"I don't understand" Jongin said before taking a sip of some fresh coffee that Kyungsoo had just made. They were sat at the kitchen table, across from each other and taking about what happened last night. "You were only sleepy"
"I was? Oh. " was all Kyungsoo replied with.
"You seriously can't remember anything about letting me stay?"
"No.." Kyungsoo scratched his head. "I mean there was limited alcohol because it was Suho... so it wasn't like I got drunk or anything at the same time"
"Well... did you, um... not actually want me to stay then?"
Kyungsoo was quiet for a moment which only made Jongin feel embarrassed and think worse.
He began to feel ashamed of even showing his face; this was the most embarrassing thing that's probably ever happe— "no, it's not like that."
"It's okay if you didn't, I can just leave" Jongin started, his cheeks in flames.
"Sorry for any inconvenience"
"Jongin,no, wait—" just as Jongin was about to stood up, Kyungsoo grabbed hold of his sleeve and pulled him back down to his seat. "Jongin, it's not that I didn't want you to stay... it's just.. if I wasn't so sleepy and drowsy or whatever it was , then I probably wouldn't have asked you to stay."
Jongin stared at the older boy. Was he supposed to feel different? "T-that didn't, really... explain much"
"I mean, although I wouldn't have asked that, it doesn't mean I still wouldn't like it" Kyungsoo explained. "I wouldn't have asked that because I would have thought that it was stupid and you wouldn't have wanted to stay."
"So stay a little longer?"
Jongin licked his dry lips and took a moment before his mouth formed a smile. He still felt embarrassed but he tried to ignore it . "O-okay"
Kyungsoo let go of his arm stood up with his mug. "Great. Now I'm going to make another cup of coffee and then we can sit down and watch a movie, yeah? That's if you want to?" As Kyungsoo made his way to the kettle, Jongin thought about what kind of movie he would suggest. And then he thought of all the things the two of them could do together during the movie—as if it was the perfect drama. Jongin though of how maybe he would get to cuddle and put his arm around the older and hold hands and— "Jongin?"
"W-what? What did you say?"
"I asked if you wanted to watch a movie? But you looked as though you didn't want to do that"
"Ah-no no! I do. Definitely. Sounds great."
Kyungsoo chuckled a bit and looked to his feet before carrying on what he was doing. "Shall I go find something to watch?" Jongin asked.
When Kyungsoo agreed, Jongin disappeared into the living room where the older had said the movies were. He looked into a small open cupboard next to the tv and found a selection of films. It wasn't as big as Jongin had at home but that was only because Chanyeol loved movies and bought one whenever he could. It was enough though.
"How about a scary film?" Kyungsoo shouted from the kitchen.
Jongin gulped and sighed; he really didn't like scary films whether it was horror, thriller or whatever other ones there was—he couldn't stand them. That was because he could never get through a whole movie without jumping out of his skin. His roommates always picked on him for that even though neither Chanyeol and Baekhyun were the most toughest of men. In fact Baekhyun was always the one to keep his arm linked with Chanyeols and his face buried into the guys shoulder.
"Maybe something else would be better" Jongin replied back trying not to sound so awkward that Kyungsoo would find out his small fear.
"How about something funny?"
Kyungsoo walked into the room with a packet of sweets and his cup of coffee and placed them on the table before he came over to kneel next to Jongin.
"I don't have many films that are very funny.." Kyungsoo said flatly, scratching his head. "They're just bad films.. wait how about this one?" He picked up a case with fancy writing on it and the figures of a woman and a man, holding hands.
"But that's a romance?" Jongin says more as a question, looking up to meet with Kyungsoos eyes.
"Yeah and it's one of my favourites. Come on, watch it with me, please?"
Jongin, at this moment, thought a horror would be better than this. "Sure." He forced a smile.
Zitao angrily pushed different buttons on the tv remote, changing the channels to something different. He wasn't even watching what was on each channel, he just needed something to release his anger... the remote wasn't helping much. So he threw it and it crashed against the wall. Fortunately, it didn't break.
The door suddenly opened and Yixing came in , shutting the door behind him, and sat down next to Zitao. Zitao didn't look his way.
"I didn't realise you came back so early. I thought you were still with—"
"Yeah, I just got bored. And tired. Sorry"
"Oh.. right, okay"
"I'm going to bed now" Zitao said flatly and got up from the sofa.
"Is Luhan here?"
"Yes. In his bedroom"
Minseok patted his boyfriend on the shoulder, trying to wake him up. Jongdae had a habit of taking up quite a lot of room in the bed and minseok tried his best to not fall off.
"Yah~" minseok said softly; although Jongdae took most of the covers he still felt bad for waking him up because honestly, the boy looked so cute and peaceful. "Chennie~ wake up for a second please?"
Jongdae let out a little moan and murmur before he rolled on to his side. "Aigoo." Minseok sighed.
Instead of bothering his boyfriend he sat up against the head board of the bed and grabbed his phone. He turned the brightness down so it didn't light up the whole room. Minseok checked his social media hoping to find something to do or at least to make him sleepy enough to fall asleep again—even if he would be sleeping without blankets.
The time on his phone read 4:26. Minseok usually wakes up around 7 so even this was early for him. He was one of those morning people. It was pretty useful considering how he normally has to wake up early for work anyway.
He guessed he would just have to wait for another few hours.
It got to 5:54 and minseok couldn't take it anymore; the time was going so slow he felt like he had aged another two years.
Luckily, moments later he heard mumbles going from next to him.
At first Minseok ignored it and thought it was Jongdae making noises in his sleep. But he heard it again as he felt someone poke his arm.
Minseok turned to the side to see the younger staring up at him with hazy eyes.
"Why are you up so early?" Jongdae murmured
Minseok laughed as he thought to himself 'you're the reason'
"Just am" he said. "I could also ask you the same question. I didn't expect you to wake up till at least lunch"
Jongdae chuckled and nudged him. "Yah, I'm not that lazy"
"Sure you aren't" Minseok smiled and pinched Jongdaes cheek.
Minseok put his phone down on his side table and lay back down next to Jongdae. He slid under the duvet as he managed to sneakily pull it back over all the way to the other side. The couple had a moment of staring into each other's eyes as if they didn't need to speak. Jongdae soon closed the distance and kissed His boyfriends neck. Minseok couldn't deny that it did make him tickle.
"Can we just sleep a little longer?" Minseok asked carefully while Jongdaes mouth ran up to his jawline.
"I didn't get much sleep"
"Works fine for me" the younger said against his skin.
"Do you want me to make you breakfast when you wake up?"
Jongdae was now close to Minseok a mouth, not close enough that they were touching, but close enough to feel the boy's hot breath.
"You don't have to" Minseok pecked him on the lips and smiled.
"I'm going to do it anyway"
The two laughed and cuddled up together.
In the end, Minseok got another 3 (surprisingly) hours sleep with his head on Jongdaes shoulder.
Sorry if this was like.. idk pretty boring??
But oh well at least I updated XD
I keep leaving it a long time but I am doing lots of revision and mocks and stuff so Yano..
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