Cute sulay moment beware
'"Are you two Together?"'
'Of course we aren't...'
'Why would we—'
'That's just...'
Junmyeon sat in the living room alone while Kris is upstairs still in bed from the night before. Junmyeon wasn't doing anything in the room—just sitting in the sofa, still. No tv, no books, no phone, nothing. Even he wasn't quite sure why he wasn't doing anything.
'What would it be like to date lay...?'
Junmyeon couldn't believe his mind just asked that question he wanted to get rid of it but he carried on.
'I bet it would be cute. '
'I bet he would be a cuddly type'
'I bet he would be one of those to buy couple things'
'To buy a big milkshake for us to share.'
'To always keep a smile on to brighten my day'
'I bet he would bring round blankets and movies to watch for rainy days'
'I bet he would like to try new things with me. '
'To cook and bake with me'
'I bet he would bring round food and drinks for me when I felt ill'
'I bet he—'
"Suho?" Yifan stood at the bottom of the stairs with scruffy, messed up hair and wearing joggers and a baggy Shirt. Junmyeon snapped out of that immensely weird moment and twisted round on the sofa to see him.
"Are you not hearing this?" He asked and Junmyeon looked at him confused until he focused only to realise someone was ringing the doorbell.
"Oh..." Junmyeon got up and walked passed Yifan and said 'sorry' as he did. Yifan went back upstairs and left Junmyeon to open the door.
When he pulled the door open, a thin Chinese boy that he had just been thinking about was standing yet again infront of him.
"Hi" Yixing said waving with a smile. The weather was still drizzling from last nights downpour, but Yixing was there to brighten the day.
"O-oh hey... What can I do for you?"
"I brought some things for you or Kris just in case you drank a lot yesterday. I definitely know Luhans head is bothering him. "
"Oh thank you" Yixing handed the bag he held to Junmyeon. "I'm fine but Kris might need these so thanks "
"Want to get a drink with me?" Yixing suddenly suggested.
Junmyeon hesitated before nodding returning one of yixings smiles. "I don't see why not." And with that he picked up his coat from the coat hanger and shoved his wallet into his pocket. He stepped outside and closed the door behind him.
Yixing linked arms with Junmyeon almost straight away and they walked to one of the ' small and cute cafes' down the road as Yixing had described.
When they arrived Junmyeon laughed slightly. Of course it was a cafe decorated in everything baby pink and baby blue and baby yellow. It stood out to the other building around it; it was bright and happy looking.
Just like Yixing.
They sat down inside and ordered a hot chocolate each.
"This place sure does attract attention" Junmyeon commented as he examined the room.
"It does. Which is why I like it" Yixing smiled attracting Junmyeon who then focused back on him. "Why are you staring?" Yixing giggled. "Do you not like it?"
"W-what—no—I mean yes of course I like it"
"You're just saying that"
"No honeslty! I like it. I do i promise"
"Okay it's fine if you don't though" he laughed which made Junmyeon smile.
Once they finished the drinks, Yixing brought two cupcakes to take out for luhan and ZiTao. Grabbing the bag the box was in, Yixing met Junmyeon at the door then began walking home.
As Junmyeon expected Yixing linked arms and happily chatted along with him. Junmyeon thought he had just about gotten used to the boy clinging on to him like this. In fact he liked it.
However something he did not expect was to feel another hand slide down his arm and slip in to his own.
'Did what I just think happen.. Actually happen?' Junmyeon thought in his head as he didn't dare to look down.
Yixing was still talking. Junmyeon glanced down at their hands and bit his lip. He forced himself not to go red but you could probably still see a little bit of pink on Junmyeons cheek.
'Did he do this without realising?'
The two carried on walking, Yixings hand still holding junmyeons.
Junmyeon's fingers were itching to intertwine with Yixing. Now he wasn't really listening to what Yixing was saying, instead he was trying to decide whether to risk it or not.
He made his decision.
Junmyeon finally held the boys hand back.
He slid his fingers in-between Yixings and gently rubbed his thumb across Chinese boy's hand.
Boy was he probably sweating and overheating but he did it. And Yixing noticed.
How did Junmyeon know?
Because he stopped talking, looked up into junmyeons eyes, when he did, and smiled shyly.
Baekhyuns eyes peeled apart when he felt the throbbing of his headache. His vision was still blurry with all the sleep in eyes.
Baekhyun attempted to sit himself up although he was half blind. He brought his left arm up and rested it on what he guessed was the bed and pushed him self up. Baekhyun took his weight off and lurched back when he heard a deep noise that sounded like someone was in pain. But maybe he jumped back too far... Baekhyun hit the floor on his back.
He also made the same pained sounds but sounded more like he was crying.
"Oh my god, Baekhyun! Are you okay?!" A voice came from the bed he swore he was just one.
'It was a bed right?'
Baekhyun rubbed his eyes in order to see. And after a few more blinks he could finally see a better. A bit.
The voice belonged to Chanyeol who was staring down at him from the best, with strands of hair sticking up in all directions.
"Erm.. Yeah I think ... Why are you on my bed?"
"Well, this is actually my bed"
"What..?" Baekhyun scratched his head and looked to the other side of the room. 'Oh yeah. That's my bed..'
"Okay, so why was I on your bed?"
"Uh... You sort of—Erm— crawled on me over night.."
"W-wait what?" Baekhyun let his mouth drop. "For real?"
"So that was you making that noise?"
"Yes" Chanyeol rubbed his stomach "you woke me up by nearly winding me"
"Yah! " Baekhyun reached to slap him but he dodged it laughing. "I'm not that heavy and I didn't mean to"
Baekhyuns head suddenly felt like it was going to explode. He raised his hands to his head and lay back down on the floor. "It hurts so much!"
"It's because you drank too much pabo! I told you to stop.."
"Did I really drink loads?"
There was a pause before Chanyeol nodded slightly.
"I can't remember how many I had.. Aish that's bad right?"
Chanyeol nodded again.
"Ugh I feel like crap" There was another pause before Baekhyun smacked his hand over his mouth, scrambled up from the floor and ran as best as he could to the bathroom.
Chanyeol instantly got up and followed to help the smaller. He met Baekhyun in the bathroom who was now crouching beside the toilet. Chanyeol didn't like the sound of him throwing up— of anyone throwing up actually; it sort of made chanyeol want to throw up too. But he wanted to help Baekhyun in anyway he could.
"Erm.. Can you leave for a minute? This is kinda of embarrassing and pretty disgusting." Baekhyun asked not facing Chanyeol for obvious reasons. "If prefer if you didn't see me like this."
Just when Baekhyun thought he had left, he saw his tall roommate crouch down next to him with tissues in hand. Chanyeol brought the tissues up to Baekhyun mouth and wiped round it to get rid of all the mess, then chucked it down the toilet and reached for some more off the toilet roll.
Baekhyun looked away from him.
'God this is embarrassing.'
"I'll stay to help you"
When Baekhyun sneaked Glance at Chanyeol He could see he wasn't at ease. Baekhyun knew he didn't like the sight of this,but who did? Chanyeol tried his best not to think about it or look at it. As long as he focused on helping Baekhyun, he should last.
Baekhyun continued to be sick into the toilet while Chanyeol kept his hand on the smallers back, gently rubbing circles over his shirt.
It didn't last long, luckily. But it was bound to happen again throughout the day.
Baekhyun washed his face and mouth thoroughly before the two of them walked out. However something else caught their attention. A boy was asleep on the sofa holding his phone in one hand which was hanging over the edge. It looked as though it would slip any minute.
Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at each other when they realised it was only Jongin, then took his phone of his hands and put it down on the coffee table.
"Why isn't he in his bed?"
"I don't know" replied Chanyeol. "He came back later than us. I think we were asleep when he came back"
"Stayed later? Why?"
Chanyeol smirked "he stayed a bit longer with Kyungsoo. They were like the only ones that didn't drink at all. Well actually Kai had that one glass but that's about it"
"Haha! Oh my god They must become a thing. Kai likes him so much it's unbelievably obvious"
Chanyeol laughed and nodded.
Jongin woke up to a deep laugh not to far away from him. When he sat up and opened his eyes he saw the frustratingly perfect couple-but-not-a-couple (yet) standing in front of him.
"Morning sleeping beauty" Baekhyun says
Jongin ignored him and instantly picked up his phone when he saw it on the table.
"Wow. Rude much"
'Few they hadn't messed with my phone. I don't think they looked through it either'
Jongin skimmed through his messages with Kyungsoo last night. He wasn't quite sure why Kyungsoo had texted him after that night let alone all night.
Jongin remembered thinking that maybe that would mean Kyungsoo had thought been waiting to talk to him since it was almost straight away once they separated. He got excited by the thought but then realised he probably still didn't know who he was through these texts. And not forgetting that he doubted Kyungsoo would rush to text a stranger. 'He probably only messages this number because he had an immensely boring time talking to me in person'
'I most likely bored him'
Jongin had just decided to keep it simple and replied with:
He hoped he wouldn't mention the bar.
<[what have you Been up to today?]
[not much you?]>
<[just came back from meeting with some friends ]
[oh really? Have fun?]>
<[yeah actually. I thought I would feel out of place and just sit there in the corner like usual ]
<[but this time my friends good looking roommate stopped with me at the bar drinking soft drinks while everyone was out of their minds]
Jongin had already read this message more than 8 times already but he was willing to read it again. And he did. And again.
'Did he j-just call me good looking?'
'Did he actually notice me?'
'Does he actually r-remember me?'
<hey oppa~~ ^^ are we going out again soon?? I miss you >w< ]
I want food
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