I just looked at a few of the first chapters I wrote and.... They're longer than they are now so I might try and write a bit more on each chapter.
Is that okay? Or do you like the length of the chapters this short or would you prefer longer ones? Please let me know x3
"You like Eun Mi don't you?"
"W-wha—" Luhan's eyes had swelled up with tears. His vision was becoming blurrier by the second and his throat became dry. "I—why—" he couldn't even finish his own sentences. And trust me he wanted to.
He wanted to prove Sehun wrong straight away to let that idiot know that he would never like a girl like her, even if she's the nicest woman on the planet. He would never want her. Only Sehun.
But Luhan Couldnt believe for one second that Sehun let such stupid words escape from his mouth. Was he really thinking that? Or was this a joke?
Sehun sat there and watched Luhan stumble on his own words. "I'm right aren't I?" Sehun looked disappointed and not to mention annoyed. "You like her. That's why you ran off"
Tears seem to be dripping of Luhan's chin onto his legs, one by one. He desperately, oh so desperately wanted to tell him the truth. 'No. I like you not her' was all he had to say. Six words. It would have cleared up his foolish assumption. Luhan couldn't even manage to use his voice anymore, his mouth felt liked it was glued together by the tears. Then he made the worst mistake.
After taking one last glimpse of the younger next to him, Luhan began to nod stiffly. He shut his eyes tight when he heard Sehun stand up. Luhan didn't want to look anymore. He didn't want to be here anymore.
"I can't b-believe this..." Sehun said pacing on the steps " I C-can't believe you actually like her!? Hyung why! " Sehun began to raise his voice with made, not only Luhan's lips Tremble, but his whole body. "You don't even know her! She doesn't even know you! You've met once!"
"Sehun I—"
"Don't. Don't say anymore." Sehun growled. "I don't know what I can do Luhan. If I had—if it was something else, I thought I could help you! But this... This I don't even know anymore. What can I do Hyung?"
"I-I don't k-know." Luhan cried. "Just don't t-tell anybody. Especially her. "
"Don't worry" Sehun said looking down on the older boy who was drowning in his own tears. "I won't" and then he left. Sehun left Luhan on the step and disappeared down the street.
After a few minutes of waiting, and Sehun was fully out of sight, Luhan rushed to his feet and flung the door open until it his the wall. He scrambled to his bedroom, locked the door and climbed in bed.
Then Yixing was heard behind the door knocking and calling luhans name.
"Luhan? Luhan, please come out.. Or at least tell me what happened?"
He didn't answer.
"It can't have been that bad.."
Then another sound of a lock and a door opening came from outside the room. It sounded like the shower. A faint voice was heard. "Gege? Is everything okay? Is Luhan-ge in there?"
"Yeah... Something's wrong I don't know what happened out there.." Yixing replied to Zitao.
"What do you mean?"
"Sehun came to the door, asked for Luhan, they went outside, then Luhan comes rushing back in and now he's the locked himself in his room. He was definitely crying.."
"我的天啊 (wo de tian na) "
[trans: oh my god (I think)] **sorry if someone can speak fluent mandarin and I got it wrong but I just searched it on google because you know ... I can't xD**
Yixing stopped knocking after a while saying "I'll leave you to rest".
Not long after that Luhan also ceased crying and became awfully tired. He replayed what just happen in his head—what had he done.
'Why the hell did I do that. Why couldn't I have at least denied it. I didn't say have to say " I love you "just yet did I. '
' I'm so goddamn stupid. Even more stupid than Sehun for thinking I like her.'
Luhan suddenly felt cold and drowsy. He pulled the cover further over his head, wrapping himself up in his own sheets. Thinking about how Sehun would definitely not come back now, Luhan almost started crying again. It physically and mentally hurt him.
He thought about the dancing lessons—why did he even bother going, it was a mistake that lead to this. Is he ever going to go again?
'He won't want me there'
Baekhyun came back from where ever he went and saw it was only Jongin left in the room.
"Where's yeollie?"
"He ran off."
"What, why? I thought we were all going to do something together tonight?"
"I don't know and like what? What is there to do?"
Baekhyun shrugged and sat down. "Watch a movie? "
"We always watch movies." Jongin laughed slightly. "Well you and Chanyeol do anyway"
"Well have you got any other great ideas?"
Jongin though for a moment. "Hmm how about we go out for a meal instead of cooking or ordering in take outs?"
"Okay but"
"But what?"
"But your paying!" Baekhyun jumped up laughing and ran out the living room before Jongin could catch him. He ran into his and chanyeols bedroom and shut the door behind him. When he was in there, he saw Chanyeol sat up against the wall on his bed, with his giant legs stretched out in front of him. He was on his phone but looked how hen Baekhyun came In.
Chanyeol smiled and Baekhyun did the same—it came automatic. Especially whenever that handsome giant grins.
Baekhyun walked up to Chanyeol and sat on his legs. "Aish—ouch! What are you doing?!" He attempts to shout but instead Chanyeol laughed even though he looked in pain. "Get off" he said and shoved the smaller off of him.
"Come on then" Baekhyun replied simply giggling as he heads for the door again.
"Come on for what?"
Baekhyun jumped excitedly. "We're going out for a meal. And Kai's paying!!"
"I can't believe I'm staying for another night. I have my own place you know!"
Jongdae whined after jumping in to minseoks bed. He sounded as thought he didn't want to stay, but his face said he did.
Minseok was still in the bathroom, washing his face and brushing his teeth.
As soon as Minseok had entered the bathroom, Jongdae had sneakily took of his shirt and placed it At the side of the bed. He then got in bed and cover his chest up so Minseok wouldn't know. Everytime he thought about this moment and how he had to get into the same bed as the older, he got hot and flustered but he told himself to always keep on the lose jogging bottoms on he wore.
"Stop complaining" Minseok shouted from inside the bathroom. "You would have jumped out the window by now if you really didn't want to stay"
Jongdae still wasn't over what happened earlier that day; he could still feel minseoks lips on his. Was it weird to say he wanted rewind and do it all again?
He was smacked out of his thoughts when he heard Minseok enter the room again, dressed in cotton short and a Tshirt. Jongdae felt his temperature rise when he realised he was staring. Staring especially at his legs.
'Omg this is not healthy' he thought and looked away before the older saw.
Minseok quietly slipped into the bed, next to him. You could tell he was nervous and shy as neither of them spoke. They were both thinking of that first kiss.
"Well... Goodnight Chennie " Minseok said, trying to sound confident.
"Night Hyung " Jongdae smiled even though Minseok wasn't looking. He had already turned on his side with his back facing Jongdae.
Trying not to move or make noise, Jongdae was stuck looking at the back of Minseok so he raised his hand and began to draw on the boys Tshirt. He drew words hoping that Minseok wasn't a sleep and that he could read the little message Jongdae was creating for him.
Once he finished the last letter a mumble came from the olders mouth.
"Me neither"
"Huh?" Jongdae asked, not catching what he said.
"You wrote 'I'm not tired' right?"
"Yeah." He smiled again out of habit although, again, Minseok was facing the opposite way. "Wow you're good at that. I didn't think you would get it"
With that Minseok shuffled and turned over until he was looking directly at Jongdae. "Gee thanks" he laughed.
Silence took over and the two lay there staring at each other and, as they found out, surprisingly close. Once one smiled, the other couldn't help but do the same.
"Wait—Chen..." Minseok gulped and looked up in different directions. "Have you uh.... Got no s-shirt on?"
"Why? Were you looking down there?"
"OH MY GOS—no! I mean—what, no why would I do that—oh god—"
Minseok covered his bright red face.
The younger just laughed, then putting his forehead against minseoks so when he uncovered his face, they were only inches away from their mouths touching.
"Why do you have to be like this?" Minseok chuckled, still red from the embarrassment.
"Be like what? Like this?" Jongdae pressed his lips gently against minseoks own and slowly brought his hand up to cup Minseoks cheek.
He swore he heard the older murmur slightly onto his lips, making Jongdae shiver.
'God this was hell of a Good day'
Yifan had, for some reason, expected the panda-look-a-like neighbour to come knocking at the door, or even his friend that seems to bring Junmyeon something new everytime. Yixing was it?
For Yifan, Yixing reminded him of Zitao. Except that Zitao could be bratty and the other Chinese kid seemed well behaved and polite.
After a few days of him not showing up, it felt like Yifan should have gone round, knocked on his door and asked if Zitao was sick or had died because of how not-annoying he was being.
But he didn't because then people could get the wrong idea—thinking that maybe he cared.
Yifan certainly didn't.
[hey, can I speak to you for a second? ]>
<[sure oppa~ I was hoping you'd message me ^^]
Im sorry I promise I will write more on taoris because Ihave an idea what's gonna happen it's just that I'm waiting for the right time to add it in. And yeah... Hunhan is like... Yeah at the moment.
You know what I mean right? Probably not oH wELL
Enjoy the sadness but hopefully the xiuchen boys make up for it because I'm having fun writing them.
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