yixing wanted a drink of any sort as he would fetch it for him. Yixing said yes and he rose from his seat. It felt good to stand up and walk around; he had been sat on that chair for a while.
Luhan walked out and turned the corner, heading for the cafeteria.
Then he felt an arm resting on his shoulder. Looking across— and up— he saw a tall boy with blonde hair staring straight ahead.
Luhan's mouth dropped. What was he supposed to say?
"You're going to get a drink right?" Sehun said finally looking at Luhan.
"Err— yeah" he replied almost forgetting his words.
"Good me too, I'll come with you" he smiled.
Jongin thought it was a bit weird that Luhan just sat in the corner and watched— like was there a point of him being here? Does he actually want to learn? Or was he just here to stare at Sehun all the time? Because at the moment it seems like that's all he is doing.
To be honest Jongin couldn't say much as he would happily watch Kyungsoo all day. But that wasn't the point.
As it was break he saw Luhan walk out and then Sehun instantly follow. Sehun was probably going to flirt with him. But Jongin didn't care. It was now for his time to do something important.
He thought of taking baekhyuns idea again but that would be suspicious or at least risky or weird. Any one of those. Or even maybe all of them. So he decided maybe he would just look through the window to see how they are doing.
Jongin then thought that may be more creepier than the last few options. Damnit. this was harder than he thought.
He took Luhan's idea as an excuse to get out the room. "Taemin, I'm gonna get a drink, you want one aswell?"
"Oh okay, if you're asking" Taemin smiled. " just get me whatever energy drink you are having"
"Okay, ill be right back" jongin walked out the room hoping not to look odd. As he turned the corner he could see Luhan and Sehun go through the door to the cafeteria—sehuns arm on Luhan's shoulder.
"Ha what did I say" he said to himself.
Jongin went the opposite direction to them and headed down the corridor to the singing sessions Baekhyun and Kyungsoo took. He saw the same door he went in the other day and walked right up to the door. God job there was a window otherwise he would have been stuffed.
He carefully peeked through the door window and saw four boys sat on chairs discussing. From what he remembered the other two where called Jongdae and Junmyeon. Kyungsoo was sat closest to the door but with his back facing it. Jongin watched the back of his head for a moment before looking at Baekhyun who seemed to be discreetly staring straight at him.
Jongin nearly jumped back in shocking embarrassment, he wasn't aiming for anyone to see him but I guess it was a bit better having baek seè him others.... Especially Kyungsoo.
As he moved forward and carried on looking, Baekhyun was now smirking. His eyes ever so often looked back towards his group members to try and make it not look so obvious. However the main person his eyes darted to was Kyungsoo. Aigoo. Well this wasn't going to end well.
Then he heard Baekhyun faintly through the door "ah, there's Kai" beckoning Jongin to come in. Still smirking. God, how he was going to kill this Hyung.
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