Yixing had finished his part time job earlier than he usually does and fortunately his work isn't far from the arts school. So on occassions where this happens he will wait for his friend outside of the school and walk home with him.
This time jongdaes singing teacher or something came out with him. 'Whoever he was,' Yixing thought 'He looks friendly and cute—wait what'
"Oh hey, did you get let off work early ?" He smiled
"Yeah, I thought I could walk with you again, if that's alright? " Jongdae looked towards Junmyeon as if to say 'is that okay?' and he nodded back in return.
All three of them walked in a line down each road. They weren't too talkative but then again they weren't the most talkative people in the world. Junmyeon definitely wasn't.
Jongdae had introduced the, to each other to begin with and to Junmyeon, Yixing seemed really nice. He didn't expect him to be just a happy polite person— not to be rude—he just generally didn't think of those qualities. Everytime he smiled or laughed Junmyeon noticed the dimples in his cheeks. He hadn't seen anybody with dimples until now and he aphid to admit they suited him; they looked cute somehow.
"Alrigh, see you later then... Wait lay, which way do you go?" Jongdae said as he was about to turn round the corner the opposite way to Junmyeon.
"The quickest way to go for me is this way" he pointed the same way as Junmyeon. "I'll walk with suho if that's fine with you?" He smiled looking at Junmyeon.
"Erm yeah that's fine, I could do with some company"
"Alright then! See you whenever!" Jongdae said as he was already walking away. Yixing stood next to Junmyeon and they both began to head the other direction.
To begin with the it was slightly awkward especially becuase Jongdae wasn't there, but then Yixing brought up a conversation, which then turned into different subjects. He found it surprisingly easy to talk to Yixing and keep the conversation going.
While deep into a conversation, Yixing stopped exactly when Junmyeon stopped outside his house. Junmyeon thought maybe he just wanted to finish his sentence and then he'll carry on walking...
"Alright, I'll see you some other time then I guess" Junmyeon smiled sweetly and Yixing returned it.
"Yeah, see you around." They both walked up to the two houses next to each other without realising until at they both stood at their doors. "Wait wha—"
"Do you— you live there!?"
"I was about to ask the same question!"
"When? Surely I would know my own neighbour!" He was honestly really shocked! How did he not realise he was living in the house next to him?!
"I've lived here for ages! And again I could say the same thing!" Yixing laughed.
"This can't be happening" for a moment Junmyeon thought he was tricking him, he didn't really life there and he only wanted to see his reaction. I mean, it wasn't because he didn't like Yixing, it's just.... He didn't really know.
" it's not that bad is it?"
"No! I mean, no I didn't mean it in that way... But I—I didn't —I don't know. I'm just gonna ... Erm go now ... Bye" he gave a small, quick and sharp now and rushed to unlock the door. Then he vanished inside before he got a reply.
Yixing was just left outside staring at where Junmyeon had been standing. He sighed then unlocked his own door.
It was the next morning and Yixing had his dance practise and today was the day Luhan was joining him. Luhan was excited and nervous at the same time. Unfortunately he was mostly nervous.
Yixing was all ready and up and had eaten his breakfast by the time Luhan had even woke up. He didn't want to make him late so he tried to be the fastest he could.
While he was eating his breakfast, Yixing was telling him about how this guy called Junmyeon lived there but he didn't even know it. And neither did Luhan—strange.
"He was nice though, I have to admit—very polite! I'm worried I may have made a bad impression... It would be nice to speak to him again" he leant his head in the palm of his hands.
"Hmm, I'll have to meet him, we could invite him over for some dinner or something?" Luhan suggested.
"Urhh I don't think that's a good idea..."
"It's weird... Especially because I only met him yesterday! He's friends with Jongdae too, they quite close."
"Really? Oh how come Jongdae never mentioned him before?"
"I have no idea" he frowned.
Once Luhan had finished eating, he got dressed after deciding what outfit to wear. He went with something casual and grabbed his coat and shoved a few items into his back pack—for just in case. Then he joined yixing and they set off to art school.
At the school, Yixing took Luhan to the cafeteria to get a drink and then to the practise room. As Luhan entered, it was bigger than he thought it would be. There were mirrors as walls and a bar on one of the walls. However on the opposite, there were a few seats like they were there especially for Luhan—he knew they weren't but he liked to think so.
Just minutes after they arrived, two people walked into the room and saw the. They said hi to Yixing but didn't really acknowledge Luhan.
He recognised one of their faces but couldn't put a name to, until Yixing introduced them to him and his friend. Jongin. Kim jongin— that was it, and his friend was called Taemin, Lee Taemin. Jongin had told him to call him 'Kai' and he was sure Taemin said something else but since his Korean wasn't the best—He didn't quite catch it.
Unlike the singing sessions, they had a proper and professional teacher. But according to Jongin, he was usually quite late.
A few more minutes passed and a couple other people walked in and again Yixing introduced them to him. All of them were talking about what the 'six' of them are doing today but as Luhan looked sound the room he saw only five. Clearly someone wasn't hear yet, unless they meant he teacher?
The teacher had came in just a bit later then the rest of them and told them to warm up as soon as he put a foot through the door. As he saw Luhan he welcomed him and speak see whether he had come to join, but yixing Stepped in to explain. The teacher accepted it and moved on.
"Right is Everyone here?" He clasped his hands together, like he was eager to get straight to it.
"No" most of the class said at the same time.
"Oh sehun?"
"Yes sir."
"Thought so"
So that was the sixth person. Oh sehun. Was he always this late?
They had started a little task to get started with before they 'resumed' on what they were doing last time— mostly to see if this sehun would show up.
As Luhan was sat in the corner watching half the class stretching and half of them showing each other how to do a certain move, he could already smell the professionalism just from these small tasks. He was watching his roommate as he saw, in the corner of his eye, a tall figure almost running into the room. He was guessing this was 'Oh sehun'.
A tall and slim boy slowed his pace and placed his bag along with the rest of the classes at the Side of the room. The boy he suspected was sehun still hadn't noticed Luhan was there but he went to join his fellow partners to say hello.
One of the first few things he noticed of the late pupil was his bright bleach blonde dyed hair. It bounced up and down as he came to a stop. Another was his jawline. It wasn't like jongins- sharp edges but it was still strong. Luhan just realised what he was thinking... He shook his head and hoped yixing would introduce him.
And he did.
Yixing had gone up to sehun and pointed over in Luhan's direction. The boy turned round to smile at him and Luhan smiled faintly back.
The teacher had began the lesson, to which Luhan sat and watched. He thought it was amazing—they all performed so well, so hard and they crushed the dance moves. They made it ok easy. Luhan felt slightly jealous of how they could dance so damn well, but he was still happy for his friend. He watched each and individual person on the snake floor to see how they were doing, and still he couldn't believe it ;they were all in sync. Completely in sync! Completely in time, completely professional. Well they looked like it anyway.
It was now their break, where they were allowed to rest and to get refreshments or whatever they needed. First, Yixing came over to see if he was alright and if he needed anything. Then, straight after he turned round and left to talk to the other pupils, sehun came and sat next to Luhan. He didn't look at him to begin with; he was just smiling. 'Why was he smiling?' Luhan thought to himself. As if he heard him, sehun looked at him, but still smiling.
"Hello," he said as he stuck his hand out for Luhan to shake it "I'm oh sehun."
So he did. "Hi"he thought about saying 'I know' but maybe that wouldn't be the best option"I'm Luhan" as shook his hand, Luhan felt the heat radiating off him. He expected him to be sweating immensely especially off his heads and hands but his hands weren't that damp. You could see a few drops on his forehead but he seemed to breathing at quite a normal rate. He must be used to this.
Their hands parted and he asked"So Luhan, what brings you here?"
"Erm well lay thought it would be a good idea to bring me here... He wanted me to join in but for looking at you guys now... I think I'll pass" this made sehun chuckle.
"That's a shame, I'm sure you are just as good as lay"
"Ha, no. I am terrible— no where near lay! Or Jongin! Or you! "
"I—we could help you"
"What?" Luhan looked at him with shock. 'Did he—did he just—?'
"I said we could help you and teach you how to get better" he smiled.
"That's a nice offer... But... I'd probably just embarrass myself."
"Well I—" he was about to finish when the instructor called them back. Sehun stood up and faced Luhan in front of him. "Talk again sometime"he then bowed and jogged off in to the centre of the room.
The group started their routine again and for some reason Luhan's eyes were on sehun. There was something about what just happened, something about the conversation they just had, something about his smile, something about that sentence he didn't finish. Something about him.
He had almost forgotten he was staring, when Sehun glanced over and smirked. Luhan panicked, blinked furiously and looked anywhere but at him. He did his best to try and hide the faint blush of his cheeks.
What did sehun do to him?
Chanyeol and baekhyun had another day at home together since none of them had to be somewhere. They sat watching TV for most of the time with the occasional snacks.
Baekhyun had just came from the kitchen with something to share between the both of them but he had a confused look on his face.
"Yeollie? You know how Kai went out yesterday?" Was what he said first.
"Yeah? He went to dance practise didn't he?"
"Well... He said he did" Baekhyun faced Chanyeol and narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I just saw the calendar and only I have singing sessions on that day. Kai doesn't have dance practise. Well it's said so anyway, I don't know whether they have changed it recently but he hasn't said anything to us about that."
"Then why do you think he went out? And lied to us? There must be a reason!" Chanyeol sat up properly and was eager to find out along with his Hyung.
"I don't know... We'll have to find out somehow..."
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