Minseok and Jongdae had gotten closer and closer. If you didn't know them then it would look as if they had been best friends for years.
They had invited each other over to their homes a couple of times. During those nights, they spent their time watching Tv and movies, playing games and eating. In between that they talked about themselves and each other so they got to learn more things about each other which was one of the best parts.
They would hang out whenever Minseok had time off work. They would occasionally even ask Luhan and Yixing if the two of them would like to join, but recently Luhan hasn't been answering their calls and if he did he had simply replied with 'sorry I have stuff on' or 'I'm busy' and Yixing just spent too much time dancing.
This time, they were at the café, like usual, and sat on a table next to the window eating ice cream. It wasn't a summer-like hot day nor was it freezing but they still fancied ice cream whatever the weather turned out to be.
"I hope it doesn't rain" Minseok said after thinking about what the weather forecast said this morning. "I want it to at least stay like this so we can go out more instead of staying inside."
"Hmm." Jongdae replied with a mouth full of ice cream.
"Do you want to come over to mine after this?" I have nothing else to do and it's boring without you" Minseok pouted and Jongdae laughed, poking the olders forehead.
"What if I already have plans?"
"Do you?"
Jongdae paused before answering with a "no"
"Then good, you can come round!"
"Okay" Jongdae grinned. "Shall I buy a meal for us to eat?"
Minseok returned the smile. "I can't say no to that"
Sehun was getting ready to meet Eun mi again. He wasn't planning on asking her to be his girlfriend just yet. Well he was until he left the front door and then decided he would delay it maybe for another day or whenever they next meet. He felt like today wasn't the day or maybe he wasn't ready— he wasn't quite sure.
This time, they would be meeting in the park and would mostly spend their day there together.
Sehun decided to walk it there, as it wasn't that far away from his house. Nor was it too cold either.
Just then as he was more or less half way there, Sehun spotted a familiar small figure across the street where these little local shops and café were set up. Sehun watched him on the other side, hoping luhan would look and see him but the older did not. Instead he carried on walking through the crowd.
'Maybe I can speak to him now?'
'He hasn't been replying to my texts'
'He could have just lost his phone'
'Now is a good time'
'This can't wait—I need to find out if everything's okay'
'I'm sure he'll just be as happy to see me as I am to see him'
Sehun stopped at the edge of the road waiting for a time to cross. By time he ran across the road, getting impatient as Luhan carried on walking, Sehun couldn't see him in sight.
'Where has he vanished too? Aish! I missed my chance!'
"Thank you!" A angelic voice came from not too far up ahead. Sehun spun on his feet to see Luhan leave a small shop with a plastic bag in hand.
Before the boy got out of sight yet again, Sehun dodged through the crowd to get to him.
"Hyung!" No response.
"Luhan hyung!" The older stopped dead in his tracks, so Sehun did the same.
'What? Why did he stop?'
'He did hear me right?'
Then Luhan stiffly turned.
'Why does he look so shocked? Or so— so anxious??'
Sehun walked the rest of the way to Luhan. Luhan seemed to divert his eyes away from mine.
"Hyung" Sehun tried to say cheerfully with a smile but he couldn't help but feel slightly sad. Especially that it looked like Luhan had meant to ignore his texts. "What are you doing here?"
"I-im just getting some—ah—" he looked in his bag asif he had forgot. "Things for Lay and Tao"
"Oh, nice." Luhan nods his head still not really looking at Sehun. "Hyung, why haven't you been answering me? "
"I-i have just been busy.."
'He's lying' Sehun thought. 'Why is he lying?'
'I know something's wrong Luhan why can't you just tell me'
"Can we sit down for a bit, and talk?" Sehun asked hoping maybe he would feel a bit more comfortable sat with Luhan in one of the local coffee shops. "I'll buy you a drink?"
Luhan hesitated before nodding and walked with Sehun into the nearest cafe and sat at the nearest table.
"So erm w-what are you doing around here?" Luhan had said once Sehun sat back down with two cups of bubble tea.
"Well I was walking to meet Eun mi in the park, but I saw you and I had to come over" Sehun smiled.
"Sehun, what time did you say you was meeting her?" Luhan asked but avoided eye contact. Still.
"Ahh... Uh" Sehun checked his phone— he was supposed to be with her at the back by now. Or at least there waiting for her. "Well..."
"You can't let her wait, just go" Sehun looked deeply at luhan; he now appeared angry.
'Why is he angry? Is he angry at me? Did I say something? What did I say that was wrong?'
Luhan brought his plastic bag on to his legs and gripped on to it. "Hyung, I can always tell her I'm running a bit late. She can wait just a litt—"
"No Sehun, you can't treat her like that! Especially if you want her to be your goddamn girlfriend! Just go! I'm fine. I can just take this out and I need to go home now anyway"
'I don't like it when he shouts'
Sehun began to stand up from the table. "Okay... Well I'll see you again right? I still really want to me up... Text me okay?"
Sehun really just wanted Luhan to message him or even better spend time together. He felt as though the reason for Luhan acting weird was something to do with him— as though it's his fault.
But why couldn't he figure it out?
'Can't Luhan just tell me what is the matter? I would be able to help him if he did' Sehun thought as he wondered down the streets to the park.
Sehun felt the need to lie down, maybe have a nap or some more bubble tea.
He didn't really feel like meeting in the park anymore either. It was nothing to do with Eun mi; he just felt exhausted already.
He told his self that when he sees Eun mi, he should be feeling better in no time.
Once Sehun had left, luhan dropped his head to the table with watery eyes.
'Why did I shout?! I'm such an idiot'
Luhan could have kept Sehun from meeting Eun mi, but he knew deep down that that isn't how you should treat a girl and if he did, then he wouldn't be able to contain his guilt.
Although he disliked the girl and Sehuns plan to ask her out, Luhan couldn't exactly tell the younger could he?
"I didn't mean to get angry" Luhan sobbed into the now wet table.
"Ugh why did you have to come? I was just about doing fine until you came"
Baekhyun thought about it. And he thought about it some more. And thought about it again.
'Chanyeol loves me?'
'I mean I don't want to assume anything but what Jongin said... And when I asked him... He didn't deny it? '
Baekhyun had to admit, although he was slightly nervous about the whole thing, he kinda liked being... liked?
He wondered if he genuinely made Chanyeol laugh. If he made chanyeols stomach whirl everytime he saw him, just like what it says in books and how it's like in the movies. If his smile made chanyeols day better. If when he got closer, his heart raced just how it's like in the dramas. If Chanyeol felt all these things the same way as Baekhyun felt them for him.
'Wait what'
'N-no nonono.'
'This isn't right. Surely?'
"Aish! When do I do any of those things!? It can't be?!" Baekhyun squealed into a pillow he picked up from sitting on the sofa.
A second later Chanyeol himself comes into the room. "I have an idea what to watch tonight!" Bakehyun looked up from his pillow and saw Chanyeol with a big goofy, hella cute, grin. He also held a spoon and happened to be wearing an apron. It didn't take a second before Baekhyuns heart thumped and smiled back. He almost started giggling becuase of what Chanyeol was wearing— he had said he was going to attempt to make a good meal tonight for the three of them.
"Yah baek, stop staring."Chanyeol said with a slight blush.
Baekhyun faced the tv which had been playing for ages, but he never really payed attention.
'Staring? Who's staring? I wasn't staring'
Chanyeol chuckled and disappeared back into the kitchen. Baekhyun grabbed his pillow once again and throws himself on to the floor, his head buried into the cushion and rolled around.
"Aigoo! This can't be happening!? "
Hope this chapter is okay
It's a bit feely with the hunhan but then the cute chanbaek and Xiuchen makes up for it right?
There's not very many parts ahhhhh I need to write more what is this
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