**(J)hopefully you won't mind that this chapter will just be an all HunHan chapter... I only did this because I haven't been updating in ages and I know most of you really want to know more and also I still need time thinking what's going on with all the other pairs XD so enjoy!!**
<[oppa~ are you sure you're okay ]
Wed 12:37 am
<[please talk to me Sehun oppa ㅜㅜ]
Thurs 4:15 pm
<[you haven't messaged me for ages ㅠㅠ]
Fri 4:57 pm
<[im worried about you oppa. Can I come round?]
Sat 5:03 pm
<[are you ignoring me? You never normally ignore me?]
Sat 5:45 pm
<[sehun! :< ]
Sat 5:47 pm
<[right, I'm coming. You never told me where you live but you have your location on. I'll be there in 20 minutes, maybe more]
Sat 5:59 pm
"Luhan?" He awoke to three knocks on his bedroom door. "Luhan ge wake up now, we're going out somewhere. Together!"
How long had he been sleeping? How long had he stayed in his room and not moved from his bed?
Luhan felt lazy and fat now because of how little he had moved. Occasionally Luhan would sit up and look into the mirror on his wall, that was low enough for him to see his whole body, and he could see that he had gained weight. He guessed it was time to get out side.
The boy got out of bed and opened his door to see Yixing standing with his hand raised as though he was about to knock again. "Where? Where are we going?" Luhan said, his voice slightly croaky.
Yixing smiled as he didn't think Luhan would even reply let alone come out of his bedroom. "Get dressed and you'll see" Luhan nodded in return, closing his door to get dressed.
Could he be bothered? Could he bothered to pick somehting nice and stylish? Like he usually does? Could he be bothered to actually try to make an effort? Or had he already given up on that?
When finished getting ready, he came back out of his room, for what seemed like the first time in forever, and met Zitao and Yixing in the living room who were both already dressed. Luhan had decided to make one last effort in looking his best to go out— he wore jeans with a black and white hoodie and a simple bright red coat over the top. Obviously it wasn't his most fanciest outfit of all but it was good enough for this.
"You look nice" Zitao smiled
"Thanks ..."
Yixing quickly slipped in before the conversation died. "Right, then let's go shall we?" Zitao and Luhan nodded as a response and all three of them took their keys and phones and exited the house.
Yixing, being prepared, already rang up for a taxi. They jumped in the taxi and the driver took us to whatever place Yixing had whispered in his ear.
After a 40 minute drive, the car came to a stop, the tree boys thanked the driver and they shuffled out the taxi.
"The cinema?" Luhan asked. "Is this where we are going? The cinema?"
Yixing pouted"Yeah why? Do you not want to go? I've already booked the tickets though"
"Ah—no no it isn't like that. I just wasn't expecting this for some reason"
"Oh.. Okay"
Luhan didn't mean to sound rude but it was true. He just wasn't expecting Yixing and Zitao to take him to see a movie.
After the movie, Luhan felt better. In fact a lot better. It felt weird to be smiling again—something that he hadn't done in a while. He was glad Yixing had picked a comedy, something funny, to watch. At first when Luhan found out they were watching some stupid comedy he didn't think he would find anything to laugh at any more but somehow he did. Somewhere deep inside of him, there was those last few drops of happiness which were helping to heal him one by one. Yixing and Zitao were there by his side which made Luhan realise he was luckier than he thought he was.
As they waited for the taxi, the sky was getting cloudier and cloudier by the second. 'This taxi better come soon otherwise it might chuck it down'
When a car pulled up in front of them, Zitao was the first one to rush up to the door until Yixing grabbed his arm. Zitao looked at him confused until the window of the drivers seat lowered to reveal a woman.
Not a woman a girl. A girl with the name of Eun mi.
What a way to ruin the mood.
"Luhan?" She said ignoring the exist panca of the other two boys. " you are Luhan right? Unless I'm mistaken."
Luhan turned to Yixing who gave him silent eye contact. You could see Yixing wasn't sure on the idea of him talking to her; didn't want Luhan to be hurt again. "Yeah, I'm Luhan" he faced the girl again trying not to show any emotion.
"Good. Now you need to come with me, I need you" Eun mi said quite firmly.
Luhan shoved his hands into his pockets of his coat before they began shaking. 'What is happening? Did Sehun tell her? What does she mean by I need you?'
"What? W-why?"
"It Sehun. I've been messaging him over these few days and he hasn't replied to single one of them. I'm not even sure he's seen them! "
Luhan knew Sehun didn't want to see him. "W-why do you need me?" At least he kept his promise of not telling her. "Can't you just go on your own or something?"
"I already have. When I got there, he didn't even know I was coming, yet I had told him that I was driving over to his house on messages. So he obviously hasn't seen or read them! After explaining why I was there, he tried to get me to leave. He said 'I'm sorry but I want to be alone.' And because I didn't want to leave he started getting angry. " Eun mi looked down to the pavement "I just thought that maybe you could help since you're his best friend. Maybe you know what's up with him?"
'Best friend?' "I-I'm sorry b-bu—"
"Please Luhan... He might cool down after seeing you—he must be angry with something I've done." Eun Mi was looking at him with worried eyes. He could tell she liked him.
'Why on earth would he want to see me now?'
'He won't cool down...'
'..He'll just get more angry'
"Luhan ge.." Yixing said, concerned. "You're not really thinking about going are you?.."
Sehun had finally gotten rid of Eun Mi from his house. He knew it sounded mean to put it that way but honestly he didn't want her there right now, at this moment. Sehun would be lying if he said he didn't feel guilty for raising his voice at her. 'I just got frustrated that she wouldn't leave when I asked her to..'
He sat back down again on the couch staring at the tv that had been on for hours but he never focused on what the people on screen were saying. Sehun didn't even know what he was watching. To be honest, he wasn't even interested.
'Did he make me loose interest in Eun Mi too...?'
Making him jump, there was another knock at the door. So Sehun cursed whoever it was already for not giving him peace, got up yet again and opened the front door only to see Eun mi again.
"Aish— didn't I tell you I just want to be alone right now?!"
It was now starting to rain and drops of water fell onto her silky dark hair. Sehun knew it was rude to let her stand out side in the rain but he couldn't invite her in.. He didn't want to..
That would mean she would stay for maybe an hour or too trying to 'help' by 'talking about it with her'— that was the last thing he wanted.
"I know I know, I'm sorry but oppa please—I just want to see if you're okay"
"Well I am okay" he smiled sarcastically "is that good enough for you?"
More and more rain drops were heaving down which made Sehun feel worse."What? No Oppa—"
"Eun Mi stop!" Sehun screamed causing her to step back in shock.
Her hair was just about drenched already and her makeup was beginning to run. Sehun immediately regrets shouting but before he has a chance to apologise he sees a familiar figure standing next to Eun Mi's car. He stood with his hands in his pockets.
'Has he been here all this time..'
"Wha—what is he—why is—" Sehun shot past Eun mi and ran down the drive towards the older boy.
"What are you doing here?"
"Err—I-I—Eun mi s-said that I might be able to help" Luhan stuttered
"Help with what?"
"If you want her you can have her"
Sehun wanted to be alone even more than he did earlier. He couldn't even tell if Luhan was lying, in fact Sehun couldn't even see any signs of him lying, but a part of him didn't want to believe him.
Sehun turned to leave but a hand grabbed his wrist.
"I don't want her" Luhan almost whispered but it was definitely laugh enough for Sehun to hear as he spun back round. Luhan let go of his wrists in embarrassment and dodged the eye contact.
"Then—then what about...?"
He didn't even need to finish his sentence because Luhan already knew exactly what he was on about.
"I-I lied"
Sehun glanced over his shoulder to see Eun Mi still standing next to his front door.
"B-because—" Luhan started. "I don't know. "
'Now he's lying.'
"Why were you crying so much then?"
"I said I d-don't know o-okay?" The older said quickly but not aggressively. "I don't like her and I never have. Like you said I don't even know her. So you can take back your girlfriend. And if I were you I wouldn't shout at her either.."
Sehun was shocked and still immensely confused. Why out of everyone there was did he pick Luhan? Why was luhan the only one that made him that way? Why did his stomach feel weird? Why was Luhan the only that made him feel weird? Why did sehun feel less annoyed? Why was he more relieved? But most importantly...
Why was his main focus Luhan?
"I think i should go" Luhan said snapping Sehun out of his daze.
"wait no—stay."
"you probably h-hate me enough already, its better if i go. Ill leave you with Eun Mi. Treat her well" Luhan bowed slightly before getting into the car. Eun Mi obviously took the hint and came trotting down in her heels.
She stopped by sehun before she got into the car. "I'll come tomorrow okay? goodnight oppa, sleep well"
Sehun just turned his head the other way in response, biting his lip. Eun Mi then hopped back into the car, probably interrogating Luhan about what he said, and drove off. Sehun was suprised she stood there all that time without intruding. She must be soaking.
But then Luhan was when he jumped into the car—even though the boy had a hood he didnt use it, instead he stood there taking the bullets that were raindrops. Sehun wanted to pull his hood up for him, maybe rush in and bring out a scarf to wrap round his neck.
He watched the car drive off down the street, standing in the pouring rain and hoping Luhan was looking back at him.
'His eyes looked watery'
With a sudden thought Sehun picked up his feet and began to run. Sehun needed that car to stop before it drove too far out of reach.
'it can't end like that'
This was what I imagined Luhan wearing. :))
Hope this chapter was good
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