"What are you doing here?" Jongin froze with his empty mug still in hand. It was was still warmfrim the coffee. Jongin got up quickly after pausing, set the cup down on the coffee table and straighten down his t shirt.
"Er— I—" he couldn't think of any excuses but kyungsoo shortly came back into the room and froze too. They were all staring at each other wondering what to say. Jongin scratched the back of his head.
Kyungsoo had a few sheets in his hand. From what Jongin could see, they looked like music sheets. " I told you to hold on" kyungsoo was looking down at the papers occasionally looking up.
" and I did, I just stepped inside to keep in the warmth." Kyungsoo walked over and handed the sheets to him and then shoot back to the side. " thanks. Again why is Kai here?" He smirked.
Kyungsoo made this adorable face. I don't think it was supposed to be but it was to Jongin. His eyes were wide open and his eyes were moving all over the place as if trying to search for help. Jongin saw him gulp and then suddenly he knew what to say.
"I bumped into him" Jongin quickly butted in "during my walk I mean. And he saw I had no coat so he let me sit inside. I was just leaving" Jongin nodded slightly. He didn't want to leave but he decided that was best. He looked over at baekhyun who had raised eyebrows, then at Kyungsoo who still had his head down. He wanted to know what he was thinking.
"Okay then, I'll walk with you back home." Baekhyun rolled his eyes and began towards the door. Jongin came from around the sofa and followed his fellow roommate. As he past Kyungsoo, Jongin turned his head to look at him. Kyungsoo had finally pulled his own head up and was staring back. Staring with his big white eyes. He was so beautiful.
Jongin felt kyungsoos gaze in him as he walked to the door. As he was half way out he twisted round and bowed. "Thank you for the coffee" Kyungsoo didn't reply; his face was still in the same position as before so Jongin turned back and shut the door. He took a moment before he jogged to catch up with baekhyun.
It was time to leave the café so everyone was up and grabbing their bags. Kris was the first one to exit (how surprising) and then followed by Junmyeon. Jongdae was behind everyone but luckily just in time he tapped Luhan on the shoulder and he turned round. Jongdae said he needed to go to the toilet and if they could wait for him outside. Luhan nodded and smiled then follow the others back out.
Jongdae walked into the toilets and stood In Front of the mirror 'Aish I bet he thinks I look stupid' Jongdae thought. After he came out the toilets he washed his hands and the Dried them. He walked out and saw the blonde boy still working his socks off at the counter. Gosh he was so cute. Jongdae loved his smile already— one of the most heart warming smiles he's ever seen.
Suddenly his legs were moving towards the boy yet again and as minseok saw him he smiled like always. " why hello sir, we meet again." He chuckles 'Aish that laugh' " can I help you? " Jongdae didn't originally plan to walk over to him so he had to make and excuse up. And quick.
"Er can I have another latte to take out. It will warm me up when I'm at home" 'good save Jongdae, good save ' he thought to himself.
"Sure coming right up" minseok said with a grin. He Twisted round and began making Jongdaes very own latte. Especially for him.
Jongdae looked round to see his friends still chatting outside— most of them shivering. Once he moved his view back to behind the counter minseok was holding the cup in front of him. Jongdae ruffled through his pocket trying to find the correct amount of money. He was just about to pull out the right amazing when....
"You can have it for free"
"It's a gift. From me too you. A nice to meet you gift."
"Bu— I can't do that! Here take it!" He held the scrunched and creased money he had pulled from his pocket in between the two of them. He kept nudging the notes further minseoks way urging him to take it but he refused. That kid.
"Chen it's fine you don't need to pay me now go before the other customers get jealous. Only this time though!" Minseok smirked.
"Eh—wha— i— fine, just this once. Thank you! " Jongdae shoved the money back into his trousers and walked out the café .
"KAIS GOT A NEW FRIEND!" Baekhyun shouted when entering the house.
"OOH WHO IS IT?" Chanyeol shouted back from a distant.
"Aish really guys?" Jongin rolled his eyes trying to act it cool instead of going red. But he felt a slight blush form anyway so it clearly didn't work .
The two of them both entered the same room Chanyeol was sat in hope that they wouldn't have to shout anymore. "What do you mean?" Jongin frowned.
"He doesn't talk— well hardly anyway. And he stares at everything. He scares me"
"He's nice when he wants to be yeollie but I agree , he can a be abit ... Isolated compared to everyone else." Baekhyun sat down next to Chanyeol on the sofa which instantly reminded Jongin of them sleeping together. Unsurprisingly, baekhyun sat close to Chanyeol as if it was normal. And it probably was, but Jongin had only started noticing these things after he walked in the bedroom with the two of them snuggling with one another.
"I like him..." Jongin muttered.
"Oh do you now?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow and smirked at him and Jongin suddenly felt hot; he face turned red. "Is that where you have been going these couple of weeks!? To his house!?" He jumped up with excitement.
Jongin felt like he was burning. "no!" He frowned. "No, I did actually go to the arts school Hyung okay? Aish. Just believe me already"
"Damn I thought I had it" Baekhyun sat back down facing Chanyeol who just laughed at his comment. "Okay okay we believe you!"
"Thank you." Jongins redness had just about died down when...
"But why do you blush so hard Kai?" Chanyeol leaned forward to ask also with a raised eyebrow. What is it with these two.
"Aish" he muttered. "I do not!" And walked towards his room.
"Where are you going?" The two of them peered over the settee. "You're not going for a walk are you?" Chanyeol winked.
Baekhyun burst out laughing nearly falling off the chair. Jongin ignored them and paced into his bedroom and shut the door behind him. However he could still here the voices and laughter of his hyungs. It annoyed him. It annoyed him because he does blush. It annoyed him because he shouldn't have said he liked him. It annoyed him because they of course took it the wrong way. It annoyed him because he did actually like Kyungsoo. It annoyed him because it wasn't just 'like', he was head over heels for him.
After Chanyeol and Baekhyun had calmed down, they turned the to on and watched it together. Chanyeol had realised when Baekhyun first sat down, it was closer than he was expecting. But he liked the closeness.
Chanyeol looked over and saw baekhyuns eyes already fluttering shut. "Baek Hyung are you tired?"
"Huh? Oh no I'm fine, just a long day that's all"
"You've done hardly anything all day" Chanyeol sniggered.
"Yah! I've done loads of things! Plus doing nothing, which I have been doing stuff, can be...tiring..." He looked asif he was fighting to keep his eyes open.
"Okay okay Hyung. Whatever you say" Chanyeol wanted to suggest for Baekhyun to lean on so he can rest however Baekhyun didn't want to give in.
Chanyeol carried on watching the program; watching Baekhyun made him tired also until a small Hyung fell onto his shoulder nearly frightening Chanyeol out his skin. He didn't know what to do. Should he move? Should he stay still? He can't stay like this for long... It was kind of uncomfortable.
Just as he thought this Baekhyun slid off his shoulder and his head fell on his lap. 'A–AISH'
Chanyeol went bright red. It felt like there was suddenly a fire surrounding him. How could Baekhyun do this to him! Was it on purpose? He couldn't even tell! But he sure looked a sleep.
"B–baek" he whispered. No answer. He tapped his shoulder gently "B-Baek, I—Erm— please get u-up" no answer again.
Chanyeol luckily calmed himself enough to lose a bit of his heat. He stayed still and didn't move Baekhyun at all, he didn't want to disturb him. His Hyung didn't move or wake up from his sleep during this time either, but rested sweetly on chanyeols lap. Ever so often Chanyeol could feel the breathe of Baekhyun on his leg and at first it tickled but he got used to it. Chanyeol brought baeks legs up on to the sofa with them as gently as he could .
Finally, he had got used to Baekhyun lying on him and he tried to concentrate on the tv; it was hard.
Baekhyun had moved his position. He was no longer on his side facing the same direction as Chanyeol but he was now lying on his back. Chanyeol looked down and saw his peaceful face leaning towards him.
And God he was so cute.
How the hell was he gonna mange to hide this?
"What's going on with those two?" Yixing said looking over at the counter back inside. "They have been constantly looking at each other the whole time." Luhan followed his gaze and saw Jongdae clearly re ordering something with minseok.
"Hmm I know. Weird" Luhan replied rubbing his arms for warmth.
"There's definitely something between them, i can tell "
They then watched Jongdae walk back over to them with another paper cup in hand. And he was smiling.
"Definitely" Luhan said with a grin.
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