"Chen?" Minseok poked the boys cheeks and his eyes opened; Jongdae had lay down sideways on the sofa and rested his head on minseoks lap. Minseok didn't mind, in fact he loved it. Obviously, as Jongdae began to get comfy, he didn't expect this to happen and he felt himself burn up, maybe even blush but the room was pretty dimmed so, Luckily, Jongdae was unlikely to see it. At first minseok remained silent, stiff and still but as the younger gradually got more and more sleepy, he too, felt a bit more relaxed.
When Minseok poked him, Jongdae still didn't lift but instead he just raised his head and looked up into his eyes.
"It's getting late, don't you want to go home and rest there?"
"Hmmmmm" Jongdae moaned shuffling slight causing Minseok to tense up again.
"Come on you, you need your beauty sleep " he poked Jongdae face again.
"I don't want to gooooo" Jongdae grabbed minseoks hand and pulled it to his chest, shuffling once more and closed his eyes. "You're comfy"
Luckily for Minseok, Jongdae wasn't looking at him to see that he was becoming red. He couldn't think of any words to say so Minseok stayed there for another minute or so, quietly trying to steady his breaths.
"Chen Chen, you can't sleep on me like this."
"Fine, you go to your bed and I'll stay here. I can't be bothered to go home" he mumbled a reply.
"But you won't be comfy on just the sofa"
Jongdae opened his eyes and gazed up into Minseoks eyes, still a hold of his hand. The corners of Jongdaes lips turned up into a smirk.
"Then would you prefer me to go to bed with you? "
Luhan returned home after sitting at the table alone for a while, he had to pull his jackets hood over his head to hide the evidence that he'd been crying— his red puffy eyes. The bubble tea Sehun had bought him was untouched but instead of throwing it away, he brought it home.
As he stepped through the door and closed if behind him he sighed and rubbed his eyes one last time before entering the living room where Zitao and Yixing were. Luhan walked passed them and into the kitchen to place the bag on the table ready for Yixing to get. As he did so, he felt yixings eyes follow his face so Luhan pulled his hood further over his face at one side.
"Luhan? Are you okay?" Yixing asked as he came back from the kitchen. Zitao looked up to Luhan as he said this, now concerned. Luhan silently nodded.
Before he opened his bedroom door to disappear for another night, his eyes wondered down to the cup of bubble tea still in his hands. Luhan didn't know what to do with it.
Turning back around, Luhan didn't bother to cover up his eyes as he approached Yixing and Zitao and placed the cup on the table, sliding it across to the two of them.
"Here drink this."
"What? Luhan? Are you sure you're okay? " Yixing questioned but Luhan was already on his way back to his room.
"Gege? Do you not want this?" Zitao asked.
"No" was all he said as he vanished into his room and closed the door behind him.
Sehun got home after his day with Eun Mi—he felt exhausted. More than before. He noticed, that Eun mi could be very clingy. Most of the way round the park, Eun mi had her arm linked with sehuns. It's not that Sehun minded... Just it felt like Sehun wasn't allowed to leave. Not that Sehun wanted to... He just felt like maybe it was too much for him. Sehun never grew up with someone who had heavy skinship with him so it seemed strange.
But if he did ask her to be his girlfriend...he supposed he could get used to it. Maybe even like it? Who knew?
Sehun had taken his bubble tea with him around the park, in hope he could drink it then instead of wasting it. It held that small memory of him and Luhan with it.
However it didn't really last long as Eun mi kept asking to have a sip. Once he let her , he stared at the straw she had just used which was the same he had been using previously. Sehun tried to hold back the strange feeling in his stomach. He didn't really want to drink anymore.
He had only just realised that it was basically an indirect kiss. Although Sehun didn't want to, he didn't like the idea.
After that, he chucked it away (even if he didn't want to because of how much precious bubble tea he wasted).
Sehun went straight to the sofa when he was home and took his phone out. Unfortunately no texts from Luhan.
I guess he would just have to message again.
Omg this chapter is so short I'm so sorry I only left it here because I didn't know what else to write for this day, but do not fear I have plans on what will happen in the next chapter and I hope you like iiiiittttt ;;;;;))
I just realised when I read reading some of the first few chapters (so cringy and bad omg) that tao signed up for the school but I never really told you whether he got in or anything. And I never wrote about him getting a letter and stuff... Basically I forgot all about it. Oops. I'll have to put in on the next chapter that he got like a really late acceptance letter or
I don't know my ideas are terrible Aish
And thank you for all your comments and votes on this story I love you all so much ahhhhh!!!!
Here's an a d o r a b l e picture of lil baekhyunnieee before you leave
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