"You know it's actually hard to cook when you're attached to me like this"
"Well you shouldn't have pushed me out the way and just let me do my job"
Sehun had his arms wrapped around Luhans waist while he stood preparing dinner for the two of them. Sehun even had his eyes closed as he rested his chin on the smallers shoulder.
"Well you should have done a better job" he said in a mocking tone. "You were about to chop your own fingers off. Strangely enough I don't like boys without fingers. Being fingerless would probably be a very hard life for you too."
"Ok ok, you can stop making fun of me now. I get that you were worried about me, that's completely normal"
Luhan scoffed. "I was more worried about our dinner." With these words Sehun lifted his head off the boy's shoulder. " I don't fancy chewing on fingernails."
"Wow so rude" Sehun mumbled into his ear. "I guess I'll just leave then."
"Ok" the older smirked. His boyfriend was so childish sometimes that it actually could be quite funny. "You do that"
There was silence for a while, but Sehun didn't let go and move away from Luhan. Instead he just stood still and quiet as if he was trying to pretend he wasn't there.
"Aren't you going to go then?"
"I've decided I don't want to" and with that Luhan felt his head rest on his shoulder again as the boy began to sway him side to side gently. It was as if he was trying to dance. And surprisingly enough, Luhan liked it;it was calming and relaxing and still sent electric currents through his body. "I like it better here"
Jongdae and Minseok on the other hand ordered in a take out so that they didn't have to move from the comforts of Xiumins sofa as they cuddled up together while watching a movie.
Jongdae's legs were up and folded on the sofa as he was pressed up against Minseoks chest, just like he was using him as a pillow. Minseok had his arm around the younger gently making circles on the boy's shoulder with his fingers. It was almost sending him to sleep.
There was nothing else to say as, really, the two were happy Just where they were right now and couldn't wish for anything better.
"How'd it go then??" Yixing asked excitedly as he locked the door behind him, way too eager to hear Zitaos gossip. The two had just came back from next door and as soon as the older saw the look on Zitaos face he knew that it certainly went well.
"Tell me everything!"
Zitao motioned for them to sit down and when they do so he began to explain what happened. It was sort of embarrassing to the tell the end part so he sort of missed a couple things out.
He'd not kisses many people in his life (just his parents and grandparents) so To suddenly be on a bed snogging some dude that he strangely got into pretty quick was quite new for him. But he wasn't gonna lie and thought he did a decent job. Well Yifan said he was good anyway.
"Ah you two seem like you'll be wonderful together!"
"Thanks" zitao replied with a face tinted pink. "And by the way, when's Lu Gege coming back?"
"Don't have a single clue. Looks like he'll probably be there another couple of days yet " Yixing laughed. "I don't think Sehun will let go of him."
Zitao laughed along before he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. While Yixing got up saying he needed a drink Zitao checked his phone to see a new message appear.
[Dinner tomorrow? I'm free if you are. See you at 6 outside your door ;)]
When Kyungsoo finally leaves the room he didn't expect Jongin to be there waiting, leaning against the door. Kyungsoo was always the last out of the Practise room—that wasn't because he was slow but because he stayed to do extra work.
Well Jongin only knew that because Junmyeon told him as he exited the room.
Instead of interrupting him, Jongin stayed outside and waited.
"How long have you been standing there?" Kyungsoo asked, pulling up his backpack over his shoulder.
"Not long" Jongin said with a smile even though the both of them knew it was a lie.
"You thirsty?"
The ends of kyungsoos mouth turned up. "Not really" he began to walk knowing the younger would instantly follow.
"How about hungry?"
Kyungsoo looked to the side to see Jongin looking back at him with big, hopeful eyes. Kyungsoo new he wasn't that hungry for Jongins sake, maybe he could fit a small meal in.
He nodded. "Yeah"
"Great" the younger said. "I have somewhere to show you"
The place that Jongin wanted him to see was a small little restaurant with was just a 10 walk away. Jongin explained that he had been here a few times with his mother when she visited him every now and then. He also said that they do delicious food and have great service. "The small ones are always the best" he had said. "Just like you".
Although Kyungsoo hit him on the arm for saying that, he laughed along with the younger.
The Two had taken a seat right next to the window so they could people watch, which happened to be one of Kyungsoos favourite things.
Jongin admitted to not really being that hungry either so they ordered a single meal to share between them.
"I just couldn't wait to show you this place any longer. I'm sorry. I should have waited until we both were hungry.."
"It's fine"Kyungsoo replied and smiled to confirm to Jongin that he really didn't mind. As he knew people often mistake his looks, he wanted to make it clear to Jongin. "It's nice to spend time with you after working."
Jongins face flushed pink and looked down to the table, as if that would mean the older wouldn't be able to see.
"It must be special to you" Kyungsoo said after a moment.
"This place. Must be special. You seem to like it a lot."
Jongin sighed while he glanced around all of the corners of the restaurant. "Yeah it is I guess. I only want to share this place with the people I love."
Kyungsoos mouth dropped open ever so slightly as he stared at Jongin until the boy noticed he was looking. Then he realised what he said. "O-oh. Sorry."
"No no it's fine" Kyungsoo said even though it wasn't because those words just made some kind of electric current bolt up and down his body. "I'm honoured, actually"
Jongin laughed despite feeling embarrassed and This sent more waves through Kyungsoos body.
It's the kind of sound that Kyungsoo wanted to record and play it over and over again as if it was a piece of music. It was the most beautiful sound he has ever heard.
Hi again... sorry for long update.
I'm thinking of ending this story soon because I don't really have anywhere else to go with it now all the couples are together soooo
I don't know when I'm going to end it or how but all I can say is soon.
I've hoped you've enjoyed this story and thank you for all the votes and comments you have given it!
Thank you so much
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